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Myrzakhmetov Beibit

Myrzakhmetov Beibit

Candidate of technical sciences

Assistant professor


Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of Technological Machines and Equipment

Email: b.myrzakhmetov@satbayev.111


PhD count:

Professional biography

Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Higher Attestation Commission Mechanical engineer, Honored teacher and scientist with a scientific and pedagogical experience of more than 35 years. He participated in the implementation of major state scientific projects under the military-industrial complex program under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, following which he became a laureate of the industry prize of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Mining Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the period 2005–2016 He headed the department "Machinery and equipment for oil and gas fields" KazNTU. He is a co-author of the State Educational Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan and working curricula of a number of specialties, the author of more than 100 scientific papers, including 7 textbooks in the specialty and more than 30 patents and inventor certificates. The best teacher of KazNTU 2004. Winner of the KazNTU "Best inventor of the year" competitions. Supervisor of a number of scientific projects of an applied nature and aimed at solving urgent problems of the industry. Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal "Transport problems" of the Silesian Technical University (Poland). Member of the expert council of the Kazakhstan Association of organizations of the oil and gas and energy complex "Kazenergy". He was awarded the Certificate of Honor by the Chairman of the Board of JSC NOC Kazmunaigas and the badge “Honorary Oil Worker”, medals “For Contribution to the Development of the Oil and Gas Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and “Ayrysha Enbegi Ushin”.


1. AlIIT. Faculty of Mechanics. Diesel locomotives and diesel locomotive, mechanical engineer, diploma of ZhB-II No. 0012827. 1976-1981 Almaty city

2. KazNTU named after KI Satpayev. Oil faculty. Machinery and equipment for the oil and gas industry, diploma of ZhB No. 0068605. 2002-2004 Almaty city

Scientific projects

• Scientific supervisor of research on the project No. 757.MON.GF.15.EM.1 “Development of a long-stroke balancing drive of sucker rod pumps based on serial rocking machines” (for 2015-2017).

• Scientific supervisor of research work No. AP05134561 “Development and commercial implementation of a sand discharge device for rod screw systems with high sand development” (for 2018-2020).

• Scientific supervisor of research work No. AP05131363 “Research and development of equipment and technology for pumping productive solutions during underground well leaching using combined jet pumping units” (for 2018-2020).

• Head of the scientific group for the technological inspection of the gas compressor station of the ICA main gas pipelines under a contract with SAPA SOFTWARE (Tender for Kaztransgaz JSC, Lot No. 923944) and development of the Unified Technical Policy and the Program for Innovative and Technological Development of the Company (08/01/2019 - 30.12. 2019).


1. Myrzahmetov B.A., Savinkin V.V., Macepura E.A. Issledovanie prichin otkazov shtangovyh glubinnyh nasosov i perspektivy povysheniya ih resursa raboty// Vestnik KazNITU. №5, 2019. P. 122-129.

2. Myrzahmetov B.A. Problemy vzaimodejstviya nauki i proizvodstva v realizacii innovacionnogo razvitiya promyshlennosti respubliki Kazahstan// Vestnik KazNITU. №2, 2019. P. 74-77.

3. Myrzahmetov B.A., Nurkas ZH.B., Sultabaev A., Toktamisova S.M. Protivopesochnye ustrojstva dlya zashchity skvazhinnogo nasosnogo oborudovaniya v usloviyah peskoproyavleniya// Gornyj zhurnal Kazahstana. № 10, 2019. P. 25-29.

4. B.A. Myrzahmetov, A.E. Sultabaev, S.M. Toktamisova, E.B. Majkenov. Modelirovanie skvazhinnoj tandemnoj nasosnoj ustanovki dlya otkachki urana pri podzemnom skvazhinnom vyshchelachivanii// Sb.Tr.Mezhd.nauchno-prakticheskoj konf. «Racional'noe ispol'zovanie mineral'nogo i tekhnogennogo syr'ya v usloviyah industrii 4.0» 14-15 march 2019. Tom:1. P. 421- 426.

5. B.A.Myrzahmetov, M.T.Oralbekov, T.H.Şuriev. Modelirovanie rejimov raboty tandemnoi nasosnoi ustanovki v skvajinnyh usloviяh i obosnovanie ih primeneniя v tehnologii dobychi urana// IH Mejdunarod.nauchno-prakticheskaя konferensiя «Aktualnye problemy uranovoi promyşlennosti», 7-9 november 2019. Almaty. P.269-278.

6. B.A. Myrzahmetov, A.V. Sladkovskij, S.M. Toktamisova.  Ispytatel'nyj stend dlya provedeniya eksperimental'nyh issledovanij kombinirovannoj nasosnoj ustanovki// Gornyj zhurnal Kazahstana. №4, 2019. P. 21-23.

7. B.A. Myrzahmetov, L.A. Krupnik, A.E. Sultabaev, S.M. Toktamisova. Matematicheskaya model' raboty strujnogo nasosa v sostave skvazhinnoj tandemnoj ustanovki// GIAB© Nauchno-tekhnicheskij zhurnal, №8, 2019. P. 123-135.

8. Myrzahmetov B.A., Krupnik L.A., Bejsenov B.S., Toktamisova S.M. PRİMENENİE PRAKTİChESKOGO OPYTA NEFTЯNOİ PROMYŞLENNOSTİ DLЯ POVYŞENİЯ EFFEKTİVNOSTİ OTKAChKİ PRODUKTİVNYH RASTVOROV URANA//Bezopasnost' truda v promyshlennosti. №7, 2018. RF. Vypusk 739. ISSN 0409-2961. P. 74-80. 

