Yerzhan Asel
Associate Professor
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Space Technologies
Email: assel.yerzhan@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Yerzhan Asel Anuarkyzy graduated with honors from the Almaty Institute of Power and Communications (AIPET now AUPET named after G.Daukeev) in 2003 with the qualification "Electronic Engineering Engineer". After graduation, she entered the master's program in the specialty.
In 2004, she got a job as an assistant at the Department of "Electronics and Computer Technologies", as the department and the university as a whole were reorganized, she has worked in the position from assistant to associate professor to the present time.
From 2010 to 2013, she studied at the doctoral program at KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, specialty 6D071900 – Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications.
In 2014, on March 06, she received the approval of an academic degree for a Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty 6D071900 – Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications.
Currently, he is an associate professor at Satbayev University and an associate professor of the Department of Telecommunications Engineering at Energo University.
He has more than 40 publications, about 10 teaching guidelines, 1 textbook, 1 patent.
Yerzhan Asel teaches the disciplines: "Circuit engineering in telecommunications", "Microprocessor and microcontroller devices and systems", "Microelectronics", "Transmission of discrete messages", "Intelligent networks", "Sensor networks", "Fundamentals of digital signal processing".
Coursera: AWS IoT: Developing and deploying an Internet of Things. 07/04/2022y.https://coursera.org/share/448f1565794b5426f492587d906e667f №144-26. «Применение IoT на сетях LTE в промышленности» компании «Motorola Solutions». 72. 22.03.2022-06.04.2022. №22.052.13. «Training Internal Auditors of Quality Management Systems in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 requirements». 12.10.2022.Education
1998 - 2003 y. Almaty Institute of Power and Communications, Faculty of Radio Engineering and Communications
Qualification: Electronic Engineering Engineer
2003 - 2004 y. Almaty Institute of Power and Communications, Faculty of Radio Engineering and Communications,
Academic degree: Master's degree in Radio Electronics and Telecommunications
2010 -2013 y.K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University
Specialty: 6D071900 – Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications
2013 y. Dissertation Council for a group of specialties: 6D060400 – Physics, 6D071900 – Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, 6D072300 – Technical Physics at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), specialty 6D071900 – Radio engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications
PhD diploma No. 0000383
Scientific projects
GF 2023-2025 ИРН AР 19675982 "Development of monitoring of wireless security system of objects based on fiber-optic technologies".Publications
1. Assel Anuarkyzy Yerzhan and Zautbek Kuralbayevish Kuralbayev. Electronic Circuit Responsiveness Determination // World Applied Sciences Journal. 2013. – V.26 (8). – P.1011-1018. DB – Scopus.
2. Assel Anuarkyzy Yerzhan, Zautbek Kuralbaevish Kuralbayev, Gulzada Dauletbekovna Musapirova. Solution of the problem of transient process in the circuit, whose nonlinear element I-V characteristic is a polynomial // Life Science Journal. 2014. V. 11(5s). – P.176 -182. DB – Scopus.
3. A.Naizagarayeva, G.Abdikerimova, A. Shaikhanova, N. Glazyrina, G. Bekmagambetova, N. Mutovina, A.Yerzhan, A.Tanirbergenov. Detection of heart pathology using deep learning methods. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol. 13, No. 6, December 2023, pp. 6673-6680. ISSN: 2088-8708. https://doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v13i6.pp6673-6680. Q2. 65%.
4. A. Alpyssov, N. Uzakkyzy, T. Ayazbaev, R. Moldasheva, G. Bekmagambetova, M. Yessekeyeva, D. Kenzhaliev, A. Yerzhan, A. Tolstoy. ASSESSMENT OF PLANT DISEASE DETECTION BY DEEP LEARNING. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023, 1(2-121), PP. 41–48. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2023.274483 . Q3. 47%.
5. J. Plotkin, N. Almuratova, A. Yerzhan, V. Petrushin. Parasitic effects of pwm-vsi control leading to torque harmonics in ac drives. Energies, 2021, 14(6), 1713. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14061713 . Q2. 73%.
6. A. Abdykadyrov, S. Marxuly, A. Kuttybayeva, N. Almuratova, M. Yermekbayev, S. Ibekeyev, A. Yerzhan, Y. Bagdollauly. Study of the process of destruction of harmful microorganisms in water. Water (switzerland)2023, 15(3), 503. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15030503.Q1. 82%.
7. Yerzhan A.A. APPROXIMATION OF VOLTAGE-CURRENT CHARACTERISTIC OF THE NONLINEAR ELEMENT OF THE CIRCUIT. SCIENCE AND WORLD International scientific journal. 2014. № 3 (7), Vol. I. - P.149-452. Impact factor of the journal «Science and world» – 0.325 (Global Impact Factor 2013, Australia).
8. Yerzhan A.A., Kuralbaev Z.K. Аn approach to the problem solving of sensitivity determining of electronic circuitry. BEST: International Journal of Management, Information Technology and Engineering. –Vol.3, Issue 9, Sep.2015, P.83-94. DB –TR, IF=0.9458.
1 study guide
1. Ержан Ә.Ә. Компьютерлік жүйелер мен желілердің ақпараттық қауіпсіздігі: Оқу/ құралы – Алматы: АЭжБУ, 2015. -152 б. (in Kaz)
1 innovative patent
2. Innovation patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the invention «Гидроагрегат» 26.02.2015 y. № 2015/0277.1.
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