Gulzhan Zh Nuruldaeva
Candidate of technical sciences
Associate Professor
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Department of Engineering Systems and Networks
Email: g.nuruldayeva@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Candidate of technical Sciences. He has been working at Satbayev University since 2004. The main results of scientific research are reflected in more than 30 publications (articles, reports at international and national conferences) and 6 innovative patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1993-1998 - Zhezkazgan University named after O. A. Baikonurov, specialty-170340 "Applied ecology". Qualification: environmental engineer.
1998-1999 - Kazakh head architectural and construction Academy, master's degree. Master's degree in environmental protection
2004-2006 - Kazakh national technical University named after K. I. Satpayev, postgraduate study in the specialty "Labor Protection". Candidate of technical Sciences in the specialty 05.26.01 "Labor Protection".
Scientific projects
Nuruldaeva G. Zh. worked as a researcher in the following research projects: - development of scientific bases and technology of construction and synthesis of nanostructured damping materials under the program "Development of nanoscience and nanotechnology in the Republic of Kazakhstan"; - solution of environmental problems of oil refining, petrochemical and mining and metallurgical industries of Kazakhstan under the program " Technologies for hydrocarbon and mining and metallurgical sectors and related service industries»
1. Нурулдаева Г.Ж., Жумадилова Ж.О., Кумар Д.Б. Study of the thermophysical and physical - Mechanical properties of high-alloyed aluminum cast iron CHYU22SH. Periodico Tche Quimica 2019, 16(33), с. 30-40
2.Нурулдаева Г.Ж., Жумадилова Ж.О. Dissipative Properties of the Highly-Alloyed Aluminum Cast iron ЧЮ22Ш. Промышленность Казахстана, 2019, №2 (106)
3.Пути снижения пылевыделения на внутрикарьерных автомобильных дорогах
4. Шумозащитные жалюзи. Патент на полезную модель №4108, 01.03.2019
5. G. Nuruldaeva, A Jalairov, D.Kumar,, K. Kassymkanova , Z. Sarsembekova, G. Jangulova. Structural behavior of prestressed concrete bridge girder with epoxy joint Communications-Scientific letters of the University of Zilina., 2022, 24 (2), D59-D71
6. G. Nuruldaeva, A Jalairov, D.Kumar,, K. Kassymkanova , A. Imankulova. Structural Behavior of Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girder with Monolithic Joint. Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina 2022, 24(4):D150-159, DOI: 10.26552/com.C.2022.4.D150-D1597. G. Nuruldaeva, A Jalairov, D.Kumar,, K. Kassymkanova , B. Kumar. Inspection and Preparation for Testing of the Road Overpass of the Almaty-Kapshagai Highway after the Vehicular Impacts. Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina 2022, 24(4):D160-D173 DOI: 10.26552/com.C.2022.4.D160-D173
8. Г. Нурулдаева, Ж. Абильтаева. Анализ профессиональных рисков работников предприятий геологоразведки, добычи и переработки урана. Труды международной научно-технической конференции «Развитие горно-металлургического комплекса казахстана по реализации государственного инвестиционного проекта»- Алматы, КазНИТУ им.К.И.Сатпаева, 2022, с. 252-255.
9. Г. Нурулдаева, Исатаева А. Мұнай құю, тасымалдау мекемелерінде жұмысшылар қауіпсіздігін арттыру мақсатында еңбек шарттарын сараптау. Труды Сатпаевских чтений «Тренды современных научных исследований», 2022. Том 2, с 746-749.
10. Г.Ж. Нурулдаева, Алиаскарова А.Ж. Мұнай-газ өндіру мекемесінің топырақ жамылғысына әсері түрлерін сараптау және қалпына келтіру іс-шараларын ұсыну. Труды Сатпаевских чтений «Тренды современных научных исследований», 2022. Том 1, с 746-749, с. 561-566.
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