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Ayaz M Belkozhayev

Ayaz M Belkozhayev


Associate Professor

Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov

Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Email: a.belkozhayev@satbayev.111


Professional biography

2012-2016 - Junior Researcher, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry named after. M.A. Aitkhozhin.

2016 - 2018 - assistant at the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Satbayev University (Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev)

2018 - 2022 - tutor at the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Satbayev University (Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev)

2022 - 2023 - teacher at the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Satbayev University (Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev)

2023 - 2024 - senior lecturer at the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Satbayev University (Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev)

2024 - present - Associate Professor at the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Satbayev University (Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev)

Best University Teacher 2023


2014-2015 Completed a scientific and practical internship at Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea on the topic “Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering”.

2022-2023 As part of the “500 Scientists” project within the framework of the “Bolashak” program, he completed a scientific internship at the University of Liverpool, UK (Life Sciences Industry Liaison Lab).

2022-2023 Completed an online course on Coursera software “Introduction to Genomic Technologies” and “Introduction to Reproduction”.


2009 - 2013

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of "Biotechnology and Biology"

Bachelor of Engineering and Technology, specialty 050701-Biotechnology, No. 0666349

2013 - 2015

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of "Biotechnology and Biology"

Master of Science in Specialty, 6M060700-Biology

2018 – 2021 PhD candidate, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Biotechnology and Biology, specialty 6D060700-Biology

Scientific projects

Scientific projects

- Study of circulating microRNAs as biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases (Ainalymdagy mikroRNA molekalaryn neurodegenerativti aurulardyn biomarkerleri retinde zertteu).


Publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals included in the Scopus/Web of Science database:: 

Ashirbekov Y., Abaildayev Arman., Omarbayeva N., Botbayev D., Belkozhayev A., Askandirova Anel., Utegenova G., Sharipov K & Aitkhozhina N. Combination of circulating miR-145-5p/miR-191-5p as biomarker for breast cancer detection. PeerJ. 2020 Dec 16;8: e10494. doi: 10.7717/peerj.10494. PMID: 33362968; PMCID: PMC7749656. WoS: IF 3.06; Q2; Scopus: CiteScore 5.1; SJR 0.695; SNIP 0.894; Percentile 83.

Belkozhayev AM, Al-Yozbaki M, George A, Ye Niyazova R, Sharipov KO, Byrne LJ, Wilson CM. Extracellular Vesicles, Stem Cells and the Role of miRNAs in Neurodegeneration. Curr Neuropharmacol. 2022;20(8):1450–1478. doi: 10.2174/1570159X19666210817150141. PMID: 34414870; PMCID: PMC9881087.  WoS: IF 7.708; Q1; Scopus: CiteScore 9.4; SJR 1.168; SNIP 1.566; Percentile 92.

Belkozhayev A, Niyazova R, Wilson C, Jainakbayev N, Pyrkova A, Ashirbekov Y, Akimniyazova A, Sharipov K, Ivashchenko A. Bioinformatics Analysis of the Interaction of miRNAs and piRNAs with Human mRNA Genes Having di- and Trinucleotide Repeats. Genes (Basel). 2022 Apr 29;13(5):800. doi: 10.3390/genes13050800. PMID: 35627185; PMCID: PMC9141802. WoS: IF 3.05; Q2; Scopus: CiteScore 5.1; SJR 0.924; SNIP 0.941; Percentile 51.

Bekzhan D. Kossalbayev, Girayhan Yilmaz, Asemgul K. Sadvakasova, Bolatkhan K. Zayadan, Ayaz M. Belkozhayev, Gulzhanay K. Kamshybayeva, Gaukhar A. Sainova, Ayshat M. Bozieva, Hesham F. Alharby, Tatsuya Tomo, Suleyman I. Allakhverdiev, Biotechnological production of hydrogen: Design features of photobioreactors and improvement of conditions for cultivating cyanobacteria // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023. ISSN 0360-3199, WoS: IF 7.139; Q1; Scopus: CiteScore 12.1; SJR 1.318; SNIP 1.423; Percentile 95.

Allakhverdiev ES, Kossalbayev BD, Sadvakasova AK, Bauenova MO, Belkozhayev AM, Rodnenkov OV, Martynyuk TV, Maksimov GV, Allakhverdiev SI. Spectral insights: Navigating the frontiers of biomedical and microbiological exploration with Raman spectroscopy. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2024 Mar;252:112870. doi: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2024.112870. Epub 2024 Feb 15. PMID: 38368635. WoS: IF 5.682; Q2; Scopus: CiteScore 9.1; SJR 0.9; SNIP 1.536; Percentile 83.

Zhakypbek Y, Kossalbayev BD, Belkozhayev AM, Murat T, Tursbekov S, Abdalimov E, Pashkovskiy P, Kreslavski V, Kuznetsov V, Allakhverdiev SI. Reducing Heavy Metal Contamination in Soil and Water Using Phytoremediation. Plants (Basel). 2024 Jun 1;13(11):1534. doi: 10.3390/plants13111534. PMID: 38891342; PMCID: PMC11174537. WoS: IF 4.658; Q1; Scopus: CiteScore 5.2; SJR 0.790; SNIP 1.072; Percentile 83.

Belkozhayev A, Niyazova R, Kamal MA, Ivashchenko A, Sharipov K, Wilson CM. Differential microRNA expression in the SH-SY5Y human cell model as potential biomarkers for Huntington's disease. Front Cell Neurosci. 2024 Jul 10;18:1399742. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2024.1399742. PMID: 39049823; PMCID: PMC11267620. WoS: IF 5.05; Q2; Scopus: CiteScore 5.9; Percentile 78. 

