Umirova Gulzada Kubashevna
Associate Professor
Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov
Department of Geophysics and Seismology
Email: g.umirova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Gulzada Kubashevna Umirova is currently an associate professor at the Department of Geophysics and Seismology, where she lectures for students studying in the Oil, Gas and Ore Geophysics program.
G.K. Umirova has a doctorate degree in “Geology and exploration of mineral deposits” from Satbayev University (2017). The area of scientific interests is based on the results of studies carried out in the period from 2012 to 2016 based on the results of magnetotelluric soundings on the Karaton-Sarkamys block in order to assess the capabilities of the method in identifying oil and gas promising zones and areas.
Participates in the implementation of projects in the areas of geodynamic monitoring of subsoil, searching for deposits of solid and liquid minerals using electrical prospecting methods. He is a co-author of many production reports. He is a specialist in the field of modeling and interpretation of potential fields. She worked in a scientific project under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Development of a geographic information system to solve the problem of gravimetric monitoring of the state of the subsoil of oil and gas-bearing regions of Kazakhstan based on high-performance computing in conditions of a limited amount of experimental data” (2018-2021).
Umirova Gulzada Kubashevna is a scientist, associate professor with more than 33 years of experience. International business trainer, author of more than 30 courses for workers in the oil and gas and mining industries, consultant and expert on issues related to the use of geological and geophysical data in the study of deep structure, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits. Conducts research in the field of geology and geophysics.
Participates in scientific seminars, international conferences, geophysical congresses, etc. Author of more than 40 scientific works: articles, monographs, teaching aids, including publications with a non-zero impact factor. Hirsch index – 3. Has two copyright certificates and a patent, obtained as a result of scientific research.
State awards, incentives, certificates, etc.:
medal “Aiyryksha enbegi ushin” in 2009,
Certificate from the Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use in 2013
many certificates and encouragements from KazNTU named after. K.I. Satpayeva;
medal on the 85th anniversary of Satpaev University in 2019
letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Teacher's Day (October 2021)
Certificate of honor for the nomination for the best collaboration with a foreign university QS-100: Near Abroad (November 2021)
Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education and Science (September 2022)
Gold medal named after K.I. Satpayev (2022)
ALE "Association of Industrial Geological Organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan", medal Honorary Geologist, October 24, 2023
She graduated with honors from KazPTI named after V.I. Lenin in 1990 with a degree in “Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits” with the qualification “Mining engineer-geophysicist”.
Caspian Public University 6N0706 – Geology and exploration MPI (Master’s degree) 2011-2013 Master of Technical Sciences
In 2013, she entered the Ph.D. at KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev and defended her dissertation for the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) on the topic “Identification of geoelectric heterogeneities in the formations of the sedimentary cover within the Karaton-Sarkamys block based on magnetotelluric sounding (MTS) technology” in 2017 year. The basis of the dissertation work is the results of research carried out in the period from 2012 to 2016 on the basis of direct participation in the production work of the geophysical company SPC GEOKEN LLP.
Scientific projects
Conducts projects in the field of geophysical research and monitoring of the state of the subsoil of developed oil and gas fields. A number of reports on the results of geophysical work on the search for ore deposits have been written. Performs the current project "Development of a geo-information system for solving problems of gravimetric monitoring of the state of the subsoil of oil and gas-bearing regions of Kazakhstan on the basis of high-performance calculations in a limited amount of experimental data". Responsible use Nurseitova A. T. (Cand.t-m-n.)
