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Imanbayeva Nurbibi Sayramovna

Imanbayeva Nurbibi Sayramovna

Candidate of technical sciences

Associate Professor

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Email: n.imanbayeva@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Since 2000, she has worked as a leading specialist in the Intersectoral Scientific and Technological Center "Mechanical Engineering". From 2002 to 2003, she worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of "Machine Parts" at KazATK named after M.Tynyshpaeva.

Since 2003, he has been working at KazNITU named after K.Satpayev as an assistant, teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor, associate professor, assistant professor, associate professor of the IMiM Department.

In 2010, she defended her PhD thesis in the specialty -050218 "Theory of mechanisms and machines"

The direction of scientific activity is the theory of machine mechanisms, robotics, dynamics, analysis and synthesis of lever mechanisms, optimal design. 

After graduating from graduate school, she was a senior researcher at the inter-Branch scientific and technological center "mechanical engineering".

 Since 2001, senior lecturer, Department of "machine Parts" Kazatk named after M. Tynyshpaev.

Since 2002, assistant, teacher, senior lecturer, associate Professor of the Department of "Theoretical and applied mechanics", from 2018 to the present, assistant Professor of the Department of "Applied mechanics and engineering graphics" at the Kazakh national research technical University. K. I. Satpayeva (Satbayev University).

Scientific and pedagogical experience is 20 years. Published more than 45 scientific and educational works, including the impact factor of Thomson Reuters. UMK and syllabuses on applied mechanics, theories of mechanisms and machines, theoretical and applied mechanics, statistical mechanics, mathematical modeling, and dynamics were issued.

     By decree of June 23, 2017, she was awarded the Kumis alka pendant No. 343748.

By decree of December 31, 2019, she was awarded the "Altyn Alka" pendant No. 361439.

She received "Algys Hat" for the leadership of students in the international exhibition "Zhas Galym" at the NAZARBAYEV UNIVERSITY, 9.04.2021, where they took the second place.



Bachelor's degree-

1992-1996, Kazakh state University named. Al-Farabi, faculty of mechanics and applied mathematics (FMPM), specialty "Mechanics", specialization "Robots and manipulators".

Magistracy -

1996-1998 Kazakh state national University. Al-Farabi, faculty of mechanics and mathematics, specialty "Mechanics", specialization "Theory of mechanisms and machines".

Postgraduate study -

11.1998-11.2000 g. g in the laboratory "Theory of mechanisms and machines", Institute of mechanics and engineering science (IMAS) named after U. Dzholdasbekov And an RK.


Candidate of technical Sciences, specialty "Theory of mechanisms and machines".

Scientific projects

Research interests and current projects:

1.She submitted a project as a supervisor on the topic "Optimization of the automatic loading mechanism of a tank gun" to the competition for grant financing of scientific and scientific-technical activities for 2019-2021 of the Ministry of Defense and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2.She submitted a project as a supervisor on the topic "Development of a robotic complex for harvesting in intensive gardens (with a mobile platform of adjustable height and a manipulator)" within the framework of the competition of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan on program-targeted financing for 2021-2023, RSE at the IMMASH im. Academician U.A. Dzholdasbekov" of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  

 Dynamics and strength of machines, devices and equipment; Theory of mechanisms and machines; Dynamic synthesis of mechanisms; multi-Criteria synthesis of spatial mechanisms.

scientific project:

leading researcher (responsible executor) of the project "Research of multi-circuit lever mechanisms taking into account a set of quality criteria", RSE "Institute of mechanics and machine science named after academician U. A. Dzholdasbekov" KN MES RK, project start 01.10.2012; project end 31.12.2014


Selected publications:

1. Tuleshov A., Jamalov N., Imanbayeva N., Rakhmatulina A. Design and Construction of a Multifunctional Disinfection Robot. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2022, 1(1-115), pp. 16–28, DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2022.252045. Scopus(CiteScore Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Процентиль = 46).

2. Rakhmatulina A., Imanbayeva N.,  Ibrayev S., Uderbayeva A., Nurmaganbetova A., Analytical solution of the problem of dynamic synthesis of a six-link straight-line converting mechanism of the sucker-rod pumping drive. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2021, 6(7(114)), pp. 21–28 Scopus(CiteScore Mechanical Engineering Процентиль = 43).

3. Rakhmatulina A.Ibrayev, S., Imanbayeva, N., Arman, I., Tolebayev, N., Kinematic and kinetostatic analysis of the six-link straight-line generating converting mechanism of the unbalanced sucker rod pumper drive. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologiesthis link is disabled, 2020, 6(7-108), pp. 6–13. https://doi: 10.15587/1729-4061.2020.218551.Scopus  (CiteScore Mechanical Engineering Процентиль = 43).

4. IbraevS.,Nurmaganbetova A.Imanbaeva N.Zhauyt A., Computerized modeling of kinematics and kineto-statics of sucker-rod pump power units. Engineering for Rural Development, 2017, 16, стр. 904–909., Scopus.

5. Kosbolov, S., Imanbaeva, N., Rakhmatulina A. Zhauyt A., Optimal design of leading kinematical chain of eight linked planar load lifting linkage., Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2014, 5(23), стр. 2656–2660. Scopus.

6. Rakhmatulina A.,Imanbaeva N., Nurmaganbetova A., Sakenova A., Smagulova N., Determination of the balancing moment of the six-link straight-line conversion mechanism of the beamless rod pump drive. Вестник КазНУ. Серия математика, механика, информатика, [S.l.], v. 110, n. 2, p. 76-86.