Articles in publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

Belkozhayev A.M., Niyazova R.E., & Ivashchenko, A. T., 2019. The prediction of miRNAs binding sites in CDS mRNA genes having trinucleotide repeats. Experimental Biology, 79(2), 64–74.

Belkozhayev A.M., & Niyazova R.Ye., 2020. The interaction of miR-4258, miR-3960, miR-211-3p and miR-3155b with mRNAs genes of non-polyglutamine trinucleotide disorders. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of biology and medicine, 1(337), 25–32. DOI:10.32014/2020.2519-1629.4.

Belkozhayev A.M., Niyazova R.E.  Wilson C.M. The features of novel miRNAs interaction with mRNA candidate genes having trinucleotide repeats in coding sequences and untranslated regions //International Journal of Biology and Chemistry. Vol 13.  No 2. 2020.

International scientific and practical conferences:

Belkozhayev A.M. and Aitkhozhina N.A., Description of the interactions of mRNA and miRNA genes with non-glutamine trinucleotide disorders. The international scientific conference of young scientists: «Fundamental research and innovations in molecular biology, biotechnology, biochemistry» to the 80th anniversary since the birth of Murat Abenovich Aitkhozhin, Ph.D. thesis. M.A. Aitkhozhin Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. Print Plus, Almaty, Kazakhstan. November 28-29, 2019. p.8.

Belkozhayev A.M. and Niyazova R.Ye., The properties of miRNA interaction with 5’ and 3’ UTR mRNA genes having nucleotide repeats. VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Biotechnology: Science and Practice", Ph.D. thesis. Polzunov Altai State Technical University. Rospechat, Sevastopol, Russian.  September 16-20, 2019. p. 566.

Belkozhayev A.M. and Niyazova R.Ye., Characteristics of miRNA interaction with CDS mRNA genes associated with CAG trinucleotide repeat disorders development. Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology (MCCMB), Ph.D. thesis. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian.  July 27-30, 2019. p.1-2.

Belkozhayev A.M., The prediction of miRNAs binding sites in CDS mRNA genes having trinucleotide repeats. International Farabi Forum “Al-Farabi and Modernity”: VI International Farabi Readings, Ph.D. thesis. University of KazNU. Al-Farabi Kazakh National Unıversity Press, Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 2-12, 2019. p.287.

Belkozhayev A.M. and Niyazova R.Ye., Features of miRNA binding with mRNA of genes having nucleotide repeats. The proceedings of international congress «Biotechnology: state of the art and perspectives», Ph.D. thesis. Gostiny Dvor. LLC “RED GROUP”, Moscow, Russian. pp. 357-358. February 2 –27, 2019.  pp. 357-358.

Belkozhayev A.M. and Niyazova R.Ye., Features of mirna binding to the mrna genes having nucleotide repeats in the coding region. Materials International scientific conference оf students and young scientists «Farabi alemi», Ph.D. thesis. University of KazNU. Al-Farabi Kazakh National Unıversity Press, Almaty, Kazakhstan. April 7-8, 2020. p.1.

Belkozhayev A.M. and Niyazova R.Ye., Investigating the binding sites of miRNAs on sortilin connected genes deregulation in neurodegenerative diseases. Materials International scientific conference оf students and young scientists «Farabi alemi», Ph.D. thesis. University of KazNU. Al-Farabi Kazakh National Unıversity Press, Almaty, Kazakhstan. April 7-8, 2020. p.2.

Belkozhayev A.M. and Niyazova R.Ye., The сharaсteristiсs оf ID01508.5Р-MIR, ID03332.3Р-MIR and ID02064.5Р-MIR binding sites in mRNA genes having trinuсleоtide reрeats in CDS. Innоvatiоns in life sсienсes: collection of materials of the II International Symposium, Ph.D. thesis. Belgorod State University. GIK, Belgorod, Russian. May 19-20, 2020. р.38-40.

Belkozhayev A.M., Wilson C.M., Sharipov K.O., Ivashchenko A.T., Niyazova R.Ye. In silico prognosis of miRNAs interaction with human mRNA genes having di- and trinucleotide repeats. 1st Central Asia Genomics Symposium. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. December 09-10, 2021. p.47.   

Belkozhayev A.M., Niyazova R.Ye., Sharipov K.O., Wilson C.M. Generation and expression of HTT (Q23 and Q74) in SH-SY5Y cell line. Международной научной конференции «Asfen. Forum, new generation-2023» Almaty, Kazakhstan.  05-06 June, 2023. p.1.

Белкожаев А.М., Шарипов К.О., Ниязова Р.Е. 05-06 июнь, 2023. «Тринуклеотидті CAG қайталымды Гентингтон ауруының биомаркері ретінде адам клеткаларының үлгісіндегі miRNA-дың экспрессияларын профильдеу». Международной научной конференции «Asfen. Forum, new generation-2023» Almaty, Kazakhstan.  05-06 июнь, 2023. p.2.


1. Тыныбеков Б.М., Молдагазыева Ж.Ы., Шарипов К.О., Аширбеков Е.Е., Белкожаев А.М., Бөрібай Э.С., Шаяхметова Ы.Ш. «Ұйқы ауруына» сезімталдылықты анықтау тәсілі. № 4926 на полезную модель от 17.01.2020.

2. Қосалбаев Б.Д., Садвакасова А.К., Залетова Д.Е., Белкожаев А.М., Қамшыбаева Г.Қ., Бауенова М.Ө. Фототрофты микроорганизмдерді дақылдауға арналған фотобиореактор.  № 8207 на полезную модель от 04.04.2023

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