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Mamyrbayeva Kulzira Kaldybekovna

Mamyrbayeva Kulzira Kaldybekovna


Associate Professor

Department of Metallurgical processes, Нeat engineering and Technologies of special materials

Email: k.mamyrbayeva@satbayev.111


PhD count:

Professional biography

Scientific interests - complex processing of polycomponent ores of non-ferrous metals, and waste products by pyro- and hydrometallurgical processes; liquid extraction, powder metallurgy, composite materials.

Professional biography

Associate Professor of the Department of Metallurgical Processes, Heat Engineering and Technology of Special Materials; the topic of doctoral dissertation - “Hydrometallurgical processing of oxidized and mixed copper ores”.

At the moment, she is the chief researcher for the "Development of an integrated technology for reducing the formation of crud during the liquid extraction of copper" project,  2022-2024.

For the past 12 years, she has been working as a senior and chief researcher for several projects related to the complex processing of mineral raw materials and waste disposal.

She has partaken in the "Processing of ore and technogenic arsenic-containing products to obtain low-toxic arsenic compounds" project (2004 – 2007) of the International Scientific and Technical Center - ISTC (ISTC K 464.2) -.

Under her headship guidance, there were, 9 master's and more than 50 bachelor's theses in the speciality of metallurgy were defended. She is the author of - "Fundamentals of obtaining special materials", and "Technologies of roasting and melting processes" teaching tutorials.  She is an author of more than 15 educational & methodological complexes (in Kazakh, Russian and English) for the specialities 6B07203 - "Metallurgy and mineral processing", 7M07204 - "Metallurgy and mineral processing", 8D07204 - Metallurgical Engineering.

She has published over 30 scientific works, Hirsch Index - 2, Scopus - 4.


1. Kazakh National University named after Al Farabi (KazNU), specialty "Chemistry", 1987-1992

2. Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpaev (KazNTU), Master's degree in Metallurgy, 2006-2008

3. Doctorate – was held under the joint training program of Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev (KazNTU) and Colorado School of Mines, USA. 2009-2012. PhD specialty - 6D070900 Metallurgy.

Scientific projects

2023-2025 IRN AR19680477 “Development of a comprehensive technology for processing nickel-cobalt-containing ores using pyro- and hydrometallurgical processes”, Scientific supervisor;

2022-2024 Development of complex technology for reducing the formation of crud in the liquid extraction of copper, Senior researcher;

2018-2020 Substantiation and development of technology for processing gold-arsenic-coal concentrates, Senior researcher;

2015-2017 Project "Development of technology for obtaining powders of metallic and oxidized iron of nanosized sizes", Senior researcher;  

2015-2017 Project “Concentration and purification (refining) of non-ferrous metal solutions. No 757 Mon. GF.15. RIPR.21. Research supervisor, grant funding.

2004-2007 Project of the International Science and Technology Center - ISTC (ISTC K 464.2) - "Processing of ores and man-made arsenic-containing products to obtain low-toxic arsenic compounds". Processing of gold-arsenic-containing raw materials, disposal of arsenic waste; processing of pyrite materials, slag; obtaining nanopowders of iron oxides; extraction of liquid copper, the problem of hail formation in copper mining.


Извлечение меди из отвалов и хвостов выщелачивания соляной кислотой

Электроплавка свинцовосодержащей пыли медеплавильных заводов

Механизм неокислительного и окислительного выщелачивания пирротитов

Переработка редких металлов, содержащих отходы медного производства

Синтез полисульфида натрия для переработки медной руды

Профессор экстрактивной металлургии Ф. ХАБАШИ

Сульфатты ерітінділерден мысты модификацияланған экстрагентпен бөліп алу

Повышение эффективности скважин месторождения Мынкудык обработкой бифторидом аммония

Гидрометаллургическая переработка смешанной руды месторождения Бозшаколь (Казахстан)

Разработка технологии переработки золото-мышьяковоугольных концентратов.

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

Development and justification of the technology for processing cobalt-nickel-containing ores