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Zhaksylyk Almash

Zhaksylyk Almash

Candidate of technical sciences

Associate Professor

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of Standardization, Certification and Metrology

Email: a.zhaksylyk@satbayev.111


Professional biography

1991-2002 - Scientific and technical complex p / o Karatau, engineer of the planning and design sector of the scientific and technical complex.

2002-2013 - Department of NGiG KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev, teacher, senior teacher.

2013-2020 - Department of HTPOiT (RET) JSC "MUIT", assistant professor, acting assoc. professors.

2020-2021 - KAIS at KazGASA, visiting teacher.


1991 - KazPTI named after V.I. Lenin

Scientific projects

1. No. 699.F.06 / 8- "Development of theoretical foundations of new technologies for open-pit mining of ore deposits in difficult mining and geological conditions." 2008 UDC 622.271.3: 012.3.001 MRNTI 52.12.17. The head of the topic is academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Rakishev B.R.

2.№722.F.09 / 6 "Creation of scientific foundations of geotechnological regulation of the quality of complex ore products in open mining of multicomponent deposits." 2011 The head of the topic is academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Rakishev B.R.

3.№0109RK01206 - "Development of new methods of optimal design, planning and management of mining enterprises." The head of the topic is academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Rakishev B.R.

4. "Systematization, analysis and creation of a single consolidated expanded base in the GIS program" 2018.

5. Research work. “ʺGeoinformational and geometric support in the modeling of engineering objects”. Reg. number 0118RKI0001. 2018-2020 Project manager.


1. Ordabekova A.Zh. ENGINEERING OBJECTILERDI ZHOBAUDA GEOAҚPARATTYҚ MODELDERDI ҚOLDANU. 12-shi Khalygaralyk akparatttyk tekhnologar zhene management conferences 2014 women, 16-17 September 2014, Latvia. S. 131-132.

2. Ordabekova A.Zh. Engineer object_lerdi zhobalauda GAZh modeldeudi oldanu. 12th conference "Europalyk Koldanbaly Gylymdar: Gylymi zertteulerdegi zamanaaui tusilder". Stuttgart. Germany. 2014, pp. 108-113.

3. Ordabekova A.Zh. Ashyk tau-ken zhumystarynda blocktyk modeldi kalyptastyru. "AҚSh-taky teoriyyқ zhune koldanbaly kylymdar" conferences, New York. AҚSh. 2014 S. 76-81.

3. Ordabekova A.Zh. Engineer object shin geometrialyқ zhәne geoaқparattyқ modeldeudi oldanu. KazҰTU khabarshysy. # 1. 2015 317-321 p.

4. Ordabekova A.Zh., Shykysova R.Қ. AutoCAD-ta 3D nysanyn kursetudin bir mysaly turaly. KazҰTU khabarshysy. No. 2. 2015 165-169 b.

5. Ordabekova A.Zh. Gylym Men Ondiristegi akparattyk Tekhnologar 2016. KHATU. Almaty. GAZh tekhnologiyasenyң oldanu zhune functionaldyқ mүmkіndіkterі. b. 146-148.

6. Imanbekova T.D., Ordabekova A.Zh., Zharymbekova M.B., Asanova Қ.S. Matlab kөmegimen tuyyқ syzyқty emes IF-AD zhүyesinin computer modeldeu zhane turaқtylygy. KazҰTZU khabarshysy. Arnayy shygarylym. Almaty 2017.264-268 b.

7. A. Zhaқsyly, T.D. Imanbekova. AutoCAD-ta 3D modelerderin zhasau kezinde loft zhune shift commandalaryn paidalanu negizderi. KazҰTZU Khabarshysy No. 2, 2019 f 124-127 better.

8. tb. Imanbekova, A. Zhaқsylyқ, M.B. Zharymbekova. MATLAB kөmegimen IF - IM toad syzyқty emes zhүyesinin computer modeldeu zhane turaқtylygy. KazҰTZU Khabarshysy No. 2, 2019 f 131-135 better.

