Zhankeldi Adilet Zhankeldiuly
Associate Professor
Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev
Department of Standardization, Certification and Metrology
Email: a.zhankeldi@satbayev.111
Professional biography
From 08.10.2019y. to 31.05.2019y.:Tutor of the Department of Standardization, certification and mechanical engineering technology at the A. Burkitbaev Institute of Industrial Engineering
From 01.06.2019y. Until now:
Tutor of the Department of Industrial Engineering at the A. Burkitbaev Institute of Industrial Automation and Digitalization
Kazakh national technical university after K.I.Satbayev, 2009-2013, bachelor of engineering and technology, specialty 050712 Mechanical Engineering,
Kazakh national technical university after K.I.Satbayev, 2013-2015, master of technical sciences, specialty 6M071200 - Mechanical Engineering,
Kazakh national research technical university after K.I.Satbayev, 2015-2018, PhD, specialty 6D071200 - Mechanical Engineering.
Scientific projects
1) Investigating the prospects of applying a new design cam-screw press in industryPublications
1. Е.С. Аскаров, Ә.Ж. Жанкелді, Б.Т. Муртазина. Кривошипный пресс – проблемы эксплуатации и пути их решения. Вестник КазАТК № 4 (99), 2016, г. Алматы, ISSN 1609-1817
2. Е.С. Аскаров, Ә.Ж. Жанкелді. Кулачково-винтовой пресс – силовой расчет. Вестник КазАТК № 2 (101), 2017, г. Алматы, ISSN 1609-1817
3. Е.С. Аскаров, Ә.Ж. Жанкелді, Д.К. Курмангали, А.М.Мырзахан. Кулачково-винтовой пресс с увеличенным ходом. Вестник КазАТК № 4 (103), 2017, г. Алматы, ISSN 1609-1817
4. Е.С. Аскаров, Ә.Ж. Жанкелді, Ж.Е.Асқар. Кулачково-винтовой пресс-автомат с нижним расположением привода. Вестник КазАТК № 1 (104), 2018, г. Алматы, ISSN 1609-1817
5. E. Askarov, A. Zhauyt, Zh. Abilkaiyr, A. Zhankeldi, B. Naurushev. A new type cam-screw mechanical press. Proceedings of 16th International Scientific Conference Engineering for rural development, 2017, Jelgava, Latvia
6. E. Askarov, A. Zhankeldi, B. Absadykov, G. Smailova. Design features of a cam-screw press with a large effort. News of the national academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. Volume 5, Number 431 (2018)
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