An approximate list of research topics for doctoral students:
1. Improving the methodology of field work and processing of magnetotelluric sounding data on the example of oil and gas fields in the south-east of the Caspian Basin
2. Scientific and practical aspects of identifying zones of copper-porphyry mineralization in the Zhungara-Balkhash folded region according to the complex of geological and geophysical studies
3. Study of hazardous natural and man-made geological processes on the territory of long-developed oil and gas fields in western Kazakhstan with gravimetric and deformation monitoring
1. Nazirova, A., Abdoldina, F., Dubovenko, Y., Umirova, G. Development of GIS subsystems for gravity monitoring data analysis of the subsoil conditions for oil and gas fields, 18th International Conference Geoinformatics: Theoretical and Applied аspects, Geoinformatics 2019
2. Igibaev, U.A., Umirova, G.K. Possibility of NVSP for a qualitative assessment of fracture porosity in a carbonate massif Engineering and Mining Geophysics 2018 - 14th Conference and Exhibition
3. Jukebayev, M., Umirova, G., Marinenko, V. Results of using Kazakhstan high-precision electro-prospecting equipment for solving ore problems Engineering and Mining Geophysics 2018 - 14th Conference and Exhibition/ 2018
4. Umirova, G.K., Istekova, S.A., Modin, I.N. Results of magnetotelluric surveyon reference geophysical profiles of the Karaton-Sarkamys block in Kazakhstan. Russian Geology and Geophysics 59(1), с. 96-104
5. Jukebaev, M.I., D'Andrea, L., Umirova, G.K., Konakbayev, N.N. Vector IP surveys for generating regional targets for porphyrycopper exploration. New method of areal electrical geophysics. Engineering and Mining Geophysics 2018 - 14th Conference and Exhibition
6. Umirova, G.K., Istekova, S.A., Modin, I.N. Magnetotelluric soundings for estimating the oil- and-gas content of the Mesozoic complex in Western Kazakhstan. Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 71(5), с. 361-367
7. Umirova, G.K., Istekova, S.A., Modin, I.N. Geological interpretation of MT data in combination with GIS data and seismic surveys in caspian depression in Kazakhstan. 7th EAGE Saint Petersburg International Conference and Exhibition: Understanding the Harmony of the Earth's Resources Through Integration of Geosciences. с. 843-847
8. Nazirova, A., Abdoldina, F., Aymahanov, M., Umirova, G., Muhamedyev, R. An automated system for gravimetric monitoring of oil and gas deposits. Communications in Computer and Information Science
9. FN Abdoldina, AB Berlibayeva, GK Umirova. Data processing automation of geodynamic monitoring on an oil and gas field. Joint Release on Materials of the International Scientific Conference
10. SA Istekova, GK Umirova. Characteristics of Seismic Data Used to Study the Reservoir of South Torgay Oil and Gas Basin. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering. 2014
11. Умирова Г.К. , Исмаилова Г.А. , Исагали А.А. Использование инновационных технологий при интерпретации сейсмических данных 3D на примере акустической инверсии.. Журнал. Весник науки и образования 2020. № 9 (87).Часть 2. -С. 14-21
12. Наурызбаев А.М., Умирова Г.К., Berube Pierre. Перспективы использования инновационных технологий в Казахстане при проведении аэромагниторазведки. Журнал: E-SCIO. Издательство: Информационная Мордовия (Саранск). eISSN: 2658-6924. 2020. -11 стр
13. Сакаев А., Умирова Г.К., Berube Pierre. Методика определения подсчетных параметров на основе ГИС-данных на месторождении Акшабулак Центральный. Журнал: E-SCIO. Издательство: Информационная Мордовия (Саранск). eISSN: 2658-6924. 2020. - 15 с.
14. Толеугалиев З.Ж., Умирова Г.К., Berube Pierre. Создание геологической модели юрской продуктивной толщи месторождения Северные Бузачи с целью доразведки на основе комплексной интерпретации данных 3d сейсморазведки и ГИС. Журнал: E-SCIO. Издательство: Информационная Мордовия (Саранск). eISSN: 2658-6924. 2020. - 14 с.