9. Ә.Zhaқsylyқ. Kazirgi zhadayda ZhOO-da computer graphics ogytudyң erekshelikterі. KazҰTZU Khabarshysy No. 2, 2019 f 286-289 better.

10. Ә.Zhaқsylyқ, T.D. Imanbekova, J. Zh. Ogenbaeva. Tau-ken ndіrіsіnde objectіlі-baғyttalғan modeldeudі oldanu. DTSI-2019, ҚBTU Khabarshysy, 16 volume, 3 shygarylym. shilde - Kyrkuyek 2019, 61-66 b.

11. Ә.Zhaқsylyқ, N.S. Akhmetova, R. Ibragimov. 3D Modeldeude tabiғi zhane zhasandy zharyқtandyrudy zhane suulelik baқylaudy қoldanu. DTSI-2019, ҚBTU Khabarshysy, 16 volume, 3 shygarylym. Shilde - Kyrkuyek 2019 g., 253-258 b.

12. A.I.Samsonenko, A.Z. Aitmagambetov, B.A. Kozhakhmetova, A.E. Құlagaeva, A.Zhaқsylyқ. Belsendi fazalyқ array of antennae үshin commutationқfazalyқ auystyrғyshty әzirleu. DTSI-2019, ҚBTU Khabarshysy, 16 volume, 3 shygarylym, shilde - Kyrkuyek 2019, 162-167 b.

13. Ә.Zhaқsylyқ. Korshagan ortanyk monitoringinde GAZh tekhnologiyalaryn oldanu mәseleleri. KazATK Khabarshysy No. 2, 2019 f 184-189 better.

14 Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications.

Career betterinin turaktylykyn bahylaudyk geodesyalyk adisterin ozirleu. 67-78. Nurpeyisova M, Kirgizbaeva G, Donenbaeva N, Bek A, Bekbasarov S, Zhaқsylyk A zhane Madimarova G. Biosc Biotech Res Comm arnayy shykarylymy 12th volume (5) Kyrkuyek 2019

15. Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications.

Caspian aimagynyk zher betinin dynamics synyk ceshend monitoring 79-89. Nurpeyisova M, Bekbasarov S, Kyrkyzbaeva G, Rakhymbaeva D, Kapasova A, Zhansilyk A. zhane Zhantyeva S. Biosc Biotech Res Comm arnayy shykarylymy 12 volume (5) Kyrkuyek 2019.

16. Physics sabaғynda zhaңa tekhnologolardy қoldanu.

E.A. Daineko, M.T. Ipalakova, D.D. Tsoi, Zh.B. Bauyrzhan, E. El'ondy, J.J. Bolatov, A.M. Seytnur, Ә. Zhaқsylyқ. 5th International Conference on Engineering & MIS 2019 (ICEMIS'19), L. N. Gumilev atyndagy Eurasia Alttyk University, Astana, Kazakhstan, 06-08 mausym, 2019

17. Tikhvinsky, Ulagaeva, Aitmagambetov, Zhausylyk A., Kozhakhmetova B.

18. Zhaқsylyқ A., Muratbek Ә.Zh. Caredegі tau-ken zhumystaryn zhurgizude geoaқparattyқ modeldeudi қoldanu "Gylym men tәzhіribenің mindetteri men mәseleleri" XIII Halykaralyk Gylym conference, 10 - 12 mamyr, 2021, Germany, Berlin, Berlin. 265-268 19. Zhaқsylyқ A., Akhmetova N.S., Zhaқsylyқ Zh.

3D OBJECTILERIN құru kezinde computer graphics oldanu erekshelikterі. "Gylym, bilim, innovation: өzekti zhune zamanaoui aspectiler" halygaralyk gylym-tәzhiribelik conferences. Almaty. 23 sәuir, 2021 lived

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