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Tulesheva Gulnara Alipovna

Tulesheva Gulnara Alipovna

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Assistant professor

Head of Department

Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Department of "Higher Mathematics and Modeling"

Email: g.tulesheva@satbayev.111


Professional biography

1. August 1983 - June 1984 Engineer of the rolling production department. OPKB NPO Chermetavtomatika, Karaganda

2. July 1984 - March 1988. Senior laboratory assistant of the department "Higher Mathematics" KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, Almaty

3. April 1988 - November 1989. Assistant, Department of Higher Mathematics, KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, Almaty

4. November 1989 - November 1992. Post-graduate student of the department "Theoretical Mechanics" KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, Almaty

5. November 1992. May 1994. Intern-teacher of the department "Higher Mathematics" KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, Almaty

6. May 1994 - November 2000, Senior Lecturer, Department of Higher Mathematics, KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, Almaty

7. November 2000 - September 2002 Associate Professor, Department of Higher Mathematics and Physics, KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, Almaty

8. September 2002 - August 2005 - Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics »Satbayev University

9. September 2005 - August 2016 - Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics

10. September 2016 to the present - Assoc. Professor, Department of Mathematics"

Lecturer with over 36 years of experience, research engineer. As a leading employee, she participated in a number of scientific and technical projects. The author of more than 80 scientific and methodological works, hundreds of articles in scientific journals, textbooks and monographs. The author of the standard curriculum “Classic boundary-value problems. Numerical methods. Matlab. "He has the honorary diplomas of Satbayev University and Satpayev readings, conducts research work among students who have repeatedly won prizes in mathematical olympiads.

Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Lecturer

A teacher with more than 36 years of experience, an engineer, a researcher. As a lead employee, she participated in a number of scientific and technical projects. Author of more than 80 scientific and methodical works, hundreds of articles in scientific journals, textbooks and monographs. The author of the standard curriculum “Classical boundary problems. Numerical methods. Matlab”. He has certifiates of Satbayev University and Satpaev readings, conducts research work among students who have repeatedly won prizes in mathematical competitions.


1. 1978-1983 Karaganda State University, Department of Mathematics, full-time. Mathematician, teacher, ИВ № 313692

2. 1989-1991 Full-time postgraduate study at Kaz.PTI named after V.I. Lenin. Specialty "Mechanics of a deformable solid"

Scientific projects

1. In 2017, she participated in a competition of scientific and technical projects within the framework of grant research funding for 2018-2020 as a researcher in the field of “Energy and Engineering”: IRN Project: ARO5133806 “Investigation of the reliability of the modified solar installation technology in operating conditions” (24 points). Project Manager Dr. Sc., Professor Bozhanov E.T.

2. In 2016 - 2017 participated in the project as a leading researcher on the project-targeted financing (PCF) project “Development and research of models of the national encryption algorithm based on modular arithmetic” in the RSE “IIVT” KN MES RK.

3. In 2016 - 2018 years. took part in the research department of the department on the topic: “Mathematical modeling of technical and technological processes in the technology of new materials (elastomers, composite materials, ceramites and powder are stronger than steel.” According to the results of the research, together with Prof. Bozhanov ET, Khayrulinny EM , Ibraimkulov AM published textbooks in Russian and Kazakh languages ​​"Modeling of physical processes" in 2016.

4. Took part as a developer and expert of test assignments for students of technical universities for the external assessment of academic achievement (VOUD) and state certification of universities through the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the disciplines “Mathematical Analysis”, “Higher Mathematics”, “Mathematics”.



1. Тулешева Г.А., Сейткулова Ж.Н., Мурзасаимова К.Д. Компьютерное моделирование угнетения скорости одной  ферментативной реакции конкурентным ингибитором при различных концентрациях реагентов на Python. Вестник Satbayev University. 2019-№6. С.850-855

2. Хайруллин Е.М., Тулешева Г.А., Шакуликова А.Т. Об одной граничной задаче тепло – и массообмена. Вестник КазНИТУ, №3, 2019. С.561-567

3. Божанов Е.Т., Тулешева Г.А., Мурзасаимова К.Д. Выпучивание, колебание и амплитудно-частотные характеристики центрального аномального слоя четырех массовой системы в тепло-волновом процессе. Известия научно-технического общества «Кахак», №2, 2019

4. Божанов Е.Т., Толганбаев А.Ж., Тулешева Г.А., Ажибекова А.С. Распределение возмущений после снятия условий под сосредоточенной перерезывающей нагрузкой. Известия научно-технического общества «Кахак», №1, 2019. С. 30-42

5. Божанов Е.Т., Толганбаев А.Ж., Тулешева Г.А., Ажибекова А.С. Математическое моделирование процесса возмущения цепной четырехмассовой системы при перекачке нефти разной вязкости. Известия научно-технического общества «Кахак», №1, 2019. С.17-29

6. Тулешева Г.А., Сейткулова Ж.Н., Мурзасаимова К.Д. Нелинейные динамические процессы в упругих системах с распределенным контактным сухим трением. Известия научно-технического общества «Кахак, №3, 2017. С.75-80,

7. Хайруллин Е.М., Тулешева Г.А., Ажибекова А.С. Multidimensional boundary value problem of heat and mass transfer, when the boundary conditions contain higher-order derivatives». International conference «Actual  problems of analysis,  differential eguations and algebra», Нурсултан, Казахстан, 16-19 сентября 2019 г., стр.161-162

8. Божанов Е.Т., Тулешева Г.А. Об одной модифицированной модели выпучивания рыхленной зоны выработки под действием активной силы. Сборник научных трудов Международной научно-практической конференции «Инновационное развитие горно-металлургического комплекса»,- С.162-166, 18.05-19.05 2017.

9. Хайруллин Е.М., Тулешева Г.А., Сейткулова Ж.Н. О разрешимости особой краевой задачи для бипараболического интегро-дифференциального урав.нения. Международная конференция «Актуальные проблемы чистой и прикладной математики», - С.110-112, №1, 2017

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