Scientific projects of the university

The most important achievements of KazNRTU named after K. Satbayev are scientific technologies introduced into production.

The main areas of research are promising and socially significant areas of science, techniques and technology development:

  • information and telecommunications systems
  • chemical technology
  • nano systems and materials industry
  • energy and energy saving
  • environmental management
  • oil and mineral extraction.

The priority tasks of the work are obtaining new knowledge; creating partnership mechanisms necessary for creating and commercializing the domestic technologies; improving financial support system for innovation; developing scientific, technical and intellectual potential, and a number of other important issues in developing the economy’s innovative sphere.

KazNRTU named after K. Satbayev is the leader of innovative scientific research in the country, scientists and teachers publish articles in leading world journals, and the amount of inventions, patents and author's certificates is growing. University works in close cooperation with production and creates fundamental and practical ideas that solve current problems of economic entities.

University researchers are highly valued in the country's labor market and receive high praise and recognition at prestigious symposiums and conferences abroad. They actively develop new branches of knowledge and technology, and work to implement its results in production in accordance with the innovation chain, which allows them to accompany the growth of scientific and technical research from ideas to their implementation.

University plans scientific work for years to come, linking its future with the coming third industrial revolution.

AP09058419 Prediction of the characteristics of a porous medium, taking into account the modes of rock dissolution on a pore scale based on machine learning
AP09058452 "Development of a PVT Model for Predicting Wax Deposition»
AP08955550 "Principles of training highly qualified personnel for Kazakhstan in the field of architecture and urban planning, competitive in the context of globalization and the search for national identity"
AP08957443 "Scientific rationale for the selection of hyperaccumulator plants for phytoremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals in Almaty"
AP08956439 "Development of innovative water-saving technologies using new biopolymer moisture sorbents for arid climatic zones"
AP08957241 "Development of polymer-metal multilayer nanocatalysts"
AP08956794 "Study of physical and mechanical properties of damping alloys with nanostructured coating for critical parts of road transport"
AP08856630 "Assessment of the quality of spatial electromagnetic noise in active information protection systems"
AP08855607 "Digital technology for optimizing the cyclic pumping of highly solidifying and high-viscosity oil mixtures"
AP08856141 “Development of a topological optimization method based on Deep Learning and GPU-accelerated computations for creating aerodynamic structures”
AP08856412 "Development of intelligent data processing and flight planning models for solving the problems of precision farming using UAVs"
AP08856867 "Development and testing of intelligent algorithms for optimal control of the technological process of purification of yellow phosphorus in the conditions of the NDPP"
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