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Izmambetov Myrzabay B.

Izmambetov Myrzabay B.

Candidate of technical sciences

Assistant professor

Associate Professor

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Email: m.izmambetov@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Graduate of the Department of Applied Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov.

From 1985 to 1991 worked as an engineer and performed research works at the Republican Scientific and Methodological Center of Robotics.

From 1991 to 2002 held a positions of Researcher, Senior Researcher in the Department of MechanicalEngineering, Institute of Mechanics and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

From 2002 to 2014 worked at the Kazakh-British Technical University, held the following positions: manager, head of the information and analytical sector of the Department of Science and Postgraduate Education, senior researcher at the Research Laboratory of Mechatronics and Robotics, acting Associate Professor of the Engineering Physics Department of the Faculty of Energy and Oil and Gas Engineering.

From 2015 to the present, Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanical engineering and modeling.



1979-1985 - Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, Faculty of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Specialty "Mechanics".

1987-1990 - graduate school (without interruption from production) at the Department of Applied Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Kazakh State University.

Academic degree.

Candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.02.18 - "Theory of mechanisms and machines".

Academic title.

Associate Professorof Engineering.

Scientific projects

Scientific interests and works are related to the development of actuators of manipulation devices with parallel topology. Took part in the implementation of research work on projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

- “Development of numerical methods for the analysis, synthesis and motion control of parallel manipulators with cylindrical kinematic pairs (PM CKP)” under the Basic Research Program of the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2009-2011.

- “Design of manipulation robots of parallel structure with one and many working bodies” under the Grant Financing Program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the priority “Basic Research in the Field of Natural Sciences” for 2012-2014, No. 0112РК02278.

- Currently, the performer of the scientific project "Structural and parametric synthesis of actuators of machines and manipulators." Grant Financing of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018-2020 IRN "AR05135493".


Featured Publications

1. Baigunchekov, Z., Laribi, M.A., Izmambetov, M., Zhumasheva, Z., Kaiyrov, R. (2020) The First Type of Singularity of a 3-PRRS Parallel Manipulator. Book «Mechanisms and Machine Science». Publisher: Springer. Nature. Volume 84, p. 356-363.

2. Zh. Baigunchekov, S. Ibrayev, M. Izmambetov (2019). Synthesis of Cartesian manipulator of a class RoboMech. Book «Mechanisms and Machine Science». Publisher: Springer. Nature. Volume 66, p. 66-76.

3. Zh. Baigunchekov, S. Ibrayev, M. Izmambetov (2018). Synthesis of reconfigurable positioning parallel manipulator of a class RoboMech. Proceedings of the 4th IEEE/IFToMM International conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR 2018), June 20-22, 2018, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. №CFP1843G-ART; Code 139094.

4. Zh. Baigunchekov, M. Izmambetov, M. Utenov (2017). Inverse Kinematics of Six - DOF Three – Limbed Parallel Manipulator. Book "Advances in Robot Design and Intelligent Control"/ Series: "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing-AiSC". Publisher: Springer. Nature. Volume 540, p. 171-178.

5. Zh. Baigunchekov, M. Utenov, M. Izmambetov, B. Naurushev (2017). Synthesis of the Intellectual Parallel Manipulator with Two Degrees of Freedom. DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research, 2017, volume 162, p. 361-365.

6. Zh. Baigunchekov, S. Ibrayev, M. Izmambetov, T. Baigunchekov, B. Naurushev (2016). Parallel Manipulator of a Class RoboMech. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Publisher: Springer Singapore. Volume 408, p. 547-557.

7. Zh. Baigunchekov, M. Izmambetov and etc. (2013). Kinematics of a Spatial RCCC Parallel Manipulator. // Proc. of the World Congress on Engineering, 3-5 July, 2013, London, UK. //Journal: Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. Publisher: Newswood and International Association of Engineers. Hong Kong, -2013. Vol. III, p. 2146-2150.

8. M. Izmambetov, Zh. Baigunchekov (2012). Singularity Analysis of a Parallel Manipulator with Cylindrical Joints. // Proc. of the World Congress on Engineering, 4–6 July, 2012, London, UK.//Journal: Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. Publisher: Newswood and International Association of Engineers. Hong Kong, 2012. Vol. II,p. 1733-1737.

9. M. Izmambetov, Zh. Baigunchekov (2010). The Second Type of Singularity Analysis of the New Parallel Manipulator with 6 Degree-of-Freedom. The 18th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics, and Control, July 5-8, 2010, Udine, Italy. // In the book “Robot Design, Dynamics and Control”, Series: CISM Courses and Lectures, Springer Wien, New York, 2010, Vol. 524, p. 481-488.

10. M. Izmambetov, Zh. Baigunchekov (2010). Singularity Analysis of the New Parallel Manipulator with 6 Degree-of-Freedom. // Proc. of the World Congress on Engineering, 30 June – 2 July, 2010, London, UK. // IAENG Journal: Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, Hong Kong, 2010, Vol.2184, Issue 1, p.1472-1477.

11. Измамбетов М.Б.,Байгунчеков Ж.Ж.,Наурушев Б.К. Дүйсенбек Ә.Н. (2019). Исполнительный механизм робота с двумя схватами. Патент на полезную модель №4389. НИИС РК. Бюллетень №44 – 01.11.2019

12. Байгунчеков Ж.Ж., Измамбетов М.Б., Наурушев Б.К. (2018). Монография «Синтез и анализ плоских исполнительных механизмов манипуляционных роботов параллельной структуры с двумя рабочими органами», 215 стр., 2018, Алматы.

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