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AP19674691 – Development, research and industrial testing of mathematical models and intelligent process control algorithms for the production of premium quality phosphoric acid

Objective of the project:

The purpose of the project is the development, research and industrial testing at the Novodzhambyl Phosphorus Plant (NDPP) of mathematical models and intelligent algorithms for controlling the process of purification of thermal phosphoric acid in optimal modes.


The proposed project is aimed at researching and creating optimal process control systems. The methods and means for synthesizing hybrid (intelligent + mathematical) optimal control models developed during the project can be used to create control systems for any other technological processes.

Scientific adviser: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Suleimenov Batyrbek Aitbaevich

Quantitative and qualitative composition of project performers:9 performers, consisting of: 1 Doctor of Technical Sciences, 2 PhD, 1 Candidate of Technical Sciences, 1 Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2 Masters

Results: project start – 2023

The structure of a mathematical model of the process of precipitation of heavy metal and arsenic sulfides has been developed based on hydrodynamic conditions in reaction columns and the kinetics of chemical reactions of interaction of elements of a solution of phosphoric acid with hydrogen sulfide. Structures of mathematical and intelligent models for controlling the processes of filtration, absorption and desorption of waste gases using intelligent technologies have also been developed. These models were identified on the basis of experimental studies carried out at the site.

Implementation period: 2023-2025.

Scientific projects of the university

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