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AP08857097 «Comprehensive monitoring of slow deformation processes of the earth’s surface during the large-scale development of ore deposits in Central Kazakhstan»

The relevance of the project.

This work is dedicated to solving problem of predicting negative geomechanical and geodynamic processes that can cause extremely unfavorable negative technological, ecological, and economic consequences during large-scale and long-term subsoil development of Central Kazakhstan. During large-scale subsoil development as in Central Kazakhstan, geodynamic regime of the geological environment is changed. Geodynamic processes create conditions of uncertainty in deposits development and can cause extremely unfavorable negative technological, ecological and economic consequences. Under such conditions, ensuring  geodynamic security of the region, i.e. natural-technogenic systems in the Central Kazakhstan field, such as Zhezkazgan, Zhaman Aibat, Zhilandy group (Saryoba, Kipshakpai, Karashoshak, Itauyz, Zhartas), during their long-term operation by creating geodynamic polygon in the field and conducting of comprehensive monitoring based on geodetic and aerospace technology is urgent task.

The main objective of the project:

Ensuring industrial and environmental safety of Central Kazakhstan with large-scale, long-term subsoil development by creating comprehensive geodynamic polygon and effective system for monitoring natural, natural-technogenic deformation processes based on geodetic and aerospace technologies. Obtained results are used for subsequent assessments of geodynamic risk and methods development for deformation processes management.

Expected results

GDP creation (with geodetic, satellite and gravimetric points) for the study area, development of innovative methods and means of registering SSS and conducting comprehensive geomonitoring to create geospatial database on the rock mass state and control geoprocesses. Occurrence signs prediction of probable strong deformation processes at the earliest stage of their development to assess risk of anomalous geodynamic phenomena and their industrial and environmental consequences.

In the course of research, following will be created and put into production:

- geodynamic polygon (DGP) of the district;

- thickening of the state geodetic network (SGN) of district, combined with leveling, satellite and gravimetric points;

- unified system for collecting and analyzing information received in GIS environment and 3D modeling of mining and geological objects;

- occurrence signs forecast of probable strong deformation processes at the earliest stage of their development to assess occurrence risk of abnormal geodynamic phenomena and their industrial and environmental consequences.

Achieved results:

The results of the study of geomechanical and geodynamic phenomena during large-scale development of subsoil in complex structural rock masses will allow strategic and operational management of mining operations to ensure their safety, which is fully consistent with the priority tasks of the concept of sustainable economic growth based on innovation. A patent search was carried out, applications were developed and submitted to the Republican Bureau of Laws for the invention of "NPPTs", "PPPTs used in geomonitoring of the earth's surface", "Method for predicting the FMS of rocks", "Seismoacoustic method for predicting SSS of a massif", allowing to predict array state. For monitoring geodynamic and geomechanical processes of field development occupying a large area, a new approach to the creation of a hydrodynamic study in the form of local control "bushs" of geodetic and leveling points is proposed. A GPS GS16 with a radio modem was used during monitoring and their results were processed using the Giodis software package. A catalog of coordinates of points was obtained.

Names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers:

  1. Nurpeisova Marzhan Baisanovna, scientific supervisor
  2. Rysbekov Kanay Bakhytovich, leading researcher
  3. Derbisov Kuan Nurbergenovich, junior researcher
  4. Bekbasarov Shakir Sharipovich, leading researcher
  5. Kyrgizbayeva Guldana Meirambekovna, senior researcher
  6. Bek Aiman Askarkyzy, senior researcher
  7. Nukarbekova Zhupargul Muhametkarimovna, junior researcher

List of publications:

  • М.Nurpeissova*, K.Rysbekov, A.Kenesbayeva, Zh.Bekbassarov, E.Levin Simulation of geodynamic processes. Вестник КазНИТУ №1. 2021. –С16-24
  • Ж.Нукарбекова, Б.Мухаметхан, А.Мажит  Методика создания карт устойчивости бортов   карьеров с использованием гис технологий. Вестник КазНИТУ №1. 2021. –С24-29
  • А.Kenesbayeva, М.Nurpeisova, Ye.Levin. Modeling of geodynamic processes at hydrocarbon deposit. Известия НАН РК, серия Геологическая и технические науки, №4, 2021.-С 42-49.
  • M.Nurpeisova, A.Umirbaeva, E.Fedorov. Assessment of deformed and radiological state territory based on integrated monitoring Eurasian mining. 2021. No.1.pp. 83–87(Scopus Q1). Процентиль 75%, ISSN: 2072-0823
  • E.I.Kuldeev, K.B.Rysbekov, N.S.Donenbayeva N.A.Miеtenko2 Modern methods of geotechnic –effective way of providing industrial safety in mine. Eurasian mining. 2021. No.2. ISSN 2072-0823
  • Monitoring of deformation processes of the earth surfaceand construction facilities in the territory of oil fields M.Nurpeisova,  В. Burkhanov, B.Myngzhassarov, S.Kulibaba.   Eurasian mining. 2021. No.2. ISSN 2072-0823

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