Utegenova Assem

Utegenova Assem


Senior Lecturer

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of Technological Machines and Equipment

Email: a.utegenova@satbayev.111


PhD count:

Professional biography

10 / 2013-06 / 2014, Specialist "KazNTU named after KI Satpayev", department - Department of educational work, Center for student creativity,

08 / 2014-08 / 2015, Lecturer, Department of Research and Development, Central Asian University,

09 / 2015-08 / 2016, Assistant to the Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A.Baikonurov, KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev

08/2016-present, Assistant of the Department of TM&O, KazNITU named after KI Satpayev


2009-2013, Kazakh national technical University named after K. I. Satpayev, Technological machines and equipment (by industry), 

2013-2015, Kazakh national research technical University named After K. I. Satpayev, Master's degree, mechanical engineering

2016-2019 Kazakh national research technical University named after K. I. Satpayev, PhD doctorate


A. Sładkowski,  Utegenova A., S. Kuzmin, B. Rakishev, I. Stolpovskikh, Energy advantages of container transport technology in deep careers. Scientifiс bulletin of National Mining University Scientific and technical journal Founded in September 1998 University Nationalmining State Higher Educational Institution, Ukraine, №5 (173), 2019, P.29-34, ISSN 2071-2227, E-ISSN 2223-2362, IF 0,20

Stolpovskikh I., Sladkowski A.,Kolga A.D.,Gavrishev S.E.,Taran I.  Improving the efficiency of using dump trucks under conditions of career at open mining works. Scientifiс Bulletin of National Mining University Scientific and technical journal Founded in September 1998 University national mining State Higher Educational Institution Scopus (Украина) №2 , 2019, стр.36-42, ISBN 2071-2227

Столповских И.Н.,Утегенова Ә.Е. Сладковский А.В.,Абдыкалыкова Р.С. Методика выбора транспортных систем карьеров по энергетическим показателям. Сборник Трудов Международной-практической конференции «Рациональное использование минерального и техногенного сырья в условиях индустрии 4.0» Алматы КазНИТУ  14-15 марта 2019 стр.230-235

Stolpovskikh I., A. Sladkowski,A. Utegenova,K. Elemesov, Determining of the rational capacity of a bunker for cyclic-and-continuous technology in quarries. Scientifiс Bulletin of National Mining University Scientific and technical journal Founded in September 1998 University National mining State Higher Educational Institution Scopus   (Украина) №6 (162) • 2017 стр.29-33, ISBN 2071-2227

Stolpovskikh I., Assem Utegenova, Kassym Yelemessov, Sergey Kuzmin, Aleksander Sładkowski Designing a lifting machine for rock ground transportation from quarries with using of container technology. «VII International symposium of young researchers» Transport Problems Katowice, Poland  2017 С. 851-858, ISBN 978-83-945717-4-0.

Potential research studies of doctoral students

1. Justification of the parameters of the maintenance system and repair of dump trucks.

2. Justification and selection of static characteristics and dynamic parameters of the hydrostatic drive of the feed system of a quarry drilling rig.

3. Justification of the parameters of the belt-rope conveyor for mining enterprises.