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Zhanar O. Zhumadilova

Zhanar O. Zhumadilova


Associate Professor

Deputy Director

Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Email: z.zhumadilova@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Deputy Director of the Bassenov Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Satbayev University.

Doctor Ph.D by specialty 6D070900- "Metallurgy", academician (full member) of the International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection (IAELP, St. Petersburg, Russia).

Scientific and pedagogical work experience - 19 years.

Winner of state scientific scholarships for talented young scientists of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2008-2010, 2015-2016.

Since 2005 to 2017 worked at the Department of Life Safety, Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering at KazNRTU named after K.I.Satpayev (in the position from assistant to associate professor), also since 2010 to 2017 worked at the department "Machine-tool building, materials science and technology of machine-building production" as an associate professor.

Under her leadership, 2 master's theses, more than 25 graduate works (projects) of bachelors were defended in the specialties "Life safety and environmental protection", "Materials Science and technology of new materials", "Technology of processing materials by pressure".

Since 2012 to 2017 led lectures, practical, laboratory classes in English in special disciplines of the specialty "Life safety and environmental protection".

Since January 2017, she has been working as Deputy Director for Science of Bassenov Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Satbayev University.

Additional information:

1. Since 2012, she has been working as an editorial board member and reviewer of the International Journal of American Journal of Environmental Protection. New York, USA.

2. Since 2014, she has been working as an editorial board member and reviewer of the International Journal of Materials Science and Applications. New York, USA.

3. Since October 2019, she has served on the editorial board member of the Southern Brazilian Journal of Chemistry, Porto Alegre, Brasil.

She was awarded an honorary diploma of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan in honor of the 75th anniversary of KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev, 2009.

She was awarded the medal “For development of Kyzylorda state university named after Korkyt Ata" in honor of the 75th anniversary of the university, 2012.

She was awarded the jubilee medal "85 years of KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev", April, 2019.


1) 2001-2005. Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata, Petroleum Engineering faculty, Department of “Life safety and labor protection”, specialty 551730- “Life safety”. Qualification - Bachelor of Engineering and Technology.

2) 2005-2007. Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, Institute of Ecology and Economics, Department of "Life safety and labor protection", specialty - 6A0731 - Life safety and environmental protection. Qualification - Master in specialty 6A0731 - "Life safety and environmental protection".

3) 2007-2010. Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, Institute of Metallurgy and Polygraphy, Department of "Metallurgical processes and technology of special materials" and Colorado School of Mines (Colorado, USA), Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science. Doctor Ph.D, specialty 6D070900- "Metallurgy". Double Diploma Education Program.

Associate professor in Materails Engineering.

Scientific projects

1) 2006-2008. The program grant funding 19.02 of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Project: "Study of structural-phase transformations in damped sintered powder alloys." Junior Researcher.

2) 2007-2009. The program "Development of nanoscience and nanotechnology in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2007-2009" by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Project: No. 8.706.N.07: “Development of scientific foundations and technologies for the design and synthesis of nanostructured damping materials”. Junior Researcher.

3) 2013-2015. Grant funding for scientific research for 2013-2015. Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Project: “Development of powdered metallic materials with adjustable density.” Senior Researcher.

4) 2015-2017. Grant funding for scientific research for 2015-2017. Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan . Project: "Development of damping metal materials with a nanostructured coating." Leading Researcher.

5) January 2018 - June 2018. Subproject No.APP-PSCP-I-17/017P Industrial Scientific Research Center of Cooperation “TUMAR” on energy-efficient and environmentally friendly solutions in the construction industry”of the consortium of the manufacturing sector-I for planning within the framework of the project “Fostering productive innovation” Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the World Bank. Co-executor.

6) Scientific supervisor of the project "Thermal insulation coatings based on finely dispersed mineral granular systems" within the framework of "Grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2020-2022 with a implementation period of 27 months" of Committee of Science of the RK.


Author of 100 scientific papers, including 5 innovative patents (copyright certificates) of the Ministry of Justice of Republic of Kazakhstan, 1 monograph “Development of damping multiple alloyed steels” (Germany, 2011), 10 scientific articles in journals on Scopus, Web of Sciences, Clarivate Analytics, more than 30 scientific articles in English, 1-tutorial in English according to the plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Chemistry of waste, industrial sanitation and occupational health” (2016).

1. D.Suleyev, Zh. Zhumadilova, John J. Moore. Development of steels with advanced damping properties. Materials Science & Technology 2009 Conference & Exhibition. October 25-29, 2009. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. P.1747-1756.

2. Zh.O. Zhumadilova, T.E.Utepov. Development of alloys on an iron basis. Conference Proceeding. TMS Annual Meeting. Volume 3, 2010, Pages 753-758. TMS 2010 - 139th Annual Meeting and Exhibition; Seattle, WA; United States; 14 February 2010 through 18 February 2010; Code 80243. ISBN: 978-087339753-7.

3. Zhumadilova Zh.O. Development of Damping Multiple Alloyed Steels. Monograph. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Saarbrucken, Germany. 2011. ISBN 978-3-8443-3162-2. P.138.

4. D.K. Suleyev, Zh.O. Zhumadilova, A.Sh. Bestaev. Mechanical properties of developed forging steels. Bulletin of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. ISSN 1991-3494. Volume 2, Number 354 (2015). 33-37pp.

