Smirnova Lyudmila
Candidate of Philology
Associate Professor
Institute of Project Management
Department of Foreign Languages
Email: l.smirnova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at Satbayev University.
Qualification – Secondary school English language teacher, work experience – 41 years.
1976-1977 – English Language Instructor, Chair of Foreign Languages, Shymkent Pedagogical Institute
1977-1999 – Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of the Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages 1998-1999 – Associate Professor of the Diplomatic Academy Chair of Foreign Languages
2006-2016 – Assistant Professor, Associate Professor of the Kazakh-British Technical University, International School of Economics
2016-November 2021– Professor of Satbayev University. The English Language Program Coordinator. The Head of the Reading Club for young teachers.
2021 – until now – Associate Professor of Satbayev University
The author of 55 publications in the area of English Grammar, Text Linguistics, Methodology of Teaching English, Critical Thinking.
In 2019 was awarded the anniversary medal «120 anniversary of К. I. Satbayev».
1989 – English Studies Course, Ealing College of Higher Education. London, Great Britain.
1998 – Cambridge Examination in English for Language Teachers Certificate Course. Level One. British Council, Almaty.
1998 – International House Certificate Course in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language to Adults. Soros Foundation, Almaty.
2003 – Communication Skills Workshop. Vienna, Austria.
2004 – On-line Teacher Training Course in Critical Thinking Skills. University of Oregon
2014 – Webinar “Shaping the Way we Teach English”. US State Department, Almaty.
2015 – Online Teacher Development "Shaping the Way We Teach English, 1: The Landscape of English Language Teaching. US State Department, Almaty.
February, 2021. ELTOC-2021. Oxford Professional Development Conference. Oxford University Press.
March-April, 2021. A series of webinars ‘Student-Centered EFL Teaching’organized by the US Embassy Regional English Language Office and the KazTEA.
October, 2021. ELT Together 2021. Oxford University Press. November, 2021. EP Skills Training Rooms. Oxford University Press.
November, 2021. Virtual KazTEA Forum 2021. Reimagining EFL Education in the Post-COVID-19 Era: Creating New Perspectives for Learning.
February 7-19, 2022. Speaking Assessments in Multilingual English Language Teaching.
June 2022 г. ELTOC June 2022. Oxford Professional Development Conference. Oxford University Press.
December 2022г. ELTOC Chapter 4. Oxford Professional Development Event. Oxford University Press.
May 2023г. ETS Global. Virtual Seminar for English Language Teachers: Enhanced Assessment for Lifelong
June 2023 г. ETS Global. Syllabus Development for TOEFL iBT prep classes.Education
1. 1972-1976. Almaty Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages
2. 1982-1986. M. Torez Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, Candidate of Philology, specialty “Germanic Languages”.
1. Semantic and Syntactic Peculiarities of Sentences with the Comparative Marker Like in Modern English (Синтактико-синтаксические особенности предложений со сравнительным маркёром like в современном английском языке). Herald of Moscow State Linguistic University. Humanitarian Series. 2024. Volume 2 (883). P. 93-100.
2.Teacher and Teaching Challenges in EFL Higher Education in Kazakhstan. 1st Global Conference on Multidisciplinary Academic Research (GCMAR-2018). Conference proceedings. Bangkok, 5-6 May, 2018, p. 19-25. (в соавторстве с Абдыгаппаровой С. К.)
3. English Language Education in Kazakhstan: Degree of Student Satisfaction. Труды III Международной научно-методической конференции «Современные инновации и технологии в иноязычном образовании». Алматы, 20 декабря 2018, стр. 11-15. (в соавторстве с Абдыгаппаровой С. К.)
4. Challenges of Using Internet Materials in the Classroom1st International conference of SU and DKU “Digitalization for Smarter Education. Teaching Foreign Languages in the Era of Digitalization”. Conference Proceedings. 24- 25 октября 2019, Алматы, стр. 11-13.
5. Семантико-синтаксические особенности сложных предложений с союзами аs if и as though. Вестник КазНУ имени Аль-Фараби. Серия филологическая. N 1 (177). Алматы, 2020, стр. 194-202.
6. How to make textbook exercises more effective. Труды Сатпаевских чтений. Сатпаевские чтения 2021. Том 2, стр. 1108-1111.
7. Some Benefits of the Reading Club as a Tool for Professional Development. Современная наука: актуальные вопросы, достижения и инновации.- Пенза: МЦНС «Наука и просвещение». - 2023. –стр. 161-163
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