Telkov Shamil
Candidate of technical sciences
Assistant professor
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing
Email: naukaty@mail.333
Professional biography
Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Higher Attestation Commission, specialist in the field of ore dressing.
The direction of his scientific interests is the study of the ore dressability of ferrous, non-ferrous and noble metals. Engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities for 49 years. Total work experience in the specialty 51 years. The author of about 150 scientific papers, 10 patents and copyright certificates. Scientific supervisor of more than 40 contractual works and 1 grant financing project. More than 10 years is an expert of the State Commission for Mineral Reserves of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Scientific reserve: from 1971 to the present, he has experience in the implementation and implementation of research results in the field of enrichment of polymetallic ores (Irtyshsky, Belousovsky, Ridder-Sokolny, Zyryanovsky, Shalkinsky, Zhayremsky, Achisaysky, Tekeliysky, Tuyuk deposits), rare-metal ores (Tyrnauz, Pyrkakaysky, Ingichkinsky deposits), antimony-mercury ores (Khaidarkansky deposits), barite ores (Mirgalimsaysky, Chiganaksky, Aurtashsky, Zhairemsky, Bestyubinsky, Katyn-Kamal of the Kentucky, Barite, Zhumanak deposits), manganese ores (Dzhezdinsky, Ushkatynsky, Tur, Zhomart, East and West Kamys, Aitoksha, Chuuldak, Keregetas, Suuksu, Karatas, Zhaksy, Akzhar-Sarytum deposits), iron ore (Uralzhat Karash) , Kentucky, Velikhovsky, Greater China deposits), copper ores (Kounradsky, Sayaksky, Abyz deposits), chromium ores (Kempersaysky deposit). He was also involved in research in the field of processing of technogenic raw materials: clinker of the Ust-Kamenogorsk SCK.
1964 entered the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute. V.I. Lenin at the metallurgical faculty, in the specialty "Mineral processing" and finally it in 1969.
1971 to 1974 he studied at the graduate school of KazPTI at the department "Metallurgy of precious metals and mineral processing".
Scientific projects
No. AR05133980 Testing the technology of flotation concentration of lead-zinc ores of the Shalkiya deposit using the preliminary gravitational concentration process
No. 4.956.17 “Studies on the gravitational concentration of waste of JSC TNK Kazchrome”
No. 4.943.17 “Studies of the gravitational enrichment of stale manganese sludge and defective products after lump enrichment with the determination of the possibility of their processing, using the deposition process, to obtain conditioned manganese concentrates”
No. 4.003.18 "Investigation of the stale and current tails of wet magnetic separation at SSGPO JSC"
No. 4.017.18 “Development of a technology for the concentration of iron ores of a fraction of 0 - 50 mm with minimal losses in production wastes”
No. 4.035.19 “Study of the enrichment of manganese ores of the Borly deposit and development of technology for their processing”
List of publications in peer-reviewed foreign scientific publications, including those indexed by the Web of Science or Scopus databases, including those with a non-zero impact factor:
1. Sholpan N. Kubekova , Viktoria I. Kapralova and Shamil A. Telkov. Silicophosphate Sorbents, Based on Ore-Processing Plants’ Waste in Kazakhstan // INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL & SCIENCE EDUCATION 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 12, 4985- 4996 http://www.ijese.net/makale/681
2. Sh. A. Telkov, I. Yu. Motovilov, M. B. Barmenshinova, N. L. Medyanik, G. S. Daruesh. SUBSTANTIATION OF GRAVITY CONCENTRATION TO THE SHALKIYA DEPOSIT LEAD-ZINC ORE // Journal of Mining Sciences, 2019 year, number 3. https://www.sibran.ru/en/journals/issue.php?ID=177170&ARTICLE_ID=177182
3. Motovilov I. Yu., Telkov Sh. A., Barmenshinova M. B., Nurmanova A. N. Examination of the preliminary gravity dressing influence on the Shalkiya deposit complex ore // Non-ferrous metals. 2019. #2, стр. 3-8. http://rudmet.net/journal/1876/article/31893/
List of publications in domestic magazines, including those recommended by ССES MES RK:
1. Кубекова Ш.Н., Капралова В.И., Телков Ш.А., Мотовилов И.Ю., Багиярова Т., Кургалинова А., Алыбаев Ж.А. Новые неорганические материалы на основе отходов обогащения марганецсодержащей руды месторождения Ушкатын III // Вестник КазНИТУ, №1, 2016. С. 479-488. https://official.satbayev.university/download/document/7170/%D0%92%D0%95%D0%A1%D0%A2%D0%9D%D0%98%D0%9A-2016%20%E2%84%961.pdf
2. Кучербаев Б.Р., Телков Ш.А., Мотовилов И.Ю., Безгинова Л.И. Разработка технологии и сравнительный анализ технологических показателей обогащения рудного отсева крупностью – 13 + 0,0 мм, с использованием процесса отсадки узко классифицированных и широко классифицированных классов крупности, руды месторождения «Западный Каражал» // Вестник КазНИТУ, №2 2016 c.43-47. https://official.satbayev.university/download/document/7169/%D0%92%D0%95%D0%A1%D0%A2%D0%9D%D0%98%D0%9A-2016%20%E2%84%962.pdf
3. Кучербаев Б.Р., Телков Ш.А., Мотовилов И.Ю., Безгинова Л.И., Жакатаева Н.К. Разработка технологии обогащения рудного отсева крупностью – 13 + 0,0 мм, с использованием редкоземельного валкового магнитного сепаратора, руды месторождения «Западный Каражал» // Вестник КазНИТУ, №3 2016 c.76-81. https://official.satbayev.university/download/document/7167/%D0%92%D0%95%D0%A1%D0%A2%D0%9D%D0%98%D0%9A-2016%20%E2%84%963.pdf
4. Телков Ш.А., Бакеев Д.С, Ли Э.М. Разработка оптимальной флотационной схемы окисленной медной руды // Вестник КазНИТУ, №2 2016c 14–18
5. Телков Ш.А., Жубатканова. Обогащение клинкера с использованием процесса осадки // Вестник КазНИТУ, № 3 2018 c. 356-358
6. Телков Ш.А., Жубатканова. Гравитационная обогатимость клинкера и определение оптимальных параметров его обогащения // Вестник КазНИТУ, № 3 2018 c. 459-462
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Potential research studies of doctoral students
1. Processing of magnetite ore beneficiation tailings for the purpose of additional extraction of iron and non-ferrous metals.
2. Development of gravity-flotation technology for beneficiation of gold-bearing ore of the RK deposit.