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Zhanzhaxinova Bagdat Kadylbekovna

Zhanzhaxinova Bagdat Kadylbekovna

Master of science in economics


Institute of Project Management

Department of Foreign Languages

Email: b.zhanzhaxinova@satbayev.111

Professional biography

Since June 2004, a lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages at Satbayev University.

1999-2004 – a senior lecturer of the World Languages Department  at KazEU named after Turar Ryskulov.

1996-1999 – a teacher of  the English language at  Almaty College of  Communication.

1989-1996 –  a teacher of  the English language at  Almaty school # 96.


1984-1989 – Alma-Ata Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages , Specialty: “German and English teacher”.

2010-2012 – Kainar University, Master of Economic Sciences.


1.“From the experience of using an interactive whiteboard in teaching LSP”

 Proceedings of the International Satpayev Readings "The Role and Place of Young Scientists in the Implementation of the New Economic Policy of Kazakhstan" KazNTU named after K.I. Satbayev 2015. - Volume I.

2.Logistics and  Business administration (tutorial). Edition of the Kazakh scientific research technical university named after K.I. Satpayev, 2015  UDC 804.0 (075)

3. “Interactive technologies for teaching of  foreign languages  in the system of higher  education”  Collection of scientific articles “Modern system of foreign language education: experience and prospects”, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, June 2016.

4. “The effectiveness of using interactive methods in the process of teaching  foreign languages” Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference “Capitalization of scientific research: means of achievement and results: collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference. Almaty: Almaty Management University, 2017.

5.Teaching the Specialty -Oriented Terminology at Higher Educational Institutions “Membership in the WTO: Prospects of Scientific Research and International Technology Market”.VI Scientific- Practical Conference, online October 20-22, 2021 г., Monreal (Canada)

6. Контекстный метод как один из наиболее эффективных методов обучения иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе. Компетентностно-коммуникативные основы языковой подготовки будущих педагогов-предметников  в полилингвальном образовательном пространстве. Mеждународная научно-практическая интернет-конференция 02 октября 2020 г./ Под ред. Г.А. Кажигалиевой, .Д. Маймаковой. – Алматы: ИП.

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