Gritsenko Lesya Vladimirovna
Associate Professor
Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev
Department of "General Physics"
Email: l.gritsenko@satbayev.111
Professional biography
General experience of scientific and pedagogical activity: 23 years
Academic title - Associate Professor
Position - Professor
2 doctors PhD prepared:
1. Kedruk E. Yu. Dissertation "Low-temperature methods of synthesis and functional properties of wide-gap semiconductor materials", specialty 6D074000 - Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies.
2. Tolubaeva D.B. The topic of the PhD dissertation is “Electrochemical and structural properties of nanostructured semiconductor oxides”, specialty 8D07101 – Nanotechnology in engineering.
PhD candidate is being trained:
Paltusheva Zh.U., PhD dissertation topic “Obtaining and studying the properties of nanostructured semiconductor materials for use in sensor devices”, specialty 8D07103 - Materials Science and Engineering, 3rd year.
2001-2004 Tomsk Polytechnic University, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Programmer and Assistant at the Department of General Physics.
2004 – present, Kazakh National Research Technical University after K.I. Satpayev, Institute of Industrial Engineering, Professor at General Physics Department .
Readable disciplines for the last 5 academic years:
General Physics (Physics 1, Physics 2)
Physics of Low-dimensional systems
Physical bases of Quantum Electronics
Practice of English for physicists
Professionally-oriented foreign language
Physics and techniques of Semiconductors
Applied solid state Physics
Fundumental problems of Nanotechnologies
Modern Material Science
Perspective functional materials
Fundamental Problems of Material Science
Calculation methods of Phase Transformations
Optics of Nanostructures
Physics and techniques of Low-dimensional systems
Semiconductor heterostructures and devices based on them
Physical foundations of nanoclusters and nanostructures technology
Physics and chemistry of nanoparticles
Physical Optics
Synthesis and research methods of nanostructured materials
Physical and chemical principles of nanotechnology
Synthesis Technologies of Powder and composite Materials
Engineering Thermodynamics
Sonde methods of materials research
Creation Methods of surface nanostructures
Awards and premiums
Winner of the Tomsk premium in sphere of education and science. 2000 year. Winner of International scientific and educational Soros’s program. 2000 year. Winner of the open competition for the best scientific student's work on natural, technical and humanitarian sciences, Russian Federation. 1999 year. Winner of the federal target program competition "Integration", Russian Federation. 2000 year. Winner of International educational program Erasmus Mundus Action II, 2011 year.Education
1994 - 1998 Physical Faculty, Bachelor’s Degree in Physics, diploma with honors
1998 - 2000 Physical Faculty, Master’s Degree in Physics, diploma with honors
2010 - 2013 Specialty 6D074000 «Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies», PhD
2012 (9 months) Italy, Specialty «Physics», PhD student.
Scientific projects
Participation in Research Projects:
Scientific Leader of Research Project of the Republic of Kazakhstan AP08856173 «Synthesis and study of properties of low-dimensional semiconductor materials to create highly sensitive biosensors». 2020-2022yy.
Scientific Leader of Research Project of the Republic of Kazakhstan №757.МОН.ГФ.15.РИПР.9 «Development of synthesis methods of thin films and layers of oxide semiconductors». 2015-2017yy.
Responsible performer in the Research Project of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Development of methods of receiving of zinc oxide thin films for solar energy». Scientific Leader -Doctor of phys. and math. sciences, Prof. Kumekov S.E. 2013-2015yy.
Scientific Leader of Research Project of the Republic of Kazakhstan №757.МОН.ГФ.15.РИПР.9 «Development of synthesis methods of thin films and layers of oxide semiconductors». 2015-2017yy.
Executor in the Research Project of the Republic of Kazakhstan 3825 ГФ4 «Synthesis and study of the properties of photocatalytic materials based on nanostructured semiconductors» 2015-2017yy.
Executor in the Research Project of the Republic of Kazakhstan AP 05130100 «Development of technologies for producing nanostructured oxide semiconductors for a wide range of applications» 2018-2020yy.
