Zhuzbay Kassymbekov
Doctor of technical sciences
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Department of Engineering Systems and Networks
Email: zh.kassymbekov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Professor, Academician of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Inventor of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific and pedagogical experience - 45 years.
1970-1972 - Assistant at the Department of Construction and Reclamation Machines of the Dzhambul Reclamation and Construction Institute;
1972-1976 - Post-graduate student of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Water Management (KazNIIVH);
1977 –1989-Junior, senior scientific associates of the Almaty integrated department;
1986-1989-Head of the sector “Operation of watering systems of KazNIIVH;
1989-1996-Head pasture irrigation department and head. laboratory "Mechanization and operation of watering structures";
1996-2002-Head of the experimental production of KazNIIIVH;
1999-2002-Head. Laboratory "Agricultural Water Supply";
2002-2004 - Deputy. Director of Science of the State Enterprise "KazNIIIVH";
2004-2008- Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Forest, Land and Water Resources, KazNAU;
Since 1.09.2008 - Professor of the Department "Engineering Systems and Networks" KazNITU.
Winner of the educational grant "Best University teacher" in 2011 - MES RK.
The development under the name “Small derivative hydroelectric power station with a hydrocyclone water supply unit” was demonstrated at EXPO-2017. Under the scientific supervision of Kasymbekov Zh.K. 2 doctoral, 9 master's and 14 master's theses are defended. Additional Information.
1. Awarded a medal and a diploma of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO, 2012);
2. The holder of the state grant "The best teacher of the university-2010" MES RK;
3. Member of the International Water Association (IWA, International Water Association), certificate No. 01033520, London, since 2012;
4. Member of the editorial board of the journal “Water and Ecology: Problems and Solutions”, p. 2014 (St. Petersburg, Journal with impact factor);
5. Member of the Dissertation Council for the defense of a doctoral dissertation Phd at TarSU in the specialties of “Land Reclamation, Reclamation and Land Protection”, “Hydrotechnical Building”, since 2016;
6. Expert of the National Agency for Technological Development JSC (Astana), since 2016
1) 1970 - graduated from the Dzhambul irrigation and drainage and construction institute (specialty - mechanization of irrigation and drainage works).
2) 1985 - Moscow Irrigation and Reclamation Institute, candidate of technical sciences, specialty 06.01.02 (specialization "Agricultural water supply and pasture irrigation),
3) 2003- Taraz State University, Doctor of Technical Sciences in the field of specialties 05.23.07 "Hydrotechnical construction", 06.01.02 "Land reclamation, reclamation and land conservation";
4) 2000- Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor, specialty "Technical Sciences");
5) 2010 - academician of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Scientific projects
Main research areas: hydropower, water supply and water intake facilities, water treatment. Completed projects for 2012-2018 (supervisor and executive contractor):
1) "Feasibility study of a small hydroelectric power station with a hydrocyclone water supply system", the program "Targeted development of university science focused on innovative results" (MES RK, 2011-2014);
2) Development and development of technological methods for the restoration and operation of watering mine wells and boreholes (Business agreement with Kazagroinnovation JSC, 2012-2014);
3) Small closed-circuit hydroelectric power station used in sewage treatment plants (MES RK, 2013-2015).
4) Creation of an experimental low-pressure hydraulic turbine and hydrocyclone unit for a small hydroelectric power station, the program “Development of clean energy sources of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2013-2017 within the framework of EXPO-2017” (JSC “Parasat”, 2013-2015;
5) Small derivative hydroelectric power station with a hydrocyclone water supply unit // Preparation and testing of the exhibition operating layout (Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC NK ASTANA EXPO-2017,2016-2017).
6) Development and testing of mini hydroelectric power stations of anti-abrasive performance for local energy supply ”(target program of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan“ Creating the foundations of serial production of Kazakhstan's world-class renewable energy sources ”for 2018-2020).
He is the author of 277 scientific papers, including 48 foreign publications, reports of international conferences, patents, monographs, 8 articles - in journals with impact factor.
1. Kassymbekov Zh.,Zhurinov M., Kassymbekov G. Zh. Mastering and development hydropower in Kazakhstan // Оf the national academy of sciences of the republic of Кazakhstan series of geology and technical sciences , 2019,Volume 3, Number 435 219 – 224 https://doi.org/10.32014/2019.2518-170X.88.
