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AP09058452 "Development of a PVT Model for Predicting Wax Deposition»

The relevance

lies in the development of a modified thermodynamic model for calculating the forecast of wax deposition based on a mathematical approach and an experimental procedure. This model is based on modified correlations for certain Kazakh oil, which will improve the forecasting performance by developing from experimental data. Moreover, the development of a numerical tool for calculating the wax forecast will help to automate the process.

Objective of the project

Development of a theoretical model to reliably predict wax deposition for Kazakh crude oil based on hydrocarbon chemistry and thermobaric conditions; development of software for numerical prediction of calculations.

Expected results

It is planned to widely disseminate the proposed algorithm, as well as software based on this algorithm, among potential users, i.e. among companies involved in the production of hydrocarbons, as well as in the academic environment.

Target consumers can be companies engaged in the production of hydrocarbons in Kazakhstan and around the world.

The implementation of this project involves an algorithm for predicting paraffin deposits. The approach that will be proposed as a result of the study will increase the accuracy in relation to the detailed description of the liquid. In addition, the results of this study will make a significant contribution to the direction of PVT in the oil and gas industry in Kazakhstan, and improved planning for the treatment of paraffin deposits will lead to positive results for both the academy and the industry.

The developed numerical tool can be used to predict wax deposition and can be used as input for planning the treatment process.

Thus, this will positively affect the economy of the company and the country as a whole, as well as the environmental situation in the oil production areas, since the results of the model allow planning ground facilities with minimal environmental impact.

Efficient layout of surface facilities to reduce the amount of additional chemicals, thereby reducing their consumption and environmental impact, while at the same time reducing economic costs.

Results achieved

Field data from the X and Y deposits were collected and analyzed, and the melting point temperature, solidification temperature, melting enthalpy, solidification enthalpies, and heat capacity of melting were calculated from the results of the analysis. Melting and pour point correlations have been modified for certain Kazakhstani crudes. The novelty of the project lies in the development of a modified thermodynamic model for calculating the forecast of wax deposition. Work has begun on minimizing the Gibbs free energy (the parameters given in the report have been calculated).

Names and surnames of the study group members with their identifiers

  1. Ismailova Dzhamilyam Abdulahatovna - scientific adviser
  2. Abdukarimov Aibek Kenzhebekovich - chief researcher
  3. Mombekov Bagdat Isakhanovich - researcher
  4. Dairov Zhasulan Kairatovich - researcher
  5. Ahymbaeva Bibinur Serikovna - senior researcher
  6. Delikesheva Dinara Nasipulovna - chief researcher
  7. Kuljabekov Alibek Bakhidzhanovich - leading researcher

List of publications

1. А.Т. Мукашев, А.К. Абдукаримов, Ж.К. Даиров, Д.А. Исмаилова «Минимизация энергии Гиббса». УДК 665.61. «Сатпаевские Чтения 2021».

2. A.R. Khussainova, J.A. Ismailova, A.K. Abdukarimov. «Development of PVT model for prediction of wax precipitation» УДК 665.61. «Сатпаевские Чтения 2021».

3. М. Базарбаева, Б.И. Момбеков, Д.Н. Деликешева/ Satbayev University, Казахстан, г. Алматы/ Анализ причин и механизмов осаждения парафина в трубопроводах. УДК 665.61. «Сатпаевские Чтения 2021».

4. Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference (ADIPEC) (Абу-Даби Международная Нефтяная Выставка и Конференция, SPE) на тему: "A Comparative Evaluation Of Thermodynamic Models For Prediction Of Wax Deposition". Номер публикации SPE-207984-MS. Публикация войдет в БД OnePetro. (Принята на публикацию)

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