9. Myrzahmetov B.A., Nurkas ZH.B., Sultabaev A., Kaliev B.Z. OSOBENNOSTİ EKSPLUATASİİ SKVAJİN V USLOVİЯH VYSOKOGO PESKOPROЯVLENİЯ//ZHurnal «Oil&Gas (Russia)». №10, 2018. P. 60-65.

10. Myrzahmetov B.A., Toktamisova S.M., Sarybaev E.E., Maikenov E.B. ZAİTA GLUBİNNONASOSNOGO OBORUDOVANİЯ V USLOVİЯH VYSOKOGO PESKOPROЯVLENİЯ. Jurnal «Promyşlennost Kazahstana».   № 2 (103), 2018. P.80-83.

11. B.Myrzakhmetov, A.Sultabayev, Toktamıssova S. Substantıatıon of the methodology for modelıng and calculatıng the optımal operatıng modes of a tandem pumpıng ınstallatıon when mınıng uranıum//Publıshed by the Dnıpro Unıversıty of Technology on behalf of Mınıng of Mıneral Deposıts. ISSN 2415-3435 (Prınt)//Volume 14 (2020), Issue 4, pg.59-65//  https://doı.org/10.33271/mınıng14.04.059

12. B.A.Myrzahmetov, J.B.Nūrqas, L.A.Krupnik, Toktamisova S.M. Protivopesochnye klapany dlя zaity skvajinnogo nasosnogo oborudovaniя v usloviяh vysokogo peskoproяvleniя//Gornyi informasionno-analiticheskii blleten. №12, 2020. P. 125-136. ISSN: 0236-1493.

13. N.J.Marks, B.A.Myrzahmetov, A.V Sladkovskii, Toktamisova S.M. Jer üstі tehnologiяlyq sorap qondyrğylaryna arnalğan aralas sorap qondyrğysynyŋ ädіstemesіn matematikalyq modeldeu//Trudy Satpaevskih chtenii «Satpaevskie chteniя – 2020». 12 april, 2020. Tom 1. P.427-431.

14. B.A.Myrzahmetov, A.V.Sladkovskii, Toktamisova S.M. Metodika raschetnogo modelirovaniя rejimov raboty struinogo nasosa dlя transportirovki produktivnyh rastvorov urana// XII Internatıonal conference of transport problems 2020. Sılesıan Unıversıty of Technology, Katowıce, Poland, 2020. P.528-538. ISVN 978-83-959742-0-5

15. B.A.Myrzahmetov, A.V.Sladkovskii, R. A. Musabekov. PRİMENENİE OBİH PRİNSİPOV NERAVNOVESNOİ TERMODİNAMİKİ DLЯ ANALİZA VYSOKODİNAMİChNYH PROSESSOV SGORANİЯ V TRANSPORTNYH DVS//  XII Internatıonal conference of transport problems 2020. Sılesıan Unıversıty of Technology, Katowıce, Poland, 2020. P.519-527. ISVN 978-83-959742-0-5

16. U.M. Anuarbek, K.A. Laiyq, B.A. Myrzahmetov.  USAQTAP-UATU JABDYĞYNYŊ SENIMDILIGIN BAQYLAU JUİESIN GİDROKOMPENSASİЯ QONDYRĞYLARY ARQYLY ARTTYRU//Trudy Satpaevskih chtenii «Satpaevskie chteniя – 2021». 12 aprelя, 2021. Tom 1. P.1122-1127.

17. O.A. Ahmetjan, G. M. Omar, B.A. Myrzahmetov. FLOTASİЯLYQ MAŞİNALARDY PAİDALANU JANE JOSPARLY TEHNİKALYQ QYZMET KORSETU KEZINDEGI BAİPASTYQ JUİENIŊ NEGIZGI ARTYQŞYLYQTARY//Trudy Satpaevskih chtenii «Satpaevskie chteniя – 2021». 12 aprelя, 2021. Tom 1. P.1127-1131.

18. "Sand valve for rodless pumping units ",  Patent No. 34414 dated 28.08.2020, Myrzakhmetov Beibit Abikenovich, Myrzakhmetov Erlan Beibitovich, Nurkas Zhasulan Bolatzhanuly, Sultabaev Arhat Erbolovich, Toktamisova Saltanat Mahmudovna.

19. "Sand valve for screwed rod puping units ", Patent .№ 34415 from 28.08.2020, Myrzakhmetov Beibit Abikenovich, Nurkas Zhasulan Bolatzhanuly, Sultabaev Arhat Erbolovich, Toktamisova Saltanat Makhmudovna.

20. "Anti-sand valve for sucker rod pumping units",Eurasian Patent №038348 от 12 аugust 2021 г., Myrzakhmetov Beibit Abikenovich, Nurkas Zhasulan Bolatzhanuly, Sultabaev Arhat Erbolovich, Toktamisova Saltanat Makhmutovna.

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

1. Improving the operational reliability of the oil pumping station in conditions of high sand production.

2. Improvement of operational and technical parameters of sucker rod pump drives.

3. Development of the concept and technical support of a "smart well" for the development of an oil field.