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Zhaksylikova Kulyay

Zhaksylikova Kulyay

Doctor of Education


Institute of Project Management

Department of Kazakh and Russian languages

Email: k.zhaxylikova@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Zhaksylikova Kulay Baimendinovna, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, holder of the State grant «The Best teacher of the University», holder of the State scientific scholarship « Leading scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan»

Zhaksylikova K.B. graduated from the faculty of Philology of Kostanay pedagogical Institute named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR.  1986-1989 she worked there as a teacher. 1989 -1991 years studied at the full-time graduate school of the Department of modern Kazakh language at KazNPU named after Abay.  In 1992 she successfully defended her thesis on «Scientific selection and organization of language material of the Kazakh language» (for Russian departments of non-linguistic universities).

In 1993-1996 she worked as the head of the Department of Kazakh Philology of Kostanay state University named after A.Baitursynov. In 1994 she was awarded  with the title of associate Professor of HAC the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2001, after completing full-time doctoral studies, successfully defended her doctoral thesis on the topic: «Scientific and theoretical foundations of modular teaching of the Kazakh language» (for Russian departments of non-linguistic universities).  In 2008 she was awarded with the title of Professor of HAC the RK.

1998-2004 – associate Professor of the Department of modern Kazakh language and teaching methods of KazNPU named after Abay.

From April 2004 to September 2008 – head of the Kazakh language Department of KazNTU named after K. Satpayev, from 2008 to this day Professor of the Department of «Kazakh and Russian languages».

The total experience of scientific and pedagogical activity of K. Zhaksylikova is about 30 years. Over the years, she has made its contribution to the training of highly qualified engineering personnel for the Republic of Kazakhstan. Professor K. Zhaksylikova prepared candidates of science and masters in the methodology of teaching the Kazakh language, created a scientific school in the field of professionally oriented teaching of the Kazakh language on the basis of innovative technologies.

For merits in the field of scientific, pedagogical and organizational activity Kulay Zhaksylikova was repeatedly awarded diplomas of MES RK, Satpayev University, the medal «For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan».


Higher education. Philology. Kustanai pedagogical Institute named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR, 1983

Postgraduate study. (Theory and methods of teaching the Kazakh language). Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abay, 1991

Doctorate study. (Theory and methods of teaching the Kazakh language). Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abay, 1998

Scientific projects

Zhaksylikova Kulay is a prominent scientist in the field of theory and methodology of the Kazakh language, has research interests in lexicography, terminography, cognitive linguistics and pedagogical psychology. The greatest relevance and significance for the innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan are characterized by research projects carried out in different years under her personal leadership. 

  In 2006-2008 – supervisor of the project «development of remote multimedia complex of teaching the state language of technical specialists(oil and gas, geology, mining, information systems)».  In 2009-2011 – supervisor of the project «Development and development of remote multimedia complex of teaching the state language of technical specialists(metallurgy, construction and architecture, engineering)» in the framework of the Republican budget program 024 «Creating information systems for the development of the state language and other languages of peoples of Kazakhstan» on the order of the language Committee of the Ministry of culture and information of RK.

During the last five years, under her leadership, various projects have been implemented, one of them – on the theme 2191/GF4 «Terminological Kazakh-English-Russian-Turkish-Chinese dictionary of hydrogeology and geoecology» was carried out within the framework of the Republican budget program: 217 «development of science», subprogram 102 «Grant financing of scientific research»; priority: «Intellectual potential of the country»; sub-priority: «Fundamental and applied research in the field of economic, social and humanitarian Sciences for 2015-2017»

 Currently, as a Leading researcher, she is a responsible executor of the Project on «Innovations in special vocabulary in geology, geodesy, geography: unification and lexicography» (supervisor assist. prof. А.Zh.Uderbayev) – According to the budget program: «Grant funding of scientific research»; priority: «Scientific basis» Mangilik El «(education of the XXI century, fundamental and applied research in the field of Humanities)»; sub-priority: «Fundamental and applied research of problems of modernization of public consciousness» for 2018-2020.