2. Kasymbekov Zh.K., Aldiyar S. Testing a mini-hydroelectric power station of anti-abrasive performance in laboratory conditions. // Journal “Eurasian Scientific Association” T. 2. No. 3 (49). - M., 2019.S. 69-71.
3. Kassymbekov Zh.,Atamanova O. V., Kassymbekov G. Zh. Hydro-electrostation of hydrocyclone type of small power/ // The bulletin of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan, Volume 5, Number 375. –Almaty. 2018, p. 48 – 54(in Eng).
4. Kasymbekov Zh.K. Vacuum cleaning of sewer wells using tractor exhaust gas energy // Water and Ecology: problems and solutions. No. 2 (74). - St. Petersburg, 2018. S. 25-31;
5. Kassymbekov Zh. Improvement of small derivative hydroelectric power station by usinq the hydrocyclone// Scientific and engineering innovative solutions (within the framework of the «One belt,one road» proiekt implementation), NEA RK. – Astana,2018. –p.22.
6. Kassymbekov Zh., Kasymbekov G. Test stand small hydroelectric power station with hydrocyclones // Materials of the ix International research and practice conference «Science, Technology and Higher Education», December 23-24, 2015. - Westwood, Canada 2015, p.262-268.
7. Kassymbekov Zh., Prut’yanova Yu. O. On the water supply and disposal program “Akbulak” for the period of 2011-2020, being realized in Kazakhstan/.//Modern Science:Problems and Perspectives International Conference, United States of America, Las Vegas,NV,April15,2013.
8. Kasymbekov Zh.K., Ni N.P., Botantayeva B.S. Testing of a centrifugal water supply air-separator-desiccant under laboratory conditions. // Journal “Water and Ecology: Problems and Solutions”, No. 2 (58), 2014. –St. Petersburg, 2014. p. 39-44
9. Kasymbekov Zh.K., Kasymbekov G.Zh. An effective way to provide a small hydropower plant with purified water without a settling tank // Journal "Water Management of Kazakhstan", No. 6.-Astana, 2013, p. 35-39.
10. Zh. K. Kassymbekov, O. V. Atamanova, K. K. Alimova, G. Zh. Kassymbekov. Protection of centrifugal pumps from abrasive wear using a vacuum hydrocyclone. Bulletin the National academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan ISSN 1991-3494 Volume 1, Number 383 (2020), P. 6 – 13.
11. M. Zhurinov, Zh. K. Kassymbekov, N. Dyussembekova, E. Siemens, G. Zh. Kassymbekov. Testing of the prototype of mini-hydro power plants of hydrocyclone type in production conditions. News Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan. Series Of Geology And Technical Sciences. ISSN 2224-5278 Volume 1, Number 439 (2020), P. 48 – 55.
12. Kassymbekov Zh., Alimova K., Kassymbekov G. Study of the process of erosion of a micro hydroelectric power plant (hpp) turbines in the form of a hydrocyclone. // PERIÓDICO TCHÊ QUÍMICA, 2020 Vol.17, N.36, p. 527-541.
13. Kassymbekov, Z., Akmalaiuly, K., Kassymbekov, G. Application of Hydrocyclones to Improve Membrane Technologies for Urban Wastewater Treatment. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2021, 22(4), стр. 148–155.
14. Kassymbekov, Z.K., Kassymbekov, G.Zh. Development and testing of a hydrocyclone sand trap for mini hpp. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 2021, 1(445), стр. 91–97.
15. Kassymbekov, Z., Shinibaev, A., Kassymbekov, G. Study of discharge and jump of water flow from water regulatory structures in channels. Journal of Water and Land Developmentthis link is disabled, 2022, 53, стр. 22–29.
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
Improving the efficiency of small hydroelectric power plants by improving the water supply system.
A small closed-circuit hydroelectric power station used at sewage treatment plants.
Creation of an experimental low-pressure hydro turbine and a hydrocyclone unit for a small hydroelectric power station.
A small derivational hydroelectric power station with a hydrocyclone water supply unit (for the Nuralem EXPO-2017 pavilion).
Development and testing of mini hydroelectric power plants of anti-abrasive design for local power supply.