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Tynyshtyk K Iskakova

Tynyshtyk K Iskakova

Doctor of Chemical Sciences


Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov

"Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology" Department

Email: t.iskakova@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Doctor of chemical sciences, professor. Until 2016, leading researcher at the Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B. Bekturov. 2016-2019 associate professor of KazNITU named after K.I. Satbayev. Since 2019, professor at the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. Research interests - 1) directed synthesis of biologically active substances; 2) the development of anti-corrosion agents. The author of more than 270 publications.


Doctor of chemical sciences, professor.

1970 - 1975 

Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, Department of Chemistry.

Specialty chemist, chemistry teacher.

1996 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences,

2009 - Doctor of Chemical Sciences,

2010 - professor.

Scientific projects

Head of the grant financing project " Development of innovative water saving technologies using new biopolymer moisture sorbents for arid climate zones" (2020-2021).

Researcher of the PPF “Scientific and technical substantiation of the innovation of the chemical cluster in the field of creating new materials and technologies to increase the efficiency and environmental sustainability of industrial production” (2018-2020).


Over 270 scientific publications.

1. Zhunusbekova N.M., Iskakova T.K., Chinibayeva N.S., Zhaksybayeva Zh.M., Tuiebakhova Z.K., Kashakova G.M., Torekhan N.N. Biocatalytic activity of various biopolymeric complexes with transient metal ions. Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy.- ISSN-1314-7471.-2018.- Vol. 53.- № 1.- P. 9-16. IF Scopus 0,331.

2. Yu V.K., Zhumakova S.S., Praliev K.D., Iskakova T.K., Malmakova A.E., Zazyibin A.G. Vzaimosvyaz «struktura – mestnoanesteziruyuschaya aktivnost» v ryadu proizvodnyih alkinilpiperidina // Proceedings XVIII Inter. Conf. on Science and Technology Russia-Korea-CIS. -2018. - August 26–28, Moscow.-R. 178-183.

3.  Yu V.K., Zhumakova S.S., Praliyev K.D., Malmakova A.E., Iskakova T.K., Zazybin A.G. Сorrelation "structure-anesthetic activity" in a alkinylpiperidin derivatives family// Proceedings XVIII Intern. Conf. on Science and Technology Russia-Korea-CIS. - 2018. -August 26–28, Moscow.-Р. 182-184. (рус.)

4. Patent na poleznuyu model #3552 RK. Kompleks 1-(3-etoksipropil)-4-oktil-4-atsiloksipiperidina, obladayuschiy mestnoanesteziruyuschey aktivnostyu, i poluproduktyi ego polucheniya / Praliev K.D., Yu V.K., Zhumakova S.S., Malmakova A.E., Iskakova T.K., Kadyirova D.M., Smagulova G.S., Amirkulova M.K., Seylhanov T.M.; opubl. 2019, Byul. #4. (рус.)

5. Patent na poleznuyu model #3553 RK. Kompleks 1-(3-etoksipropil)-4-(oktin-1-il)-4-atsiloksipiperidina, obladayuschiy mestnoanesteziruyuschey aktivnostyu, i poluproduktyi ego polucheniya /Praliev K.D., Zhumakova S.S., Yu V.K., Malmakova A.E., Iskakova T.K., Kadyirova D.M., Smagulova G.S., Amirkulova M.K.; opubl. 2019, Byul. #4. (рус.).

6. Zhunusbekova N., Iskakova T., Chinibayeva N., Kashakova G., Torekhan N., Tuiebakhova Z. Characterization of 2-Hydroxyethyl Acrylate - based three - Dimensional networks: Modification, Biocompatibility and Properties //Abs. XXVIII Inter. Conf. on Organometallic Chemistry.- 2018.- 15-20 July, Florence (Italy). -P268.

7. Zhunusbekova N., Chinibayeva N., Iskakova T., Kashakova G., Torekhan N., Tuiebakhova Z. Investigation of the Decomposition Reaction of Hydrogen Peroxide by Model 1. Catalysts Based on IPN-metal Complexes //Abs. XXVIII Inter. Conference on Organometallic Chemistry.- 2018.- 15-20 July, Florence (Italy). –P. 267.

8. Zhunusbekova N., Iskakova T.K., Kusainova G., Chinibayeva N., Seilkhanov T. Tuiebakhova Z., Iskakov R. Synthesis and special studies Chitozan-based polimer three-dimentional structures as a potential biocatalist // 47th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress «IUPAC 2019».- 2019.-  Paris, France.- Р. 505.

9. Zhunusbekova N., Kusainova G., Iskakova T., Chinibayeva N. Design and Properties  of polimer-silicate composite materials // 47th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress «IUPAC 2019».- 2019.-Paris, France. - Р. 506.

10. Iskakova T.K., Zhunusbekova N., Manapova S., Saruarova G., Kinzhybal I., Zhumakova, S. Yu V.Corrosion inhibitors on the basis of azacyclic compounds //18-th IUPAC International Symposium on Macromolecular-Metal Complexes.- "MMC-18".- June 10-13.2019. -Russia, Moscow-Tver-Myshkin-Uglich-Moscow.- Р. 150.

11. Patent na poleznuyu model' №4586 ot 26.12.2019. Kompozicionnyj gel' s iono-obmennymi svojstvami/ ZHunusbekova N.M., CHinibaeva N.S., Iskakova T.K., Kusainova G.K., Tujebahova Z.K., Iskakov R.M.

12. Vasilyuk A.A., Ahmetova G.S., Iskakova T.K., Kozlovskiy V.I., Praliev K.D., Yu V.K. Analgeticheskie svoystva novyih proizvodnyih piperidina: eksperimentalnyie issledovaniya na modeli himicheskogo razdrazheniya// Aktualnyie problemyi meditsinyi: sb. materialov itogovoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Grodno, 2020. ISBN 978-985-595-228-3 (рус.)

13. Malmakova A.E., Yu V.K., Iskakova T.K., P. Dauletbay, Praliev K.D., L.K. Baktyibaeva. Sintez i mielostimuliruyuschaya aktivnost betta-tsiklodekstrinovyih kompleksov proizvodnyih 3,7-diazabitsiklo[3.3.1]nonan-9-ona // Him.-farm. zhurn. - 2020.- T.54.-#6.-S.39-44. DOI: 10.30906/0023-1134-2020-54-6-39-44. (рус.)

14. Zh.A. Koshetova, V.K. Yu, T.K. Iskakova, N.A. Zhumanova, K.M. Beketov, A.E. Malmakova, K.D. Praliyev, T.M. Seilkhanov, K.D. Berlin. Novel 7-Aryliden-3,3a,4,5,6,7-(hexahydro-5-(2-ethoxyethyl)-2-phenyl- 3-aryl-2H-pyrazolo[4,3-c]pyridine Hydrochloride: Synthesis and Structure // Eurasian Chem.-Technol. J., vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 43-50, Mar. 2022. 

15. Gulsara K. Kussainova, Tynyshtyk K. Iskakova, Nurlan S. Khudaybergenov, Nazym M. Zhunusbekova, Nurzhan S. Chinibaeva. ПОЛУЧЕНИЕ И МОДИФИКАЦИЯ ВЗАИМОПРОНИКАЮЩИХ СЕТОК НА ОСНОВЕ ПРИРОДНЫХ ПОЛИМЕРОВ И ПРОИЗВОДНЫХ АКРИЛОВОЙ КИСЛОТЫ // Известия ВУЗов. Серия химия и химическая технология.-2022.-№3. С. 83-90. DOI 

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Potential research studies of doctoral students

Development of organomineral composition ingibiting the process of metal corrosion