Since 2017, being a member of the Methodological and terminological groups under the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he has been directly involved in research and experimental work on the implementation of the state program of gradual transition of the «Kazakh alphabet into Latin».


K. Zhaksylikova regularly publishes in republican publications, as well as in publications near and far abroad, the main results of scientific research are presented in monographs, scientific reports, and have copyright certificates. K. Zhaksylikova has prepared monographs, textbooks, electronic textbooks, terminological dictionaries and teaching aids on topical issues of modern methods of teaching the state language, standard and educational programs that are actively used in the educational process of higher educational institutions of the republic.

1.Казахско-русский и русско-казахский терминологический словарь по нефтеперерабатывающей и нефтегазохимической отраслям.- Алматы «Сардар», 2024.- 912 б.- ISBN987-601-323-424-3. Байбатша А.Б., Удербаев А.Ж., Абдиев К.Ж., Жаксыликова К.Б., Садыков Б.Б., Жонкешов Б.С., Молдабеков М.С., Насибуллин Б.М. – Алматы, 2024. – 912 с.

Publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals included in the Scopus/Web of Science database:

1.On philosophical and other issues in foreign language education. - Assanova, A., Uzakbayeva, S., Abeltayeva, J., Zhaxylikova, K. & Ibraeva, G. - XLinguae 16(3), 109-116.-  DOI: 10.18355/XL.2023.16.03.11; Part of ISSN: 2453711X13378384.

2.Enhancing students' pedagogical potential with practice-oriented courses in teacher education universities.– Ybyraimzhanov,K.Zhaxylikova, K.Koishibaev, M.Omurzakova, А., Ayapbergenova, G. - Journal of Education and e-Learning Research Vol. 10, No. 3, 585-594, 2023.- ISSN(E) 2410-9991 / ISSN(P) 2518-0169;     DOI: 10.20448/jeelr.v10i3.4988

3. The Effect of Using Artificial Intelligence and Digital Learning Tools based on Project-Based Learning Approach in Foreign Language Teaching on Students' Success and Motivation.- A.Azamatova, N.Bekeyeva, K.Zhaxylikova, A.Sarbassova, N.Ilyassova. - International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, - 2023, Vol. 11, No. 6, P.1458-1475  https: // 10.46328/ijemst.3712.; WOS:001097398800006

4. Investigation of future teachers’ digital literacy and technology use skills.- Nurzhanova, S., Stambekova, A., Zhaxylikova, K., Tatarinova, G., Aitenova, E., & Zhumabayeva, Z. (2024).  International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST), 2024, Vol. 12, No. 2, 387-405.;

Publications in scientific journals included in the ККСОН list:

1.Қазақ тілін  қарапайым деңгей студенттеріне оқытуда жиілік сөздікке негізделген жаттығуларды ұсыну жолдары. –  Карбозова Б.Д., Ускенбаева Р.М авторлық бірлестікте. - Абылай хан атындағы Қазақ халықаралық қатынастар және әлем тілдері университеті  «Хабаршысы-Известия» ғылыми журналының «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы -  1(72) 2024. – стр. 364-381- Алматы «Полилингва» баспасы 2023. ISSN 2412-2149 (Print) ISSN 2710-3269 (Оnline). https:// 10.48371/ PEDS.2024.72.1.025 ; index.php/j1/article/view/1120/477

2.Ценностно-смысловые ориентиры в профессиональном образовании студентов гуманитарного педагогического направления. - Вестник “ КазУМОиМЯ имени Абылай хана”, серия “Педагогические науки” - 2 (69) 2023. – стр. 43-55. ISSN 2412-2149 (Print) ISSN 2710-3269 (Оnline); DOI:; https://bulletin-pedagogical. (в соавторстве с Утегенова Б.М., Серикбаева У.Б., Ержанова Ж.Б.)