Project executor AP 19676535 “Heterogeneous semiconductor nanostructured materials for electrodes of hybrid supercapacitors” 2023-2025.
It was published more than 100 scientific and methodological works:
Гриценко Л. В., Сусак И. П., Трифонов А. Ю., Траекторно-когерентные состояния для уравнения Клейна - Гордона в Ф- представлении, Известия высших учебных заведений, 1999.- №10, с. 44-49.
Kh. A. Abdullin, N.B. Bakranov, S.E. Kudaibergenov, S.E. Kumekov, V.N. Ermolaev, L.V. Podrezova (Gritsenko), Facile Synthesis of Vertically Aligned ZnO Nanowires on Carbon Layer by Vapour Deposition, World Academy of Science. Engineering and Technology. − 2011. − V.59. − P. 1506−1509. SCOPUS Database
Л.В. Подрезова (Гриценко), Х.А. Абдуллин, Н.Б. Бакранов, С.Е. Кудайбергенов, С.Е. Кумеков, В.Н. Ермолаев, Синтез нанокристаллического оксида цинка гидротермальным методом, Вестник КазНТУ. -2011. - №2 (84). –C. 162-167.
Podrezova (Gritsenko) L.V., Cauda V., Cicero G., Abdullin Kh.A., Morphology and properties of ZnO nanowires grown in the different water solutions, Материалы Международной конференции “Сolloids and nanotechnologies in industry”. – 30-31 October, 2012. – Almaty, КазНТУ. – С.20
L.V. Podrezova (Gritsenko), V. Cauda, S. Stassi, G. Cicero,Kh.A. Abdullin, B.E. Alpysbayeva, Properties of ZnO nanorods grown by hydrothermal synthesis on conductive layers, Materials of ICG 2013, Italian Crystal Growth, New Frontiers of Functional Materials, Parma. – 14–15 November 2013, p.10.
L.V. Podrezova (Gritsenko), V. Cauda, S. Stassi, G. Cicero, Kh. A. Abdullin, B. E. Alpysbayeva, Fabrication of zinc oxide nanorods via solution method on conductive substrates, Materials of 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy, Warsaw, Poland. – August 11–16 2013, р. 508
Kh. A. Abdullin, D. V. Ismailov, J. K. Kalkozova, S. E. Kumekov, T.E. Nurmamytov, L. V. Podrezova (Gritsenko), ZnO nanorods–CuO composite nanostructures, XII International Conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO 2014), July 13–18, 2014 Moscow, Russia, p. 556.
Kh.A. Abdullin, Zh. K. Kalkozova, L.V. Gritsenko, S.Е. Kumekov, Zh.О. Mukash, N.K. Saitova, A.Yu. Sazonov, Plasma treatment of ZnO:B nanostructured layers synthesized by hydrothermal route, 15–th International Conference on the Physics of Non–Ideal Plasmas. – Almaty, KazNU. – 2015. – P. 113.
Kh.A. Abdullin, Zh. K. Kalkozova, Sh.R. Adilov, L.V. Gritsenko, S.Е.Kumekov, Zh.О. Mukash, E.I. Terukov, Influence of hydrogen plasma treatment on the electrical, optical and structural properties of ZnO:B thin films, 15–th International Conference on the Physics of Non–Ideal Plasmas. – Almaty, KazNU. – 2015. – P. 114.
Kh.A. Abdullin, M.T. Gabdullin, L.V.Gritsenko, N.R. Guseinov, D.V. Ismailov, Zh.K. Kalkozova, S.E. Kumekov, Zh.O. Mukash, A.Yu. Sazonov, E.I.Terukov, Enhancement of ZnO films photoluminescence by annealing and H-plasma treatment, 4th International Conference on Electronics, Mechatronics and Automation (ICEMA 2015). – Toronto, Canada. – 2015. – P.15–16.
