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AP09261035 "Development of a highly efficient system for diagnosing the stress-strain state of a rock mass and spatio-temporal analysis of the development of deformation processes throughout the field"


An effective system for diagnosing the stress-strain state of a rock mass and spatio-temporal analysis of the development of deformation processes throughout the field, which is being developed in the project, is aimed at ensuring industrial and environmental safety, which is an urgent task for all mining enterprises and will be of undoubted interest to domestic and foreign companies involved in underground mining. development of minerals. In addition, the system as a whole and its constituent methods will be in demand in the design and construction of underground facilities for various purposes (subways, railway and automobile tunnels, main gas and oil pipelines, urban infrastructure), to ensure the safe operation of underground and surface structures located in the zone of mutual influence. The complexity of the tasks set and the need to develop innovative methods and tools require an interdisciplinary approach to solve them with the involvement of modern achievements in such fields of science as continuum mechanics, the theory of elasticity and electromagnetic waves, mathematical modeling, space and information technologies. In turn, the significance of the expected results suggests that they are in demand not only by industry, but also by the scientific community. The results of diagnosing the SSS of a rock mass and the spatiotemporal analysis of the development of deformation processes inside and on the surface of the deposit are a necessary experimental basis for scientific research aimed at establishing the patterns of the origin and evolution of various geomechanical and geodynamic processes, manifestations of rock pressure and the emergence of crisis situations. The results of the analysis, together with the establishment of a causal relationship between the state of the rock mass and deformation processes on the earth's surface and the innovative method of zonal zoning, can make a certain contribution to the development of the Earth sciences. The development and practical use of SRC technologies are limited by the problem of the influence of various uncontrollable factors on the phase of the radar signal and are in dire need of its solution. Therefore, the development of an innovative method for the direct elimination of the atmospheric phase shift from the phase of the radar signal is relevant, has world-class practical and scientific significance, and can serve as an effective example of the development of scientific research in this direction. Thus, the successful solution of the problem of ensuring industrial safety, which is relevant for all mining enterprises, the importance of the expected results, their demand for science and industry determines the significance of the project on a national and international scale.

Objective of the project

Ensuring industrial and environmental safety, rational extraction of minerals based on increasing reliability and long-term forecasting of the possible manifestation of technogenic risk situations in conditions of collapse hazard using a diagnostic system to determine the stress-strain state of a rock mass and spatio-temporal analysis of the development of deformation processes throughout the field.

Expected results

The main result of achieving the project goal is a highly efficient system for diagnosing the stress-strain state of the rock mass and spatiotemporal analysis of the development of deformation processes throughout the field based on innovative methods of zonal zoning according to the criterion determined by the relative difference in the geoenergy of the rock mass between the current and initial states, which significantly increases the accuracy of determination the degree of problem hazard, which, according to a preliminary assessment, may exceed the accuracy of known methods at times; direct exclusion of the atmospheric phase shift (APS) from the phase of the radar signal based on the physical principles of its formation, which makes it possible to increase the accuracy of building a reference digital elevation model (DEM) and determine the displacement values ​​by 30% or more compared to existing ones.

The diagnostic system developed under the project as a whole and its innovative methods will be in demand in the design and construction of underground facilities for various purposes (mineral deposits, subways, railway and automobile tunnels, main gas and oil pipelines, urban infrastructure facilities), to ensure the safe operation of underground and surface facilities. structures located in the zone of mutual influence.

The results of diagnosing SSS of a rock mass and spatio-temporal analysis of the development of deformation processes inside and on the surface of the deposit are a necessary experimental basis for scientific research aimed at establishing the patterns of the origin and evolution of various geomechanical and geodynamic processes, the manifestation of rock pressure and the emergence of a crisis situation, and together with the establishment of a causal relationship between deformation processes inside and on the earth's surface and the innovative method of zonal zoning, they can make a certain contribution to the development of the Earth sciences. The development of an innovative method for the direct elimination of the atmospheric phase shift from the phase of the radar signal is relevant, has practical and scientific significance at the world level and can serve as an effective example of the development of scientific research in this direction.

The task of developing innovative methods has no prospects for solving traditional methods that have exhausted their capabilities and requires innovative approaches at the interdisciplinary level with the expansion of the competence of the project executors in such areas of science as continuum mechanics, elasticity theory, physical optics, space and information technology. The methodology of the organization and the success of the study, together with the significance of the expected results, brings the research work and the scientific and technical potential of the performers to a new level, increasing the competitiveness of KazNITU.

Results achieved

An innovative system for diagnosing SSS of a rock mass and space-time analysis of the development of deformation processes throughout the field.

Names and surnames of the study group members with their identifiers:

  1. Imansakipova Botakoz Beketovna - Scientific adviser
  2. Aitkazinova Shynar Kasymkanovna - Senior researcher
  3. Kanapiyanova Dinara Galymbekovna - Junior Research Fellow
  4. Shakieva Gulim Serikkyzy - Junior Research Fellow
  5. Kidirbaev Bakhtiyar Imangazievich - Junior Research Fellow
  6. Sdvizhkova Elena Aleksandrovna - Leading Researcher
  7. Sakabekov Auzhan - Leading Researcher
  8. Spitsyn Anatoly Aleksandrovich
  9. Kablasheva Gulyaim Darkhanovna - Junior Research Fellow

Scientific projects of the university

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