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Victoria I Kapralova

Victoria I Kapralova

Doctor of technical sciences

Assistant professor


Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov

"Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology" Department

Email: v.kapralova@satbayev.111


PhD count:

Professional biography

Professional biography: Professor of the Department of Chemical Processes & Industrial Ecology, Doctor of Technical Sciences. In the past, work in the research sector of the Almaty Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (1975-1990), from 1990 to 2007 - work at the Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B.Bekturov, since 2007. Professor Satbayev University. Total experience in the specialty 44 years, scientific and pedagogical experience 41 years. Author of 1 monograph, 1 training manual, more than 200 articles and theses of reports at international conferences, received 21 copyright certificates and patents. Author of numerous sillabuses and educational and methodological complexes on mandatory and elective components of subject-matter disciplines, head of diploma scientific works and projects and master 's theses. Member of Nur Otan Party since 14.11.2012


1969 - 1975

Moscow Orders of Lenin and Red Banner, Chemical and Technological Institute named after D.I.Mendeleyev


Doctor of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.17.01 - Technology of Inorganic substances.

Scientific projects

1. PTF No. 723 УГМ.09: New Technologies for Hydrocarbon and Mining and Metallurgical Sectors and Related Service Industries (2009-2011) - Scientific Head of Subsection;

2. NIP № 757.МОН.ГФ.15.РИПР.43 "Development of technology of processing of non-ferrous metal ores wastes of Kazakhstan on silicophosphate sorption materials" (2015-2017) - executor;

3. PTF No. BR05236302 "Scientific and Technical Justification of Chemical Cluster Innovation in the Field of Creation of New Materials and Technologies for Increasing Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability of Industrial Production" (2018-2020) – Contractor


1. Sholpan N. Kubekova, Viktoria I. Kapralova, & Shamil A. Telkov Silicophosphate sorpbents, based on ore-processing plants waste in Kazakhstan  / International Journal of Environmental & Science Education. – 2016. – vol. 11. – № 12. – р.4985-4996. (Scopus)

2. Kubekova Sh., Kapralova V., Ibraimova G. etc. Enrichment Wastes' Processing of Manganiferous Ores with the Use of Mechanochemical Methods/ International Journal of Environmental&Science Education. - 2016, vol.11, №11, -  P.4855-4869. (Scopus)

3. Sholpan N. Kubekova, Viktoria I. Kapralova, & Gulnur T. Ibraimova Study of silicophosphate materials based on enrichment wastes/ Journal of Chemical Technology & Metallurgy. – 2017. - №3. – Р.566-570 (Scopus)

4. Kapralova V.I., Kubekova Sh.N., Ibraimova G.T., Kussainova M.Zh., Raimbekova A.S., Sharipov K. Research of the possibility of the using of wastes enrichment of gold-containing ores in the process of receiving silicophosphate fertilizers by mechanochemical activation // NEWS of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series Chemistry and Technology. – Almaty: NAS RK, 2019. – №1 (433), January – February. – Р.21-27. ISSN 2224-5286.

5. Sholpan N.Kubekova, Victoria I.Kapralova, Gulnur T.Ibraimova, Ainur S.Raimbekova, Saulet K.Ydyrysheva. Mechanically activated silicon-phosphorus fertilisers based on the natural and anthropogenic raw materials of Kazakhstan, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Volume 162, March 2022, 110518, 2022,

6. Ainur S. Raimbekova, Viktoria I. Kapralova, Angelina K. Popova, Sholpan N. Kubekova. The study of manganese phosphate materials based on enrichment wastes, Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 2022. Volume 57, Iss.1,

7. Ainur Raimbekova, Victoria Kapralova, Sholpan Kubekova. New anticorrosion materials based on wastes of mining enterprises of Kazakhstan // 5 th International Scientific and Technical Internet Conference “Innovative development of resource-saving technologies and sustainable use of natural resources”. Book of Abstracts. - Petroșani, Romania: UNIVERSITAS Publishing, 2022. Р.78-81. ISSN 2734-6935.

8. Патент на полезную модель № 7655. Шихта для получения водорастворимого ингибитора коррозии металлов. Казпатент, № 7655 Бюллетень №2022/0686.2 от 09.12.2022

9. Патент на полезную модель № 7652. Способ получения марганцевого фосфатирующего концентрата. Казпатент, № 7652.Бюллетень №2022/0735.2 от 09.12.2022

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

Creation of new types of phosphorus fertilizers and study of their physico-chemical and fertilizing properties