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Scientific and technical support for energy saving during transportation of oil and oil mixtures along the oil pipeline routes of “KAZTRANSOIL” JSC

The main idea of the work is the scientific and technical development of  digital technology in the field of information systems to manage and optimize technological modes of transportation  of high-curing and high-viscosity oil and oil mixtures along   the main oil pipelines routes  and to obtain high economic returns with the work resulting   introduction into  “KazTransOil” JSC  system(hereinafter - KTO).

The paper presents the confirmed results of innovation in the implementation of digital technology at “KazTransOil” JSC, which have ensured the solution of high  priority socio-economic problems and the growth of the competitiveness of the Republic of Kazakhstan in  regional and international markets.

The following were obtained from the theoretical part of the work:

1) mathematical models and algorithms for modelling the transportation of high-curing and high-viscosity oil and oil mixtures by the "hot" transfer method, using chemical reagents (depressants and anti-turbulence additives);

2) optimization criterion and dynamic programming algorithms based on  graph theory to determine  energy-saving working conditions of pumping units and heating furnaces;

3) optimization criterion and algorithms for determining the heating temperature and planning the pumping of oil through the main oil pipelines with several oil pumping stations and heating points.

In the applied part of the work, SmartTran software (SW) was developed on the basis of a mathematical model and algorithms while digital technology was created by integrating SmartTran software with DCSM (Dispatch control system and management)  and ACEMS (Automated commercial electricity metering system) KTO information systems.

The uniqueness of the development is that the SmartTran software receives initial real time data from DCSM and ACEMS and performs automation of the  planning   calculations and optimization of technological modes of transportation of oil mixtures.

The results of the implementation of the work in “KazTransOil” JSC were obtained for the   main oil pipelines covering a total length of 5377.3 km. and operating  across 24 technological sections, 35 oil pumping stations, 7 heating points, 200 pumping units , and  67 heating furnaces since 2015.

The economic effect obtained from the introduction of SmartTran software is  1 274 922 287.43 per year (during  the 2015-2017 period:  in  2015 - 1 273 946 556.54 tenge; in 2016 - 1 251 781 262.25 tenge; in 2017 – 1 299 039 043.5 tenge).

Scientific projects of the university

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