Kh.A. Abdullin, L.V. Gritsenko, N.R. Guseinov, D.V. Ismailov, Zh.K. Kalkozova, S.E. Kumekov, Zh.O. Mukash, E.I.Terukov, Influence of thermal treatment on the optical and electrical properties of ZnO:B thin films, Materials of Fifth European Conference on Crystal Growth (ECCG5). – Bologna, Italy. – 2015. – P. 26.
Х.А. Абдуллин, М.Т. Габдуллин, Л.В. Гриценко, Д.В. Исмайлов, Ж.К. Калкозова, С.Е. Кумеков, Ж.О. Мукаш, А.Ю. Сазонов, Е.И. Теруков, Влияние термической обработки в различных атмосферах на электрические и фотолюминесцентные свойства плёнок ZnO, Материалы Российской конференции по Физико–химическим проблемам возобновляемой энергетики. – Санкт–Петербург, Россия. – 2015. – 2 с.
Kh. Abdullin, M. Gabdullin, L. Gritsenko, S. Kumekov and Zh. Mukash, Photoluminescent and electrical properties of ZnO thin films subjected to the thermal annealing and a hydrogen plasma treatment, Сборник трудов Международной конференции «7th International conference on Advanced Nanomaterials» (ANM2016), Portugal, Aveiro, 24-28 July. – 2016. – Р. 76.
Х.А.Абдуллин, Л.В.Гриценко, С.Е. Кумеков, Ж.О. Мукаш, Н.К. Саитова, В.П. Афанасьев, Плазменная обработка плёнок ZnO(В), полученных гидротермальным методом, Международная конференция «Аморфные и микрокристаллические полупроводники», Санкт-Петербург. – 2016. – С. 327.
Х.А.Абдуллин, Л.В.Гриценко, С.Е. Кумеков, Ж.О. Мукаш, Н.К. Саитова, В.П. Афанасьев, Электрические и фотолюминесцентные свойства плёнок ZnO:Al, подвергнутых термическому отжигу, Международная конференция «Аморфные и микрокристаллические полупроводники», Санкт-Петербург. – 2016. – С. 303.
E.R. Kim, R.E. Ualikhanov, D.T. Ucubassova, L.V. Gritsenko, N.R. Guseinov, Kh.A. Abdullin, Photosensitivity of Nanostructured CdS Layers, Synthesized by Hydrothermal Route, Материалы 5-ой Международной конференции по наноматериалам и передовым системам хранения энергии (INESS-2017), г. Астана. – 2017. – С. 95
E.R. Kim, A.B. Keldinova, L.V. Gritsenko, Kh.A. Abdullin, S.E. Kumekov, Thermal Treatment of Aluminum Doped Zinc Oxide Thin Films, Материалы 5-ой Международной конференции по наноматериалам и передовым системам хранения энергии (INESS-2017), г. Астана. – 2017. – С. 94.
Ж.О. Мукаш, Л.В. Гриценко, А.Б. Кельдинова, С.Е. Кумеков, Х.А. Абдуллин, Исследование влияния термической и плазменной обработки на различные свойства прозрачных проводящих покрытий на основе оксидных полупроводников, Proceedings of the 10th International scientific conference «Chaos and structures in nonlinear systems. Theory and experiment», КазНУ. – 2017. – С. 122 - 125.
Kh. A. Abdullin, L.V. Gritsenko, S.E. Kumekov, A. A. Markhabaevа, E.I. Terukov Effect of Heat and Plasma Treatments on the Photoluminescence of Zinc-Oxide Films, Semiconductors. – 2018.– V.52, №2. – Р. 177–183 (IF=0.602)
Ж.Б. Куспанов, Р.Е. Уалиханов, Л.В. Гриценко, Х.А. Абдуллин, Свойства прозрачных проводящих покрытий ZnO:Al, Материалы 73-ей Всероссийской научно-технической конференции, посвященной Дню радио. Санкт-Петербург, «Российское научно-техническое общество радиотехники, электроники и связи им. А. С. Попова» (СПбНТОРЭС), 20–28 апреля 2018 г. - С. 384-385.
Ж.О. Мукаш, Л.В. Гриценко, Х.А. Абдуллин, Исследование влияния плазменной обработки на фотолюминесценцию образцов ZnO, Белая книга по нанотехнологиям, Алматы, 2018. – C.141-143.
