Yskak Ardak Sergazykyzy
Senior Lecturer
Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov
Department of Petroleum Engineering
Email: a.yskak@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Yskak Ardak Sergazykyzy is a senior lecturer at the Petroleum Engineering Department with more than 20 years of experience. In 1995-2000 Studied at KazNRTU named after. K.I. Satpayeva and graduated with honors.
After completing her master’s degree in Oil and Gas Engineering, she successfully defended the topic of her master’s thesis: “Increasing the productivity of wells in the Uzen field by improving hydraulic fracturing using the J-FRAC method.” In 2015, she entered doctoral studies and also successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Development of technology for waterproofing the bottom of oil wells using cementing materials based on liquid glass and microcement” in specialty 6D070800 – “Oil and Gas Engineering.” Taking an active part, she made presentations at scientific international conferences more than once.
She completed a scientific internship in Seoul, South Korea in 2017-2018 at Sejong University, where she conducted scientific experiments in the Petroleum Research Lab of the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources.
Has certificates: OGI Oil and Gas Institute issued on December 20, 2023 on the topics: “Hydrodynamic reservoir modeling as one of the main decision – making tools” and “Modeling methods of obtaining, analyzing of obtaining an decision – making in oil production theory and practice” (AZERBAIJAN), Certificate “Hydrodynamic Simulation in ECLIPSE Blackoil (base and advanced level)” 72 academic hours, Almaty June 2023, Satpayev University; Certificate "Introduction to Generative Artificial Intelligence" 72 academic. hours, December 2023, Almaty, Satpayev University.
Author of more than 40 scientific works, indexed in the Scopus database and recommended by the KKSON RK, also 1 patent, 3 electronic textbooks, 2 teaching aids.
Expert of textbooks on updated standard curricula and programs for the system of technical and vocational, post-secondary education of Human Capital Lead LLP since 2018. As a highly qualified specialist, she is involved by RUMS in the examination of textbooks and teaching aids.
For conscientious work in training highly qualified specialists, Yskak A.S. was repeatedly awarded a Certificate of Honor from KazNRTU (2021), a Letter of Gratitude from the KazNRTU trade union (2022), and Algys Khat from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Astana, 2023).
1995-2000 - Graduated the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev, speciality - "Oil and gas business"
2012-2014 - Graduated the master’s degree in "Oil and gas business", Central Asian University
2015-2018 - Graduated doctoral studies in the specialty 6D070800 - "Oil and gas business", Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev
Scientific projects
Scientific research is devoted to the issues of rational and integrated development of subsoil in the development of oil and gas fields, methods of increasing oil recovery; technologies for maintaining reservoir pressure and increasing the flow rate of oil wells; methods for reducing water cut in oil field wells.
1. “Reconstruction of thermobaric conditions for the evolution of underground subsoil based on studies of liquid inclusions in rock crystals of Upper Paleozoic deposits in the eastern Caspian syneclise” (grant funding for scientific research for 2015-2017.
2. Senior researcher of the GF scientific project “Scientific support of services for nitrogen injection and seismic wave impact on formations to enhance oil recovery”, agreement No. 1609053 dated September 23, 2016 KazNRTU with PetroKazakhstanKumkol Resources JSC;
3. Leading researcher of the scientific project GF AR05130484 “Scientific justification for the creation of an effective integrated technology for maintaining reservoir pressure and increasing the flow rate of oil wells” (grant funding for scientific research for 2018-2022).
4. Leading researcher of the scientific project of the State Fund IRN AP14872219 “Advanced technologies for the production of hydrocarbons and field development by creating elastic energy of formations and variable operating modes of wells.” 2022-2024.
D.Zh.Abdeli, Hugh Daigle, Yskak A.S.,A.S.Dauletov, K. S. Nurbekova Increasing the efficiency of water shut-off in oil wells using sodium silicate. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu (The Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University) № 1, 2021 P. 26-31, ISSN 2071-2227, SiteScore -1.5; Procentil -55, Q2. Abdeli D.Zh., Yskak A.S.,Аdi Novriansyah, Taurbekova A.A. Computer modeling of water conning and water shut-off technology in the bottom hole of oil well. News of the National academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of geology and technical sciences. Vol.5 (431),2018, P. 86-94, ISSN2224-5278, SiteScore -0.8; Procentil -26.
Д. Ж. Абдели, А. С. Ыскак, О. Ж. Рахметов, Т. Лэй, Ц. Ван. Определение оптимальных режимов и параметров технологии ограничения обводненности забоя нефтяных скважин//Труды Сатпаевских чтений «Инновационные технологии – ключ к успешному решению фундаментальных и прикладных задач в рудном и нефтегазовом секторах экономики РК», Алматы.- 2019,Том I.-С 368-372. D.Zh. Abdeli, A.S. Yskak, Аdi Novriansyah, A.A.Taurbekova. Computer modeling of water coning and water shut-off technology in the bottom hole of oil well//News of the national academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Series of geology and technical sciences.- 2018.-No. 5.- P.86-94.
А.С. Ысқақ. Суды оқшаулауда қолданылатын натрий силикат гельдерін бағалау. Вестник КазНИТУ № 4 (128).-2018.- с 123-127. A.S. Yskak. Modeling the formation of coning of bottom water. Труды Сатпаевских чтений Международной конференций «Инновационные решения традиционных проблем: инженерия и технологии» Алматы.-2018.-с 192-196.
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