3. Геодезия терминдерінің аббревиация тәсілі арқылы жасалуы  -Торайгыров Университет «Хабаршысы», филология сериясы. - ISSN 1811-1823- № 4 -133-145 б Павлодар, 2020.  (А.Ж.Удербаевпен авторлық бірлестікте).

4.Екітілді геология, геодезия және география сөздіктеріндегі жаңа терминдердің сипаты // Қ.И.Сәтбаев атындағы ҚазҰТЗУ Хабаршысы.- ISSN - № 6 (2020)-   450-457 бб. (А.Ж.Удербаевпен авторлық бірлестікте).

5.About formation of geodesic terms by abbreviations. А.Байтұрсынұлы атындағы Тіл білімі институтының «Тілтаным» журналы. - 2020. №2.- 35-41бб. (А.Ж.Удербаевпен авторлық бірлестікте)

6.Екі тілді геология терминдерінің сөздігін түзудегі кейбір мәселелер // Институт языкознания им. А.Байтурсынова  КН МОН РК, «Тілтаным» журналы. 2019. №4.  ( А.Ж.Удербаев пен авторлық бірлестікте).

Publications in journals of the far and near abroad

1.Chremotonyms in kazakh mythologems . - Вызовы и тренды мировой лингвистики. - Сборник материалов Казанского международного лингвистического Cаммита. Казань, 16-20 ноябрь,2021 г. - C.107-120.                    (Uderbaev Almas, Uskenbaeva R.).

2.Abbreviation as one of the methods for creating a lexical innovation of the kazakh language (in the field of geodesy) // International OECD Studies Conference on Transformative Educational Sciences held in March 19-21, 2020 in Ankara, Turkey. - All rights of this book belong to IKSAD Publishing House Authors are responsible both ethically and jurisdically Iksad Publications - 2020© Issued: 15.04.2020. -73-82.  ISBN 978-625-7914-89-5. (Uderbaev Almas, Uskenbaeva R.).

 3.Teaching languages to university students in the context of modernization of education. -   2 -ULUSLARARASI BEYDAĞI SOSYAL VE BEŞERİ BİLİMLER KONGRESİ. Kongre Tam Metin Kitabı -    S: 75-80.  10-12 Nisan 2020 / Malatya, Türkiye - ISBN:  978-605-7811-56-1. (Uderbaev Almas, Uskenbaeva R.)

4.Хрематонимы в казахских мифологемах. -Диалектология. Этнолингвистика.Мифология.  Ономастика.Этимология: материалы Международной научной конференции (Уфа, 1-4 ноября 2020). II том. – Уфа: Гилем, 2020. - C.369-378. В соавторстве А.Удербаев, Р.Ускенбаева.

5.Overcoming the language barrier due to culture awareness - 1th International sientific research and innovation congress.- Kazakhstan / Turkey Congress Book., 2021 -. co-authored. ISBN: 978-625-7636-11-7. -P.185-192. (Demeubekova K.K.).

6.Teaching the professional language of technical students in the context of modernization  of education. - Congress Science Committee of  «Al Farabi 1st International Congress on    Social Sciences» for May 11-14, 2017 in Gaziantep, Turkey.-  Р 1324-1330. ISBN – 978-605-9885-18-8

7.О лексико-семантическом способе образования новых терминов в области геологии. -  «Сохранение и развитие родных языков в условиях многонационального государства: проблемы и перспективы» // Материалы IX Международной научно-практической конференция – Казанский Федеральный университет. Казань, Россия. 11-18 стр.- 2018.  в соавторстве с А.Ж.Удербаевым.

8.Лексикографирование диалектной лексики в толковом словаре казахского языка. – Актуальные проблемы диалектологии языков народов России: Материалы XVIII Всероссийской научной конференции (с международным участием). Уфа: ИИЯЛ УФИЦ РАН, 2018. ISBN 978-5-91608-169-5/ Стр.110-116. в соавторстве.

