Scientific projects of the Department of MPTiTSM
PCF IRN BR21881939 “ Development of resource-saving energy-generating technologies for the mining and metallurgical complex and creation of an innovative engineering center ”
Section - Development of a combined technology for processing vanadium-containing raw materials to produce rare metal concentrates - Project Manager T.A. Chepushtanova.
AP14871587 Development of a comprehensive technology for reducing theft formation during liquid-liquid extraction of copper – Project Manager T.A. Chepushtanova
AP13268858 “Asbestos ondirіsіnіn kaldyktarynan zhogary tazalyktagy microdispersity silicon oxide zhane metallurgical silicon alu technology son zertteu” – Project Manager O.S. Baigenzhenov.
AR15473200 “Development of technology for processing oxidized ores with preliminary high-temperature sulfidization” - Project Manager E.S. Merkibaev.
AR19175411 - “Development of a comprehensive technology for intensifying the electrolysis process in the production of cathode copper” - Project Manager M.I. Esirkegenov.
AP19676107 Title in Russian: “Development of technology for complex processing of industrial waste from vanadium production” – Project Manager S.B. Yulusov.
AR19680477 Development of a comprehensive technology for processing nickel-cobalt-containing ores using pyro- and hydrometallurgical processes – Mamyrbaeva K.K.