Y.Y. Kedruk, L.V. Gritsenko, Kh.A. Abdullin, Hydrothermal Synthesis of ZnO-CuO Nanocomposites for Photocatalytic Application, Международная конференция «The 7th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Energy Storage Systems (INESS-2019)», Алматы, 7-9 августа 2019 г., с. 89.
Y.Y. Kedruk, L.V. Gritsenko, Kh.A. Abdullin, Effect of Heat Treatment on the Optical Properties of ВZO Thin Films, Международная конференция «The 7th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Energy Storage Systems (INESS-2019)», Алматы, 7-9 августа 2019 г., с. 90.
Y.Y. Kedruk, L.V. Gritsenko, G. Cicero, Kh.A. Abdullin, Effect of Synthesis Temperature on the Properties of ZnO - CuO Composites, Международная конференция «SCON 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology»,18-19 ноября 2019 г., Амстердам, Нидерланды, с. 92.
Ж.У. Палтушева, Л.В. Гриценко, Е.Ю. Кедрук, Х.А. Абдуллин, М.Б. Айтжанов, Ж.К. Калкозова «Электрохимический сенсор аскорбиновой кислоты на основе наноструктур оксида цинка» // Recent Contributions to Physics. – 2023. – V.86, №3. – С. 49-56 https://bph.kaznu.kz/index.php/zhuzhu/article/view/1702/1640
Y.Y. Kedruk, Zh.U. Paltusheva, L.V. Gritsenko, V. Syritski «Structural properties of ZnO nanopowders synthesized by thermal decomposition» // Physical Sciences and Technology – 2023. – Vol. 10, № (3-4). – P. 80-86 https://phst.kaznu.kz/index.php/journal/article/view/355/273
D.B. Tolubayeva, L.V. Gritsenko, Y.Y. Kedruk, K.K. Mustafina, M.B. Aitzhanov, Kh.A. Abdullin, Influence of zinc oxide morphology on its photocatalytic properties // Вестник КарГУ, Серия физическая. – 2023. – Vol. 110, №2. – с. 34-45. https://physics-vestnik.ksu.kz/apart/2023-110-2/04.pdf
Д.Б. Толубаева, Л.В. Гриценко Зависимость электрохимических свойств биосенсоров от морфологии слоёв оксида цинка// Вестник КазНУ. – 2022. – №4 (83). – С.29-37. https://bph.kaznu.kz/index.php/zhuzhu/article/view/1605/1603
D.B. Tolubayeva, Y.Y. Kedruk, L.V. Gritsenko. Influence of plasma and heat treatments on the properties of ZnO nanorods // Physical Sciences and Technology – 2022. – Vol. 9, №(3-4). – P.11-17. https://phst.kaznu.kz/index.php/journal/article/view/287/248
Кедрук Е.Ю., Айтжанов М.Б., Гриценко Л.В., Абдуллин Х.А. Влияние температуры синтеза на свойства нанокомпозитов ZnO/CuO // Вестник КазНИТУ. – 2020. – №5 (141). – С.729-734. ISSN: 1680 – 9211 https://vestnik.satbayev.university/index.php/journal/issue/view/63/60
Maraeva E.V., Permiakov N.V., Kedruk Y.Y., Gritsenko L.V., Abdullin Kh.A.. Creating a virtual device for processing the results of sorption measurements in the study of zinc oxide nanorods. Chimica Techno Acta. – 2020. – Vol 7, No 4. – Р. 154-158.