 7. Иманбаева Н.С., Нұрмағанбетова А.Т.,Исаметова М.Е., Рахматулина А.Б., Сакенова А.М., Штангалы піспекті қоңдырғының (ШПҚ) түрлендіруші механизмінің, қарсы салмақтың орнын анықтай отырып,  теңгерілу режимдерін зерттеу. Вестник КазНИТУ №1 (119) Алматы 2017 стр 328-332ВЕСТНИК-2017%20№1.pdf.

8. Жолдасбеков С.Ө., Иманбаева Н.С., Тультаев Б., Нурмаганбетова А.Т.Рахматулина А.Б.,Жүк көтергіш механизмнің моделін жасаудың инженерлік əдістемесі. Доклады НАН РК – 2014г. –  №6. – 15-19 бб.

9. Рахматулина А.Б., Ибраев С.М., Иманбаева Н.С., Оптимальная новая конструкция механизма станка качалки.         «Инновационные технологии в геопространственной цифровой инженерии» Труды Международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной к 115-летию член-корр. АН КазССР А.Ж.Машанова и 100-летию Академика АН КазССР Ж.С.Ержанова 18 марта 2022 г.стр 671-679.

10. Сакенова А.М., Rakhmatulina A., Иманбаева Н.С., Проектирование рычажного грузоподъёмного механизма в системе Autodesk inventor и расчет напряжено-деформированного состояния. World science: problems and innovations xxxi Международная научно-практическая конференция Пенза, 30 апреля 2019 г 94-97.

11. Нурмаганбетова А. Т. Иманбаева Н.С.,Рахматулина А.Б., Платформасы тіксызықты ілгерлемелі қозғалатын сегіззвенолы механизмнің кинематикалық синтезі. Материалы международной научной конференции «Актуальные проблемы механики и машиностроения» Алматы 19 -20 июня 2014 г. 363 – 371 9 стр.

12. Иманбаева Н.С., Аубакирова Б.М., Слямбаева А.К., Нурмаганбетова А.Т. Оптимизация схемы привода двухконтурных механизмов высокого класса. //Вестник КазГАСА №3, 2017г.

13. Нурмаганбетова А.Т., Иманбаева Н.С., Мажен А.Н., Масаева А.Н. Синтез двухконтурных МВК на базе шарнирно-рычажных исполнительных кинематических цепей с параллельной структурой.//Вестник КазГАСА №3, 2017г.

14. S Joldasbekov, S Ibraev, A Zhauyt, A Nurmagambetova, N Imanbaeva Modular synthesis of plane lever six-link mechanism of high class. Middle-East. J. Sci. Res, 12, 2014.

15. S Kosbolov, A Rakhmatulina, N Imanbaeva, A Zhauyt Optimal design of leading kinematical chain of eight linked planar load lifting linkage. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 5 (23), 2656, 2014.

16. SW Dzholdasbekov, NS Imanbaeva, B Tultaev, AT Nurmaganbetova, ..Engineersing methods development of models of hoisting device. ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ 2224, 15, 2014

17. S Ibraev, A Nurmaganbetova, N Imanbaeva, A Zhauyt Computerized modeling of kinematics and kineto-statics of sucker-rod pump power units. 16th International Scientific Conference: Engineering for Rural Development , 2017


19. Joldasbekov, S.U., Imanbaeva, N.S., Nurmaganbetova, A.T. Study of kinematics and kinetostatics of self-aligning converting mechanism of sucker-rod pump power units // Abstracts of the International Conference on Mechanics "Joldasbekov Reading" Almaty

с. 123-148, 2011.

20. Imanbaeva, N.S., Nurmaganbetova, A.T., Myrzaliev, D.S. The problem of synthesis of drive kinematic circuit of multiple mechanisms with parallel topology for optimal power transmission. // IX Miedzynarodowej Naukowi-praktycznej Konferencji «Aktualne Problemy Nowocznych Nauk - 2013»

32, с. 46-50, 2013.

21. Joldasbekov, S.U., Jamalov, N.K., Imanbaeva, N.S., Nurmaganbetova, A.T. Analysis of the linkage mechanisms positions. // Proceedings of the International Scientific-practical Conference "Problems of Modern Machines mechanics."с. 318-321, 2003.

Patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1.Рахматулина А.Б.,Ибраев С.М.,Ибраева А.С.,Иманбаева Н.С.,Ангарбеков У.Д., Станок качалка. Патент на изобретение РК №35761.

(21) 2021/0286.1

(22) 06.05.2021

(45) 15.07.2022

2. Тулешов А.К., Джамалов Н.К., Ибраев С. М., Сейдахмет А. Ж., Иманбаева Н.С., Многофункциональный робот-дезинфектор. Евразийский патент на изобретение

№ 040808

Заявка №:202192715

Дата подачи заявки: 13 октября 2021 г.

Дата выдачи патента: 29 июля 2022 г.

3. Рахматулина А.Б.,Ибраев С.М.,Ибраева А.С.,Иманбаева Н.С.,Ангарбеков У.Д.,

Станок качалка. Евразийский патент на изобретение

№ 040803

Заявка №: 202290635

Дата подачи заявки: 18 февраля 2022 г.

Дата выдачи патента: 29 июля 2022 г.

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