5. Suleyev D.K., Zhumadilova Zh.O., Kalmurat M.B. Labor protection measures at the welding site. BULLETIN OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. Issue 3. Page  40-43. Published 2014.  

6. Suleyev D.K., Zhumadilova Zh.O. Multiple alloyed damping steel to reduce noise at manufacturing. Bulletin of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Issue 4. 2013. P.3.  

7. E.B. Utepov, E.B. Ten., Zh.O.Zhumadilova and etc.  Damping Metallic Materials with a Nanostructured Coating. Journal “Metallurgist”. January 2017, Volume 60, Issue 9-10, pp 961–966. Springer US.  

8. Unaspekov B.A., Zhumadilova Zh.O. Auelbekov S.S., Taubaldieva A.S., Aldabergenova G.B. Investigation of heat distribution processes on the inner surface of the enclosing structure, taking into account the movement of air in the boundary area between the device and fencing. Periódico Tchê Química.  ISSN 2179-0302. (2019); vol.16 (n°32). GTQ. 341-365p.p. Porto Alegre, RS. Brasil. August, 2019.  

9. Suleyev D.K., Utepov E.B., Zhumadilova Zh.O., Ten E.B. Creation of damping alloys with optimum physical-mechanical properties for geological exploration equipment parts. News of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. 5 (437). September-October 2019. 106-113p.p. Almaty, NAS RK. ISSN 2518-170X (Online), ISSN 2224-5278 (Print).

10. Zhumadilova, Zhanar O.; Kaldybayeva, Saule T.;  Nuruldaeva, Gulzhan Zh.; Kumar, Dauren B. STUDY OF THE THERMOPHYSICAL AND PHYSICAL - MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF HIGH-ALLOYED ALUMINUM CAST IRON CHYU22SH. Periódico Tchê Química.  ISSN - 1806-0374 (Impresso). ISSN - 1806-9827 (CD-ROM).  ISSN - 2179-0302 (Online). LCCN: 2010240735. Vol.16 (n°33). 2019. 30-40 p.p. Porto Alegre, RS. Brasil. November, 2019.

11. Zhumadilova Zh.O. "Chemistry of waste, industrial sanitation and occupational health” for specialty "Life safety and environmental protection". Tutorial. Almaty, 2016. 136p.

12. Zhumadilova Zh.O. Development of alloys on an iron basis. Journals of  Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering. USA. 2010. Vol.9, No.8, рр. 741-747.

13. ZHANAR ZHUMADILOVA; KENZHEBEK AKMALAIULY.  HEAT DISSIPATION AT CEMENT HARDENING. SOUTHERN BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY. June-2020. P.1. Vol.28, n°28. 2020. ISSN - 0104-5431 (Print). ISSN – 2674-6891 (Eletronic). JOURNAL DOI: 10.37633/sbjc. Brasil, Porto Alegre: Grupo Tchê Química.

14. Zhumadilova, Zhanar O.; Selyaev, Vladimir P.; Nurlybaev, Ruslan E.; Orynbekov, Yelzhan S., Sangulova, Indira B. Study Of Energy-Saving Liquid Thermal Insulating Coatings Based On Local Finely Dispersed Systems. Periódico Tchê Química.    ISSN - 1806-0374 (Print). ISSN - 2179-0302 (Online). LCCN: 2010240735. Vol.18 (n°37). 2021. Porto Alegre, RS. Brasil. March, 2021. P. 189. WoS.  В момент подачи и принятии статьи журнал имел Percentille 72% по базе Scopus.

15. Zhanar O. Zhumadilova*, Vladimir P. Selyaev, Ruslan E. Nurlybayev, Yelzhan S. Orynbekov, Indira B. Sangulova and Erzhan I. Kuldeyev. Prediction of Durability of Thermal Insulating Epoxy Coatings with Regard to Climatic Ageing. Polymers 2022, Volume 14, Issue 9, 1650.  WoS, Scopus. Q1. Cite Score - 77. Impact-factor - 4.967. E-ISSN:2073-4360.

16. Zhanar O. Zhumadilova, Vladimir P. Selyaev, Ruslan E. Nurlybayev, Yelzhan S. Orynbekov, Maratbek T. Zhuginissov, Tatyana A. Nizina. Thermal insulation coatings based on finely dispersed mineral granular systems. ISBN 978-601-323-279-9. 178 p. Almaty, 2022. Poly Tech Edition, Satbayev University. Recommended by the Academic Council of the University as a monograph from 25, March, 2022. Monograph.

17. Zhanar O. Zhumadilova*, Ruslan E. Nurlybayev, Yelzhan S. Orynbekov, Aidos A. Joldassov and Malik N. Abdikarimov. Protective Properties of Thermal-Insulation Coatings under Conditions of Long-Term Exposure to Natural Climatic Factors. Coatings, 2022, 12, 1925. WoS, Scopus. Q2, Percentile-62.

18. Ruslan E. Nurlybayev, Maratbek T. Zhuginissov, Zhanar O. Zhumadilova*, Aidos A. Joldassov,   Yelzhan S. Orynbekov and Aktota A. Murzagulova.  An Investigation of the Effects of Additives and Burning Temperature on the Properties of Products Based on Loam. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2022, 12(7), 3352. WoS, Scopus. Q2. Percentile - 77. E-ISSN: 2076-3417.

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