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Turlybekova Gulzhan Kapasovna

Turlybekova Gulzhan Kapasovna

Candidate of technical sciences

Associate Professor

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of "General Physics"

Email: g.turlybekova@satbayev.111

Professional biography

Turlybekova Gulzhan Kapasovna – associate professor, candidate of technical sciences, scientific and pedagogical experience of 18 years.

In 1997 Turlybekova G.K. entered the Physics Faculty of al-Farabi KazNU and in 2001 she graduated with the specialty of Physics (Physics Teacher). In the same year, she entered the Master Program of the above mentioned university and get the Master degree in Physics. From December 2003 to December 2006 studied at the Postgraduate Program  of the department of "General and Theoretical Physics" of KazNTU named K.I. Satbayev. In June 2008 defended her thesis for the scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences. 

Since 2006 Turlybekova G.K. working in position of lecturer at the Department of General and Theoretical Physics, KazNITU named K.I. Satbayev.

Since 2009 as Senior Lecturer (старший преподаватель) at the Department of General and Theoretical Physics. From 2016 to the present, as a lecturer at the Department of Engineering Physics.

Turlybekova G.K.  has more than 40 scientific and methodological works.


al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Physics, Specialty: Physicis, Physics Teacher, academic bachelor's degree (1997-2001).

al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Physics, Qualification and academic degree: Master of Physics (2001-2003).

Kazakh National Technical University named K.I. Satbayev, Department of General and Theoretical Physics, postgraduate (2003-2005)

Scientific projects

Physics. Optics.


Омаров С.С., Бейсен С., Мустафин А.Т., Нысанбаева С.К., Турлыбекова Г.К. Влияние структуры нанокомпозитного материала СохNi1-хFe204 на его «магнитную память». Вестник КазНИТУ, 2016 г. №3

Нысанбаева С.К., Майлина Х.Р., Манабаев Н.К., Омаров Т.К., Турлыбекова Г.К. Исследование коэффициента ультразвукового поглощения в конденсированных средах на акустическом интерферометре, Известия НАН РК, серия физико-математическая, №4, 2017г.

Sarsembayeva A.T., Sarsembay A.T., Turlybekova G.K. Solar activity monitoring for the period april 10-20 2017, Известия НАН РК, серия физико-математическая, №2, 2018г.

Нысанбаева С.С., Турлыбекова Г.К. Исследования коэффициента ультразвукового поглощения конденсированных сред. Вестник КазНИТУ,  2019, №6 (136)

Нысанбаева С.С., Турлыбекова Г.К., Исмагулова М.Ш. Жұқа қабыршықты магнитті материалдарды алу және қолдану. Вестник КазНИТУ,  2019, №6 (136)

Бейсенов Р.Е., Шайкенова А.А., Муратов Д.А., Турлыбекова Г.К.,  Астемесова К.С.

Синтез многослойного графена на медной подложке при атмосферном давлениии методом химического осаждения из газовой фазы (CVD). Вестник КазНИТУ,  2020, №2 (138).

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