16 january 2808

Djumabayeva Laila Salamatovna

Djumabayeva Laila Salamatovna 

Announcements of protection of theses for a doctor's degree

            Defense of doctoral thesis for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree of Djumabayeva Laila on the theme “Nanodispersed Pd-catalysts on acid-activated and pillared aluminum zirconium montmorilonite in the isomerization reaction of light n-alkanes of oil” on specialty 6D073900 - «Petrochemistry» will take place in Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev.

            The dissertation work was carried out on the basis of JSC "D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Fuel, Catalysis and Electrochemistry".

The defense will be held in Russian.

          Scientific supervisors:

1.     Yeligbayeva Gulzhakhan Zhakparovna - Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, KazNRTU n.a. K.I. Satpayev;

  1.  Zakarina Nelly Askarovna - Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory "Oil Refining Catalysts" of JSC "ITKE" D.V. Sokolsky;
  2. Tretyakov Valentin Filippovich - Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Technological University (Russia, Moscow).


  1. Saginaev Amanzhan Toremuratovich - Doctor of Chemistry, Head of the laboratory of engineering profile "Neftekhimiya", NJSC «Atyrau University of Oil and Gas named after S. Utebayeva»;
  2. Ongarbaev Erdos Kalimullaevich - Doctor of Chemistry, Professor of KazNU named after Al-Farabi.


               The defense will be held on the 19rd of February 2021 at 14:00 at the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satbayev. Adress: 050013, Almaty, 22 Satbayev str., Oil Building, Conference-Hall.

            Website: satbayev.university, e-mail: djumabaevals@mail.ru

             Scientific Secretary: c.t.s., accos.prof. S.A. Zaurbekov. Email: s.zaurbek@mail.ru

Dissertation   /upload/base/research/ogb/2021/03/akesheva-aygul-temirbekovna/Dissertatsiya-Djumabaevoy-L-S-02-03-2021-Po-Gostu.pdf

Annotation /upload/base/research/ogb/2021/01/2-3-ang--Annotatsiya-Djumabaeva-LS-Angl-.pdf 

List of scientific papers /upload/base/research/ogb/2021/01/4--Spisok-nauchnyih-publikatsii.PDF

Review of the advisor /upload/base/research/ogb/2021/01/Otzyiv-nauchnyih-rukovoditeley.pdf 

Review of the foreign advisor  /upload/base/research/ogb/2021/01/Otzyiv-Tretyakov-V-F.docx

Otzyv retsenzenta 1 /upload/base/research/ogb/2021/01/dzhumabaeva-layla-salamatovna/Otzyiv-Ongarbaeva-E-K-.pdf

Otzyv retsenzenta 2 /upload/base/research/ogb/2021/01/dzhumabaeva-layla-salamatovna/Otzyiv-Saginaeva-A-T.pdf

video recording of the meeting  https://youtu.be/2rwx4VlU-0o

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