Yermekbayeva Sharipa Beysembekkyzy
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Project Management
Department of Foreign Languages
Email: sh.yermekbayeva@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Since 2016 a senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages at Satbayev University.
2012 - 2015 - New Economic University named after T. Ryskulov, senior teacher of "Foreign Languages" department.
2011 - 2012 - Nazarbayev University, instructor of “Kazakh language and literature” department.
2004 – 2009 - Kazakh-British Technical University, lecturer of “Department of languages”.
2009-2011 - Kazakh-British Technical University, senior lecturer of “Department of languages”.
1997 - 2005 - T.Ryskulov Kazakh University of Economics, senior teacher of "Foreign Languages" department.
1991-1994 - "Crystal" training center, teacher of English and Kazakh languages.
1978-1983 - Secondary school named after G.Muratbayev, teacher of English, Chu city, Zhambyl region.
TKT CLIL certificate dated September 2023
1974 -1978 - Alma-Ata Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, specialty – “The English Language”, qualification – a teacher of English.
Ainur Raimbekova, Viktoriya Kapralova, Angelina Popova, Sholpan Kubekova, Amantai Dalbanbay, Aizhan Kalenova, Bekezhan Mustahimov, SharipaYermekbayeva, Sharbanu Myrzabekova. Article: CORROSION BEHAVIOR OF MILD STEEL IN SODIUM SULFATE SOLUTION IN PRESENCE OF PHOSPHATES OF DIFFERENT COMPOSITION. Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy. # 59, February 2, 2024. Scopus Q3
Sharipa B. Yermekbayeva, Elvira K. Zhantelova, Santore A. Gaipova, Aray I. Baizhuma, Aidana A. Zhurgenova. ‘Augmenting the Quality Teaching is Crucial for Teachers’ Regional Academy of Management European Scientific Foundation Institute of Innovation Regional Center for European Integration. Materials of the XII International Scientific-Practical Conference, volume I, UK, Liverpool, January 2-4, 2025. https://www.regionacadem.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=998%3Aq-q-2-4-2025-&catid=6%3A2011-09-05-18-10-49&Itemid=13&lang=ru
Sh.B. Yermekbayeva, B.K. Mussanova, G. Yе. Amirzhanova. Article: “Strengthening the reading skills through national writers’ works” Regional Academy of Management European Scientific Foundation Institute of Innovation Regional Center for European Integration. Innovation Management and Technology in the Era of Globalization: Materials of the X International Scientific-Practical Conference, volume I. Manchester (UK) Manchester, January 4-6, 2023.
Sh.B. Yermekbayeva, E.K. Zhantelova, B.M. Adambekova, G.U. Kunakova, G.U. Kalkabayeva, S.K. Makhambetova. Article: Productiveness of Incorporating the Technical Lexis into IW at Higher Educational Institutions. Regional Academy of Management European Scientific Foundation Institute of Innovation Regional Center for European Integration National Institute of Economic Research. Materials of the VIII International Scientific-Practical Conference Quality Management: Search and Solutions. November 23-25, 2022 Seattle (WA, USA), Volume I, Seattle, 2022
Yermekbayeva Sh. B., Sabyrzhanova A. S. Article: “Challenges faced by technical university students when writing a summary” Regional Academy of Management; European Scientific Foundation Institute of Innovation. International Scientific and Practical Conference “Membership in WTO: Prospects of scientific researches and international technology market” Materials of VII International Scientific-Practical Conference “Membership in WTO: prospects of scientific researches and international technology market”, Materials of VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference, volume II, Canada, Calgary. October 19-21, 2022.
Yershimanova D.O., Yermekbayeva Sh.B. Article: “Organization of students’ independent work in teaching a foreign language in distance learning context” Satbayev Conference-2022. “Trends in modern scientific research» international research and practical conference. SU conference April 12, 2022.
Yermekbayeva Sh.B., Zhubanova Sh.A, Yershimanova D.O., Zhanzhaxinova B.K., Ushurova S.M, “Teaching the Specialty -Oriented Terminology at Higher Educational Institutions”, “Membership in the WTO: Prospects of Scientific Research and International Technology Market”.VI Scientific- Practical Conference, online, October 20-22, 2021 г., Monreal (Canada).
Yermekbayeva Sh.B., Ushurova S.M., “Enriching the students’ professionally oriented vocabulary at a non-linguistic university” III-международная научно-практическая интернет-конференция "Вопросы развитиясфер образования, науки и культуры: теория, практика, опыт", онлайн г. Нурсултан, 17.09.2021 г.
Yermekbayeva Sh.B., Nassimova Zh.M., Ushurova S.M, “Teaching Professional English Through Case Study Is Effective”, "The Europe and the Turkic World: Science, Engineering and Technology" Materials of the VI International Scientific-Practical Conference May 5-7, online, 2021 г., Bursa (Turkey).
Yermekbayeva Sh.B., Yershimanova D.O. “Some ways of overcoming reading comprehension difficulties.” International Academy of education and science (Nur-Sultan city), International scientific and practical internet conference «Innovations in the sphere of education, science and culture”.Conference proceedings, pp. 64-67, December 30, 2019.
Kuzekova Z.S. (Nazarbayev University), Yermekbayeva Sh.B. «Basic approaches to minimize the vocabulary of lexicography during the teaching process», International scientific and practical conference «Integration processes and enhancement of the language status in terms of the modern educational system» organized within the framework “Spiritual Rebirth” state program and the 20th anniversary of Astana. Conference proceedings, pp 245-248. Gumilyev Eurasian National University Astana, October 2018.
Yershimanova D.O, Yermekbayeva Sh.B. “Development of intercultural and communicative competence of students in the educational process of technical universities”, International Round Table Discussion «Social sciences and humanities in the digital world». Collected volume of int. round table discussion pp. 98-101, Satbayev University. April 12, 2018.
Kuzekova Z.S. (Nazarbayev University), Yermekbayeva Sh.B. “Conveying of dynamic spatial relationship in the Kazakh language”, Gumilyev Eurasian National University, International scientific and methodological seminar proceedings, pp140-144, Astana, 2017.Omarova G.Zh., Yermekbayeva Sh.B. “Realities as national and cultural features”, International scientific and practical conference “Formation and Development of Foreign Language Education in RK during 25 years of independence: achievements and tendencies”. Conference proceedings pp 59-64, December 21, 2016.
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