Zharkimbayeva Gulnara

Zharkimbayeva Gulnara

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of Standardization, Certification and Metrology

Email: g.zharkimbayeva@satbayev.111

Professional biography

2017-2018 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Graphics

2016-2017 Lektor of the Department of Industrial Ecology and Biotechnology

2002-2015 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Graphic Geometry and Graphics

Practical course on the work of an environmentalist at industrial enterprises. 2021 year

Environmental regulation. Environmental standards. Integrated environmental permit. The procedure for conducting an environmental audit. 2021 year

Environmental state control - modern trends. 2021 year

Environmental Code 2021. New legislative requirements in the field of environmental safety and the practice of their application in the oil and gas industry. 2021 year

General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. 2020 year

Environmental management and audit of the enterprise. 2020 year

Environmental management. ISO 14000 Standards System 2020

Types and organization of production monitoring. ISO 14000 Standards System 2020

Environmental management. 2019 year

Environmental Code 2019. New requirements of the legislation in the field of environmental safety and the practice of their application at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry

Utilization of sulfur in the oil and gas industry in 2019

Elimination of accidents with oil and oil products 2019

Environmental state control - current trends May 2019

ST RK ISO / IEC 17025-2018 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories" April 2019

Utilization of sulfur in oil production July 2018

 "KazGerMunai" master class and seminar trainings in June 2017

Seminar-training in the company "KazGerMunai" from 15 to 17 May 2017

Seminar-training in the company "Embaneft" September 13-16, 2015

EGS –solution LLP (combination)

SOFT specialist, teacher April 2007-December 2013

 Engineering company "Oriental" (combination) Consultant - May, 2005-December, 2009

Kazakh-Russian University named after Gumilyov (combination) Senior Lecturer September, 2004-August, 2005

Kainar University (combination) Senior Lecturer September, 2003-August, 2008

Organization name: Almaty Regional Advocacy Office No. 4. Chief Accountant December 1999-August 2000

Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin (KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev)

Lecturer of the Department of Descriptive Geometry and Graphics

December 1985-September 1996

GosSnab KazSSR, KazGlavTyazhMash. Senior Engineer / July 1983-July 1985


1983 / Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.  Lenin,

Physicochemical methods of research of metallurgical processes, metallurgical engineer.

Scientific projects

Performer of the project "Improvement of normalization of discovered, prepared and ready-to-use reserves in the development of mineral deposits" of the program 2018 / BR05235618 "Modernization of technologies and production in the mining and processing industries of the Republic of Kazakhstan". Agreement KazNRTU and Customer N266 of 03/28/2018


1. Influence of uneven production of mining operations and readiness of reserves on the qualitative composition of ore XIII INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL COFERENCE. MODERN EUROPEAN SCIENCE 2018. June 30 - jule 7, 2018

2. The use of bioagents in the metallurgy of noble metals and uranium "Scientific heritage of Sh. Yessenov" INTERNATIONAL SATPAEV READINGS April 12, 2017

3.Cognitive and creative preparation activity of students by engineering personnel International scientific and practical conference "Scientific personnel support for the innovative development of the mining and metallurgical complex" April 27-28, 2017.

4. Aspect of the development of technology for extracting useful components from ash and slag waste from TPPs in the Ekibastuz region. Submitted for publication Vestnik KazNTU No. 4 2016 - Almaty

5. Application of the small sewerage system at the enterprise "AralGaz" LLP. KazNTU Bulletin No. 4 2016 - Almaty

6. Aspects of the use of biotechnology in metallurgy. KazNTU Bulletin No. 4 2016 - Almaty

7. Analysis of assessment indicators and criteria for the impact of enterprises on the environment. Bulletin of KazNTU them. K.I.Satpayev, - No. 1 (107). - S. 51-60 2015

8. Development of technology for extracting useful components from ash and slag waste from TPPs in the Ekibastuz region. WORKS "The role and place of young scientists in the implementation of the new economic policy of Kazakhstan" INTERNATIONAL SATPAY READINGS Volume II, p. 440-446, Almaty, 2015

9. Reducing the impact on the environment by uranium enterprises of APPAK LLP. WORKS "The role and place of young scientists in the implementation of the new economic policy of Kazakhstan" INTERNATIONAL SATPAY READINGS Volume II, pp. 449-455, Almaty, 2015

10. Development of technology for extracting useful components from ash and slag waste from TPPs. WORKS "The role and place of young scientists in the implementation of the new economic policy of Kazakhstan" INTERNATIONAL SATPAY READINGS Volume II, pp. 126-134, Almaty, 2015

11. Ecology and sustainable development in architecture and construction. WORKS "The role and place of young scientists in the implementation of the new economic policy of Kazakhstan" of the INTERNATIONAL SATPAY READINGS Volume II, pp. 141-149, Almaty, 2015

12. Ozindik zhumys kezinde bilim alushynyk tanymdyk zhune shykarmashylyk belsendiligin arttyru. Khabarshy-Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abay, Almaty, 2014. No. 3

13. Environmental characteristics of ash from the combustion of Ekibastuz coals as raw materials for obtaining reagents for wastewater treatment. WORKS "The role and place of young scientists in the implementation of the new economic policy of Kazakhstan" INTERNATIONAL SATPAY READINGS Volume II, p.541-544, Almaty, 2014.

14. Mechanism and kinetics of calcium ferrite formation. Development strategy of the mining and metallurgical complex of Kazakhstan "International scientific and practical conference, KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev, Almaty, 2013  Больше информации об этом исходном текстеЧтобы получить дополнительную информацию, введите исходный текст Отправить отзыв Боковые панели

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