15. On the Solution of the Gravity Direct Problem for a Prism with a Simulated Annealing Approach By F.N. Abdoldina, A.N. Nazirova, Y.I. Dubovenko and G.K. Umirova. Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers. Source: Conference Proceedings, Geomodel 2020, Sep 2020, Volume 2020, p.1 - 5. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.202050014
16. Использование инновационных технологий при интерпретации сейсмических данных 3D на примере акустической инверсии. Умирова Г.К., Исмаилова Г.А., Исагали А.А. Вестник науки и образования 2020. № 9 (87).Часть 2 Москва. 2020
17. О решении прямой задачи гравиметрии для призмы методом имитации отжига. Ф.Н. Абдолдина, А.Б. Назирова*, Ю.И. Дубовенко, Г.К. Умирова. Материалы научно-практической конференции «Geomodel 2020» — Gelendzhik, Russia, September, 7-11, 2020
18. On the solution of the gravity direct problem for a sphere with a simulated annealing approach. Abdoldina, F., Nazirova, A., Dubovenko, Y., Umirova, G. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 2020, 2020-August (2.1), стр. 239–245
19. Solution of the gravity exploration direct problem by the simulated annealing method for data interpretation of gravity monitoring of the subsoil conditions. Abdoldina, F.N., Nazirova, A.B., Dubovenko, Y.I., Umirova, G.K. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 2021, 1(445), стр. 13–21
20. Использование электроразведки МТЗ при выделении перспективных нефтенасыщенных зон, определении их физических и геометрических характеристик на примере месторождения Каражанбас Северный. А.Р.Өмірбаева, Г.К.Умирова, А.Б.Айтасов «Инженерная и рудная геофизика 2021» - Геленджик, Россия, 26 - 30 апреля 2021 г.
21. Основы рационального комплексирования методов геофизики для повышения их геологической эффективности при прогнозировании, поисках и дальнейшем изучении месторождений полиметаллов Центрального Казахстана. Н.Б. Жоныс, Д.Т. Зинединов, Г.К. Умирова. «Инженерная и рудная геофизика 2021» - Геленджик, Россия, 26 - 30 апреля 2021 г.
22. Уточнение характеристик продуктивных горизонтов в меловом и юрском комплексах месторождения Каражамбас с целью оценки фильтрационно-емкостных свойств и характера насыщения. Г.А. Артуров, Г.К. Умирова. «Инженерная и рудная геофизика 2021» - Геленджик, Россия, 26 - 30 апреля 2021 г.
23. Использование специальной высокотехнологичной геофизической аппаратуры (hitech) при анализе механических характеристик, анизотропии и трещиноватости горных пород на примере южной части месторождения Жанажол. GK Umirova, АO Suleimenov - VESTNIK KAZNRTU, 2021
24. Article. STUDY OF THE GREATER KARATAU’S SOUTH-WEST BY RANGE OF GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS IN SEARCH OF THE CRUST-KARST TYPE POLYMETALLIC MINERALISATION. Rakhmanova, S.N., Umirova, G.K., Ablessenova, Z.N. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciencesthis link is disabled, 2022, 2022(1), стр. 76–82
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
1 | Высокоточная аэромагнитометрическая съемка вдоль геотраверса в Шу-Сарысуйском газоносном бассейне | «Нефть и газ» ғылыми журналы | Геология, мұнайхимия, бұрғылау, өндіру, барлау салалары | 2023 |
2 | Физические свойства горных пород как источники аномальных изменений геофизических полей [на примере Северо-Западного Прибалхашья] | Қарағанды университетінің хабаршысы. Биология, медицина, география сериясы | Биологиялық ғылымдар | 2024 |
3 | Review of the current state of knowledge in forecasting and searching for gold deposits in the North-Western Balkhash region | Нефть и газ | Геология, мұнайхимия, бұрғылау, өндіру, барлау салалары | 2024 |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
Потенциалды докторлық ғылыми жобалардың индикативті тізімі:
1. Каспий маңы ойпатының оңтүстік-шығысындағы мұнай-газ кен орындары мысалында магниттік-теллуриялық зондылау мәліметтерін өңдеу және дала жұмыстарының әдістемесін жетілдіру.
2. Жоңғар-Балқаш қатпарлы аймағының порфирлі мыс минералдану аймақтарын барлаудың перспективалық объектілерін өңдеу, түсіндіру және модельдеу кезінде далалық геофизикалық зерттеулердің инновациялық технологияларын және High Tech бағдарламалық қамтамасыз етуді қолдану.
3. Geology-geophysically zertteuler kesheni boyinsha Soltustik-Batys Balkash өңіrіndegi genesis of hydrothermaldy-shҩgіndі altyn-sulfide ken tүzіlіsterіnіn аymақtaryn anyқtaudyң ғғылыми-practicersі.
4. Batys kazakstandagy ұzaқ merzіmdі igerіlgen munai-gaz ken oryndary aumaғyndaғy қauіptі tabiғi zhane technogendik geologylyқ procesterdi gravimetrylyқ zhәne deformatsiyalyқ baқylau arkyly zertu.