Kedruk Y. Y., Bobkov A. A., Gritsenko L. V., Moshnikov V. A. Investigation of the Properties of Zinc Oxide by the Method of impedance spectroscopy // Glass Physics and Chemistry. -2022. - V. 48, № 2. - P. 123–129 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1087659622020043#:~:text=It%20has%20been%20shown%20that,sensors%20of%20a%20new%20generation
Abdullin A. Kh., Gabdullin M. T., Zhumagulov S. K., Ismailova G. A., Gritsenko L.V., Mirzaeian M., Kedruk Y. Y. Stabilization of the Surface of ZnO Films and Elimination of the Aging Effect // Materials. – 2021. – V. 14, № 21. – P. 1-11. https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/14/21/6535
Kedruk Y.Y., Baigarinova G.A., Gritsenko L.V., Cicero G., Abdullin Kh. A. Facile Low-Cost Synthesis of Highly Photocatalitycally Active Zinc Oxide Powders // Frontiers in Materials. – 2022. - V.9. - P. 1-11. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmats.2022.869493/full
Zhaniya U. Paltusheva, Zhannat Ashikbayeva, Daniele Tosi and Lesya V. Gritsenko Highly sensitive zinc oxide fiber‑optic biosensor to detection of CD44 protein // Biosensors. – 2022. – 1015. https://www.mdpi.com/2079-6374/12/11/1015
Tolubayeva, D.B.; Gritsenko, L.V.; Kedruk, Y.Y.; Aitzhanov, M.B.; Nemkayeva, R.R.; Abdullin, K.A. Effect of Hydrogen Plasma Treatment on the Sensitivity of ZnO Based Electrochemical Non-Enzymatic Biosensor. Biosensors 2023, 13, 793. https://doi.org/10.3390/bios13080793
Kedruk, Y.Y.; Contestabile, A.; Zeng, J.; Fontana, M.; Laurenti, M.; Gritsenko, L.V.; Cicero, G.; Pirri, C.F.; Abdullin, K.A. Morphology Effects on Electro- and Photo-Catalytic Properties of Zinc Oxide Nanostructures. Nanomaterials 2023, 13, 2527. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano13182527
Подготовлен докторант PhD: Кедрук Е. Ю. Диссертация "Низкотемпературные методы синтеза и функциональные свойства широкозонных полупроводниковых материалов".
2 doctors PhD prepared:
1. Kedruk E. Yu. Dissertation "Low-temperature methods of synthesis and functional properties of wide-gap semiconductor materials", specialty 6D074000 - Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies.
2. Tolubaeva D.B. The topic of the PhD dissertation is “Electrochemical and structural properties of nanostructured semiconductor oxides”, specialty 8D07101 – Nanotechnology in engineering.
PhD candidate is being trained:
Paltusheva Zh.U., PhD dissertation topic “Obtaining and studying the properties of nanostructured semiconductor materials for use in sensor devices”, specialty 8D07103 - Materials Science and Engineering, 3rd year.
The author of 5 standard training programs, the are 3 innovative patents for inventions:
Патент на изобретение РК 35707 «Способ получения фотокаталитически активных порошков оксида цинка» Кедрук Е.Ю., Палтушева Ж.У., Гриценко Л. В., Абдуллин Х.А.., выд. 10.06.2022, заявка № 2021/0249.
3 monographs written:
1. Monograph Gritsenko L.V., Abdullin H.A., Chichero J., Nanostructured layers based on semiconductor materials, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. – ISBN-10: 3330079738 ISBN-13: 978-3330079731. – 2017. – 144 p.
2. Monograph by Gritsenko L.V., “Methods of obtaining and studying thin films and layers of oxide semiconductors”, KazNRTU, Almaty, ISBN 978-601-323-149-5. – 2019
3. Gritsenko L.V., Kalkozova Zh.K., Abdullin H.A. “Methods for obtaining and studying thin films and layers of oxide semiconductors” (second edition, supplemented), ISBN 978-601-323-320-8. – 2022, 193 p.
English textbook Gritsenko L.V., Baigisova K.B., “Physics II. Magnetism, Optics, Atomic physics, Nuclear physics”, КазНИТУ им. К.И. Сатпаева. – 2019., 126p.
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
1. Project "Development of methods for obtaining thin films and layers of oxide semiconductors." 2015-2017
2. Project "Synthesis and study of the properties of low-dimensional semiconductor materials for the creation of highly sensitive biosensors." 2020-2022
At the moment, there is 1 PhD student.