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IRN AR19680477 “Development of a comprehensive technology for processing nickel-cobalt-containing ores using pyro- and hydrometallurgical processes"

The goal of the Project is to develop a comprehensive technology for processing low-grade nickel-cobalt-containing ores and concentrates using pyro- and hydrometallurgical processes, including oxidative - sulfatizing roasting of source materials with further hydrometallurgical processing of the cinder and extraction of target non-ferrous metals (iron, nickel and cobalt) in the form of powders of these metals


The raw materials for nickel and cobalt are sulfide and laterite ores. In Kazakhstan, nickel and cobalt are mainly found in laterite ores, but the latter, due to the complexity of their processing, are still not involved in production. An additional source of these metals is the tailings of existing enterprises.

Today, magnetic separation tailings, which contain a number of valuable components (cobalt, nickel, copper, precious metals, etc.), are not processed, but are stored in tailings ponds occupying large areas of agricultural land. In addition, a significant amount of them is lost in tailings and technogenic raw materials produced by the country’s existing metallurgical enterprises, for example , more than 7 thousand tons are lost in the Sokolovsko-Sarbaisky mining and processing plant alone . nickel and 14 thousand tons of cobalt per year. As research results have shown, today there is no universal processing method for nickel-cobalt-containing ores and production wastes.

At the same time, the pyrite -cobalt concentrates obtained at the Sokolovsko-Sarbaisky mining and processing plant , due to the complexity of their composition, do not allow the use of standard technologies for their complex processing. This problem necessitates research and development of an effective combined technology for the extraction of iron, nickel and cobalt from raw ores and tailings containing valuable metals.

Scientific supervisor: PhD , associate professor, Mamyrbaeva Kulzira Kaldybekovna

Quantitative and qualitative composition of project implementers: 8 performers, consisting of: 1 Doctor of Technical Sciences, 1 Professor, PhD , 3 PhD , 2 Master

Results obtained: project start – 2023.

Implementation period: 2023-2025.

Scientific projects of the university

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