Umbetaly Sarsembin
Senior Lecturer
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
"Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology" Department
Email: u.sarsembin@satbayev.111
Professional biography
2015-2016 – Assistant. Department of “Applied Ecology” of Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev
2016-2017 – lecturer. Department of “Applied Ecology” of Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev
2017-2018 – Senior lecturer at the Department of “Biotechnology and Industrial Ecology” of Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev
2019-2023 – Senior Lecturer. Department of Ecology, Aktobe Regional University named after. K. Zhubanova
2023 to present Senior Lecturer, Department of «Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology»Education
2003-2008 – Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev
Specialty: Applied ecology. Environmental engineer.
2008-2010 – Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev
Specialty: Ecology. master's degree
2010-2013 – Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev
Doctoral studies. PhD
Scientific projects
2020-2022 Grant funding from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. IRN AR08855535 “Development of an online atlas “Elemental status of the population of the Western region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” ResearcherDevelopment of an EIA Feasibility study of the protected area “Kargala” (Aktobe)
“Updating the scheme for the integrated use and protection of water resources in the Balkash-Alakol basin”, “Water Resources Committee of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan” ASPAN-TAU LTD LLP, Almaty, Kazakhstan. (2021). (Researcher)
Modernizing Curriculum towards the goal of UN SDGs for Central Asian Universities Climate Action and Sustainability Development (American Councils, 2022). (Researcher)
U. Sarsembin, R. Juknys, M. Oshakbaev, R. Kazova, A. Dedele, G. Balcius. Chemical pollution of the air around the oil and gas refining complex. Int. chemical Journal. 12(4), 2014. – p. 1509-1526U. Sarsembin, Integrated assessment of air pollution by emissions oil and gas processing complex 8th International Scientific Conference “Applied Sciences in Europe: tendencies of contemporary development”: Papers of the 8th International Scientific Conference. Stuttgart, Germany, October 18, 2014. – Р. 59-66
Mаlik N. Abdikarimov, Khalima Kh. Turgumbayeva, Tuleuzhan I. Beisekova, Irina Z. Lapshina, Umbetaly K. Sarsambin, Maxat Zh. Shanbayev, Zhuldyz U. Abdualiyeva. Research and development of integrated waste management technology of phosphorus industry Journal of chemical technology and metallurgy. Journal of chemical technology and metallurgy № 53, 2018.р.61-67.
U.K. Sarsembin, G.A. Batyrova, G.A. Umarova, N.E. Aikenova. Assessment of Soil Contamination of Aktobe City with Heavy Metals. Bulletin of the Karaganda university Biology. Medicine. Geography series. № 3(107)/2022 Nuriya Aikenova, Umbetaly Sarsembin, Karlyga AlmuratovaWastewater Treatment of Industrial Enterprises from Phenols with Modified Carbonate Sludge. EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 10, Issue 04, pp2244-2254, December 2023
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