Tyshkanbayeva Mansiya Bukarina

Tyshkanbayeva Mansiya Bukarina

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Assistant professor

Associate Professor

School of transport engineering and logistics named after M. Tynyshpayev

Logistics direction

Email: m.tyshkanbayeva@satbayev.111

Professional biography

Information about employment

(name of the organization, institution, years of work, position)

1980- 1987 Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Kazakh SSR Almaty

Researcher of the laboratory "Numerical methods for solving problems of mathematical physics"

Work on the State Committee topic:

Design and creation of pollution monitoring in Almaty

1987-1997 Almaty Power Engineering Institute Almaty

Senior researcher at the Laboratory of Plasma Processes. Work on the topic:

Modeling of transfer processes in plasma flows. Theoretical calculations of obtaining ultrafine powders. Plasma chemical treatment of waste from metallurgical plants. Thermodynamic analysis of plasma chemical treatment of copper smelting waste. In parallel, she taught programming languages at AEU. 2000- 2006 Almaty University of Economics Almaty

Associate Professor, then Professor of the department "Accounting and information systems", head of the direction "Information systems". Teaching of special disciplines in the direction of "Information systems"

2003 -2006 Almaty Concurrently worked as an associate professor of the Department of "Economic Cybernetics" of KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev

From 2006 -2016 . Associate Professor of the Department of "Economic Cybernetics", then since 2013 the department was renamed to "Logistics and Evaluation" of KazNTU, led the direction of "Logistics"

From 1.09.2016 to 31.08.2017 Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

From 14.08.2017 to 1.06.18 Associate Professor of the Department "Business and Management" Satbayev University

From 4.09.2018 to 23.08.2019 Associate Professor of the Department of "Information Technology" ATU

From 2.09.2019 to 08.20 Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Logistics at Turan University

From 1.09.20 to n/a Associate Professor of the Department of "Business Technology" of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


1. Kaz State University (now Al-Farabi Kazakh National University), 1969-1974, physics

2. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, April 13, 1982, Protocol No. 8, Thermophysics - 01.04.14


3. Associate Professor in the specialty "Computer Science, computer engineering and management", October 25, 2011, Protocol No. 7


Scientific projects

Participation in the project "Creation" of Communication and Transfer Centre Logistics ("Logcentre")“ to establish a strategic link between education and production with the financial support of the German Ministry of Education and for the internationalization of science and research of science (project dates 2014 -2016)

Risk management in logistics


1. К. С. Чакеева, Г. С. Муханова, А. У. Калижанова, А. Сейдахметов. Прибор для определения гранулометрического состава зерна с помощью седиментометрического анализа, «Измерительная техника», 2017, № 9, импакт-фактор РИНЦ 0,445 (2015), приложение «Метрология» импакт-фактор РИНЦ 0,500 (2015), стр.69-72

2. Chakeyeva K.S., Mukhanova G.S., Tyshkanbayeva M.B., Kalizhanova A.U., Seydakhmetov A..Instrument for determining the particle size distribution for grain by sedimentometric analysis. Measurement techniques, Vol.60, No.9, December 2017. Импакт-фактор 0.390 Thomson Reuters.

3. Қ.С.Чакеева, М.Б. Тышқанбаева, Г.С. Муханова, Е.Г. Адильханов.Азаматтық авиация жүйесіне білікті мамандар даярлаудың кейбір мәселелері. Вестник КазАТК No 4 (115), 2020 .с. 352-357

4. Mukhanova G.S., Kazhmuratova A.K., Tyshkanbayeva M.B., Tymbayeva Zh.M. The approach to the formation of regional cluster in Almaty region of RK. International academy journal "Web of Scholar", Kiev, Ukraine, 2017, №6(15), p. 21-23, ISSN print - 2518-167X, ISSN online - 2518-1688

5. М.Б. Тышқанбаева, А. Сейдахметов, Экономиканың кластерлік дамуы: ерекшеліктері және басымдықтары, Вестник КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, серия «Экономическая», 1 (119) 2016, стр.92-98

6. М.Б. Тышқанбаева, А. Сейдахметов, Тенденции кластерного развития экономики Казахстана, Вестник КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, серия «Экономическая», 2 (120) 2017, стр.84-90, соавртор: Сейдахметов А.

7. Ч.К. Сайлаубаевна, М.Г. Самудиновна, С.К. Унтупов Задача формирования сети поставок с заданной надежностью, Вестник КрасГАУ, Россия, 2015. - № 6. - С. 114-115

8. Seidakhmetov, M.B. Tyshkanbayeva, Trends of cluster development of kazakhstan's economy, журнал «Статистика, учет и аудит, 3(70) 2018, стр. 62-68

9. М.Б. Тышқанбаева, А. Сейдахметов, Казахстанский опыт формирования и развития рынка земли. Инновационная экономика и общество, Россия, Омский государственный университет путей сообщения (ОмГУПС), 1 (27) 2020

10. М.Б. Тышқанбаева, А. Сейдахметов, Социально-экономические аспекты реализации проекта «Эко-номический пояс Новый шелковый путь» в Казахстане, Материалы 14-й Международной научно-практической конференции, часть 1, стр.197-201,  (18-20 мая 2017 г., Красноярск)

11. М.Б. Тышқанбаева, А. Сейдахметов, Қазақстанның жер нарығы:құрылымдық өзгерістер және оны жетілдіру бағыттары, Проблемы-агрорынка-теоретический-и-научно-практический-журнал-1-2020, стр.156-164, 2020, № 1, (ККСОН МОН РК)

12. М.Б. Тышканбаева, Чакеева К.С., Конурбеков М.Ж., Логистикадағы контроллингтің маңызы// Вестник Турана. – 2019. - №4, с. 78-84, (ККСОН МОН РК)

13. ЛевкинГ.Г., Чакеева К.С., Тышканбаева М.Б., Конырбеков М.Ж. Контроллинг және логистикалық тәуекелдерді басқару. Алматы: Изд-во Университет «Туран», 2020.- 156 б.

14. Муханова Г.С.,Тышканбаева М.Б.,Чакеева К.С. Имитационное моделирование системы УЗ композитных материалов на складе в среде GPSS. Вестник КазНТУ, № 3 (109) 20.06.2015,  стр. 276-282