Zaurbekov Seitzhan
Candidate of technical sciences
Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov
Department of Petroleum Engineering
Email: s.zaurbekov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Professor of the Department of TMaT KazNRTU named After K. I. Satpayev 07.2017 - To the present
Associate Professor of the Department of TME KazNRTU named After K. I. Satpayev 08.2016-05.2017
Associate Professor of the Department of KAZNTU named After K. I. Satpayev 09.2010-08.2016
Director Of the Institute of oil and gas of KazNTU named after K. I. Satpayev 11.2009-09.2010
Vice-rector for educational and methodical work of the Caspian public University 11.2005-08.2009
Tutor of the Department of oil and Gas engineering KBTU 01.2005-11.2005
Director of quality management service of KBTU 05.2004-01.2005
General Director of KK Group Ltd LLP 01.2002-04.2004
Head of Almaty branch of JSC " national accreditation center "(state standard system of the Republic of Kazakhstan) 05.2001-10.2001
Chief specialist of RSE "Kazspetsexport" at the office of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan 12.2000-05.2001
Head of administrative and economic part of KazNTU named after K. I. Satpayev 05.1997-10.2000
Head of the Socio-economic Department of KazNTU named after K. I. Satpayev 02.1996-05.1997
Senior lecturer of the Department of KAZNTU named After K. I. Satpayev 07.1995-02.1996
Teacher of the Department of KazPTI named after V. I. Lenin 05.1990-07.1995
Assistant of the Department of KazPTI named after V. I. Lenin 11.1987-05.1990
Junior researcher of nich KazPTI named After V. I. Lenin 10.1985-11.1987
Engineer nich KazPTI named After V. I. Lenin 11.1982-10.1985
Expert of JSC "Main dispatching Department of oil and gas industry" Mnig RK 11.2004-12.2005
Consultant on oil projects-Senior Manager (rate 0.5) Of the credit analysis Department No. 2 of the credit analysis Department of the Head Bank of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC (ITD No. 631 of 20.06.2005) 06.2004-04.2010
Director of the scientific center "Innovative technologies of sulfur storage and utilization" 04.2011-2018.
1. Higher education -1982-Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V. I. Lenin, specialty - "Drilling of oil and gas wells", Qualification-Mining engineer, Diploma IV No. 293281.
2. Candidate of Science (Engineering) since November 1995.
Scientific projects
His research interests are in the oil and gas industry of Kazakhstan.
There are more than 155 works in total. The Hirsch index 3. Has 37 links to his Google scoll works on works written in Russian.
Scientific projects led by Professor S.A. Zaurbekov over the past 13 years:
1. Household. Research and Development Agreement No.2.842.10 "Open storage of sulfur in Tengiz". The customer is Tengizchevroil company. 2011-2014.
2. State budgetary research No.757.MON.GF.15. RIPR.46 "Development of new methods of open storage of sulfur to reduce harmful effects on the environment." The customer is the Committee on Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2015-2017.
3. State budget Research Project No. 2018/AR05133906 "Creation of a new technology for collecting high-viscosity oils in barns and bottling sites using ultrasonic devices". The customer is the Committee on Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2018-2020.
4. State-funded research AP09261282 - "Increasing the service life of pumps of rod borehole pumping units". The customer is the Committee on Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.2021-2023.
6. Заурбеков С.А., Варисова Э., Адил А. Совершенствование системы смазки опор роторов для глубокого бурения скважин. Издательство: Serenity-Group (Киев), Знание №1, 2017г., 33-41 стр.
7. Заурбеков С.А., Балгаев Д.Е.,Нурсултанов М.Е.,Заурбеков К.С.,Аканова Г.К. Создание новой технологии сбора высоковязких нефтей в амбарах и местах розлива с применением ультразвуковых устройств . Отчет по НИР № АР05133 906 за 2020г. РК, Алматы, № гос. рег. 0118РК00137
8 .Заурбеков С.А., Заурбеков К.С., Балгаев Д.Е. Шариковый клапан глубинного насоса . Патент РК №34582, (KZ). – № 2019/0382.1; заявл. 27.05. 2019; опубл. 18.09.2020.
9. Выбор буровой установки для бурения нефтяных и газовых скважин.Учебник. РК, Алматы, Satbayev University, 2020.
10. Аканова Г.К., Балгаев Д.Е., Заурбеков К.С. Увеличение ресурса работы шариковых клапанов поршневых и плунжерных насосов. MIAB. Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin, 2021; (7):165-175 (Scopus Q3).
12. Исмаилова Д.А., Балгаев Д.Е., Сарыбаев Е.Е. и др. Увеличение ресурса работы насосов штанговых скважинных насосных установок для добычи нефти.Отчет по НИР ИРН АР09261282 за 2021г. РК, Алматы
13. Zaurbekov K., Syzdyrov A., Zaurnekov S., Ismailova J. Study of the effect of a high-velocity steam jet on viscous oil using the SAGD method. Подана статья в “Scletific Publicftion” для публикации в 2022г. (Scopus Q2)
14 . Заурбеков С.А.,Баймухаметов М.А., Заурбеков К.С.Система скважинного термоэлектрического модуля, размещаемого в колонне НКТ.Заявка на изобретение № 2021/0371.1 от 18.06.2021
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
Research area: Oil and gas industry. Drilling and oilfield equipment.The number of doctoral students is 2.
1. 3rd year doctoral student: Balgaev Doszhan Ergenovich. The topic of the dissertation is the study of the operation of valve assemblies of an improved design of rod borehole pumps.
2. 1st year doctoral student: Aksholakov Yertys Bolatkanovich. The topic of the dissertation is Research on the operation of the valve assembly of the new design of the downhole rod pump NB-57-35-12-1