Tompakova Nazgul

Tompakova Nazgul

Master of natural science

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of "General Physics"

Email: n.tompakova@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Experience: 2016-up to now: Satbayev University, Senior Lecturer, Department of Engineering Physics. 2008-2016: Kazakh-British Technical University, assistant, tutor, Head of the physics laboratory, senior lecturer at the Department of Geology and Earth-Physics. 2004-2008: Physics and Mathematics Lyceum #90 of Almaty, teacher of physics and astronomy. 2003-2004: Kazakh-British Technical University, laboratory assistant and methodologist of the Natural Science Department, teacher of physics at the Preparatory Department. 2002-2003: Gymnasium #120 of Almaty, teacher of physics and astronomy. 

Activity: education

Teaching disciplines: Physics-1, Physics-2, Physics-3, Applied Physics, Strength of Materials, Liquid Mechanics, Physicochemical Processes of Condensed Matter, Engineering Physics-1,2, Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, Theoretical mechanics, Fundamentals of vacuum technology, Thermodynamics (in Kazakh, Russian, English).


Al-Farabi Kazakh State University, special department of the Faculty of Physics, (bachelor's degree), physicist, assistant translator of technical English.

Al-Farabi Kazakh State University, Master's degree in special department of the Faculty of Physics, Department of Optics and Plasma Physics, Master of Physics.

Satpayev University, 2-nd year of Doctoral Program, specialty "Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology", Department of Engineering Physics.

Scientific projects

Participation in the implementation of the fundamental research project "Development of the scientific foundations of creating new materials and methods for their analysis to obtain films with desired useful properties", scheduled for 2017-2020, where my doctoral dissertation is being carried out under the third and forth section of the Project. Research is being conducted on the basis of the LLP “Institute of Physics and Technology” in Almaty (Alatau district). Thesis: "The study of the influence of short-term plasma exposure to reducing, oxidizing and inert gases on the composition and structure of thin SnO2 films."


1.BIRTH AND FUSION IN A SOL-GEL PROCESS WITH LOW DIFFUSION/ Temiraliev A.,Tompakova N., Fedosimova A., Dmitriyeva E., Lebedev I., Grushevskaya E., Mukashev B., Serikkanov A./132 ISSN 1811-1165 (Print); 2413-2179, Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, 2020, Vol.17, No.1(33)/ Engineering. Technique, Devices, Physical Methods of Experiment.

2.The effect of three-minute exposure of oxygen plasma on the properties of tin oxide films./E.A. Dmitriyeva , I.A. Lebedev , E.A. Grushevskaya *, D.O. Murzalinov, A.S. Serikkanov , N.M. Tompakova , A.I. Fedosimova , A.T. Temiraliev/ Вестник Карагандинского университета/ Серия «Физика». № 3(99)/2020/ DOI 10.31489/2020Ph3/38-45

3.Patent /04.09.2020/ FOR UTILITY MODEL/Sn02 жұқа мөлдір пленкасының кедергісін азайту тәсілі/ Способ уменьшения сопротивления тонких прозрачных пленок SnO2/ Method of reducing resistance of thin transparent films of SnO2/ РГП «Национальный институт интеллектуальной собственности» Министерства юстиции Республики Казахстан Город Нур-Султан, проспект Мангилик Ел, здание 57А.

4. Tompakova N.M., Dmitriyeva E.A., Lebedev I.A., Serikkanov A.S., Bondar’ E.A., Mit’ K.A., Fedosimova A.I. Influence of Hydrogen Plasma on SnO2 Thin Films // Materials Today: Proceedings, 2019.

5. Н.М. Томпакова, Е.А. Дмитриева, Е.А. Грушевская, И.А. Лебедев, А.С. Серикканов, Мухамедшина Д.М., Мить К.А. Влияние трехминутной обработки водородной плазмой на структуру и свойства тонких пленок SnO2 // Recent Contributions to Physics, 2019. 

6. Tompakova N., Fedosimova A., Dmitriyeva E., Lebedev I., Mukashev B., Serikkanov A., Temiraliev A. Modeling the formation of pattern fractal structures in thin films of a chemical reaction with diffusion. // Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 2019.

7. Дмитриева Е.А., Грушевская Е.А., Лебедев И.А., Томпакова Н.М., Серикканов А.С. Воздействие водородной плазмы на структуру и свойства пленок SnO2 //II Межд. конф. «Ядерная наука и технологии». Алматы. – 2019. – C.85.

8. Tompakova Nazgul, Dmitriyeva Elena, Lebedev Igor, Serikkanov Abai, Grushevskaya Ekaterina, Mit’ Konstantin. Influence of Hydrogen Plasma on SnO2 Thin Films // INESS the 7th Internation Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Energy Storage Systems. – 2019. Almaty, August 7-9. – P.54.

9. Tompakova N., Fedosimova A., Dmitriyeva E., Lebedev I., Mukashev B., Serikkanov A., Temiraliev A. Modeling the formation of pattern fractal structures in thin films of a chemical reaction with diffusion. // Chaos and structures in nonlinear systems. Theory and experiment. Materials of the 11th international scientific conference. – Караганды. – November 22-23. – 2019. – Р.187-191.

10. Physics 1. Mechanics. Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics. Electricity. Textbook, LAP Academic Publishing, January, 2019 (Учебник по физике на англ. яз. для всех инженерных специальностей, рекоменд. МОН РК).

11. "STRUCTURE OF THE SUR-FACE OF THIN SnO2 FILMS SYNTHESIZED BY SOL-GEL -METHOD", Full author list: E.A. Dmitriyeva; I.A. Lebedev; A.I. Fedosimova; N.A. Tompakova, Ye.Grushevskaya, «Jour-nal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology», January, 2019

12. Исследование влияния химических параметров пленкообразующих растворов на структуру получаемых пленок, Физико-технический институт, Сатпаев Университет, Международная научная конференция студентов и молодых ученых, «ФАРАБИ ӘЛЕМІ» International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists «FARABI ALEMI» Алматы, 8-11 апрель 2019г., Секция №3 Физика конденсированного состояния и наноматериаловедение.

13. Physics ΙΙ. Problems for KMA students. Сборник задач по физике на англ.языке, 100 стр., 8 п.л., Алматы, КБТУ, 2016.

14. Physics Ι. Problems for KMA students. Сборник задач по физике на англ.языке, 128 стр., 8.5 п.л., Алматы, КБТУ, 2015.

15. Вычисление локальных полей в двухкомпонентной плазме. Сборник статей 57-ой Республиканской научной конференции молодых ученых, магистрантов и студентов, посвященное 70-летию КазНУ им.аль-Фараби, Алматы, 2003.