9.  Integration of the cognitive and communicative approach in the practice of language education of students. – AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. Special. ISSUE NO.: 08/01/IV. (2018, VOL. 8, ISSUE 1, SPECIAL ISSUE IV.) ISSN 1804-7890, ISSN 2464-6733 (ONLINE). Article in co-authorship.

10.  Linguistic Problems as Means of Development of Intellectual and Communicative Skills of Law Students. –Journal of Current  Science, Vol. 114, No. 3, ХХ March 2017. Article in co-authorship.  Research articles. In the Scopus database.

11.  Methodological Bases of Professional Competence Formation of the Future Specialists. – Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2017, 12: Page No.: 766-768.  Article in co-authorship.  ISSN: 1816-949X. In the Scopus database. DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2017.766.768

12. Integration of the cognitive and communicative approach in the practice of language education of students. – AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. Special. ISSUE NO.: 08/01/IV. (2018, VOL. 8, ISSUE 1, SPECIAL ISSUE IV.) ISSN 1804-7890, ISSN 2464-6733 (ONLINE). Article in co-authorship.

13.  Linguistic Problems as Means of Development of Intellectual and Communicative Skills of Law Students. –Journal of Current  Science, Vol. 114, No. 3, ХХ March 2017. Article in co-authorship.  Research articles. In the Scopus database.

14. Methodological Bases of Professional Competence Formation of the Future Specialists. – Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2017, 12: Page No.: 766-768.  Article in co-authorship.  ISSN: 1816-949X. In the Scopus database. DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2017.766.768

15.Лексикографирование диалектной лексики в толковом словаре казахского языка. – Актуальные проблемы диалектологии языков народов России: Материалы XVIII Всероссийской научной конференции (с международным участием). Уфа: ИИЯЛ УФИЦ РАН, 2018. ISBN 978-5-91608-169-5/ Стр.110-116. в соавторстве.

16.Integration of the cognitive and communicative approach in the practice of language education of students. – AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. Special. ISSUE NO.: 08/01/IV. (2018, VOL. 8, ISSUE 1, SPECIAL ISSUE IV.) ISSN 1804-7890, ISSN 2464-6733 (ONLINE). Article in co-authorship.

17.Linguistic Problems as Means of Development of Intellectual and Communicative Skills of Law Students. –Journal of Current  Science, Vol. 114, No. 3, ХХ March 2017. Article in co-authorship.  Research articles. In the Scopus database.

18.Methodological Bases of Professional Competence Formation of the Future Specialists. – Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2017, 12: Page No.: 766-768.  Article in co-authorship.  ISSN: 1816-949X. In the Scopus database. DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2017.766.768

Monograph in foreign publications

1.Theory and practice of professional-oriented communication enhancement. –  «East West» Association for Advances Studies and Higher.  Education GmbH. Vienna,   2016. – 128 p. Collective monograph.  

Article title Journal title Direction Year
1 ТIЗIМI 1. Қазақ тілін қарапайым деңгей студенттеріне оқытуда жиілік сөздікке негізделген жаттығуларды ұсыну жолдары. Абылай хан атындағы ҚазХҚ және ӘТУ хабаршысы. Педагогика ғылымдары сериясы Педагогика ғылымдары 2024
2 Ценностно-смысловые ориентиры в профессиональном образовании студентов гуманитарного педагогического направления. Абылай хан атындағы ҚазХҚ және ӘТУ хабаршысы. Педагогика ғылымдары сериясы Педагогика ғылымдары 2023
3 Геодезия терминдерінің аббревиация тәсілі арқылы жасалуы Вестник Павлодарского государственного университета им.С. Торайгырова. Филологические науки 2020
4 Екітілді геология, геодезия және география сөздіктеріндегі жаңа терминдердің сипаты Вестник Казахского национального технического университета им. К.И. Сатпаева. Техникалық ғылымдармен технологиялар / Технические науки и технологии 2020