Yelikbayev Bakhytzhan
Doctor of Biological Sciences
Assistant professor
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
"Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology" Department
Email: b.yelikbayev@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Total work experience in the specialty is 30 years, scientific and pedagogical experience is 26 years. Author of more than 110 educational and methodological developments, articles, abstracts and reports at international conferences. Author of numerous syllabuses and educational-methodical complexes on compulsory and elective components of specialized disciplines, head of diploma research papers and projects and master's theses. The best teacher of the university 2016. Winner of grants for the international educational programs MASHAV (1997), TEMPUS (2000) and Bolashak (2022).
From August 2020 to present, Professor at Satbayev University.
Soil Science-Agrochemistry; (Kazakh National Agrarian University), 1983-1988.
Academic degree, academic title:
- Doctor of biological Sciences (03.00.16-Ecology), 2010;
- Associate Professor (03.00.16-Ecology), 2006;
- Candidate of biological Sciences (03.00.27-soil science), 1996.
Scientific projects
Winner of grants for international educational programs MASHAV (1997), TEMPUS (2000) and Bolashak (2022).
Supervisor: Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2020-2021 IRN: AP08957443 "Scientific substantiation for the selection of plants - hyperaccumulators for phytoremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals in Almaty"
Also works with the following scientific projects:
1) BR21881939 «Development of resource-saving energy generating technologies for the mining and metallurgical complex and the creation of an innovative engineering center» for the period of 2023-2025.
2) 2023-2024 y. Small Grants program (British Council) with the project " Developing Transnational Education (TNE) Partnership Between University of the West of England, UK and Kazakh National Research Technical University (Satbayev University) Kazakhstan".
More than 110 scientific publications and educational and methodological developments, including 12 in the Web of Science and Scopus database.
1. Raikhan Beisenova; Bektemir Zhumashev Kuanyshevich; Gulzhazira Turlybekova; Bakhytzhan Yelikbayev; Anuarbek A. Kakabayev; Samal Shamshedenova; Askar Nugmanov. Assessment of Atmospheric Air Quality in the Region of Central Kazakhstan and Astana //Atmosphere 2023, 14(11), 1601; https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos14111601
2. Yelikbayev, B. K., Pagano, M. C., Mamedov, A. I., & Islam, K. R. (2023). Alfalfa–organic amendments impact soil carbon sequestration and its lability in reclaimed loess. Land Degradation & Development,1–14. https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.4899
3. Lugo, M.A.; Ontivero, R.E.; Iriarte, H.J.; Yelikbayev, B.; Pagano, M.C. The Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Their Associations in South America: A Case Study of Argentinean and Brazilian Cattle Raising Productive Ecosystems: A Review. Diversity 2023, 15, 1006. https://doi.org/10.3390/d15091006
4. B. K. Yelikbayev, Marcela C. Pagano, G. A. Jamalova. Hyperaccumulator plants for phytoredomation of soil contaminated with heavy metals //Bulletin of NAS RK (Вестник НАН РК) 2020. Volume 5, Number 387 (2020), P.34–40. ISSN 1991-3494 (Web of Science, Q4)
5. Marcela C. Pagano, Mohammad Miransari, Eduardo J.A. Corrêa, Neimar F. Duarte, Bakhytzhan K. Yelikbayev. Genomic research favoring higher soybean production // Current Genomics. Volume 21, 8 Issues, 2020 ISSN: 1875-5488 (Online) (Web of Science, Q3)
6. Pagano, M.C.; Correa, E.J.A.; Duarte, N.F.; Yelikbayev, B.; O’Donovan, A.; Gupta, V.K. Advances in Eco-Efficient Agriculture: The Plant-Soil Mycobiome. Agriculture 2017, 7, 14. EISSN 2077-0472. (Web of Science, Q2)
7. Nazymbetova G. Sh., Hausmann A., Yelikbayev B.K., Taranov B.T. Ecological-faunistic review of the geometrid moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) of northern Tien-Shan Mountains //Acta zoologica bulgarica, 68 (2), 2016: 191-198. (Web of Science. Q4)
8. Moldir Beketovna Zhakashbaeva, Yerzhigit Zharylkhasovich Izbassarov, Temirzhan Yerkassovich Aitbayev and Bakhytzhan Yelikbayev. Influence of Crop Rotation Fertilization System on Soil Ecology, Crop Yield and Quality of Vegetables in the South-east of Kazakhstan //Biosciences biotechnology research Asia, April 2015. Vol. 12(1), 201-207. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/bbra/1652. (Scopus)
9. G.Sh. Nazymbetova, B.K. Yelikbayev, B.T.Taranov. New data about Larentiinae (Geometridae, Lepidoptera) of the Kolsai Koldery State National Natural Park and its adjacent areas (Articie) //Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia Volume 12, Issue 1,1 April. 2015, Pages 599-604. (Scopus)
10. Olzhas E. Zholdassov, Bakhytzhan K. Yelikbayev, Nukhtar A. Umbetaliyev and Osman Erol. The level of soil contamination with heavy metals in Almaty Kazakhstan. Ecology, environment and conservation vol. 22 (3): 2016: 1517–1522. (Scopus)
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Potential research studies of doctoral students
1. Study soil carbon sequestration technology for climate change mitigation;
2. Ecological and geochemical features of the soils of the city of Almaty;