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IRN: AP19679602 “Development of a tethered unified dual-use multicopter platform with an inverter with increased frequency switching and high coefficient voltage conversion"

The goals of the project are to develop technical documentation and an experimental sample of a dual-purpose tethered multicopter platform with an inverter with increased frequency switching and a high voltage down conversion ratio.

Relevance of the project: The purpose of this research project is the growing importance of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in various fields, from civil to military. The current disadvantage of limited flight time of autonomous UAVs is driving the development of tethered high-altitude unmanned platforms (HAUPs). These platforms can provide virtually unlimited flight time, making them important for a wide range of missions, including telecommunications, disaster prevention, fire control, video surveillance, life rescue and military operations.

The topic is also relevant due to the current difficulties in transmitting energy to power UAVs via wireless methods, as well as the disadvantages associated with short flight duration and dependence on weather conditions. Tethered high-altitude unmanned platforms represent a promising solution for extending flight time.

The application of PVBPs in various fields such as telecommunications, emergency situations, environmental monitoring and military operations reflects their versatility and wide range of possible applications. Work on energy transfer for tethered UAVs is already beginning to appear on the world market, which emphasizes the relevance and promise of the topic.

The proposed tasks for creating a simulation model of the functioning of inverters for energy transmission and using the simulation results to determine the technical characteristics of energy inversion systems are new and have no analogues among the works reviewed, which makes this topic important for the development of unmanned technologies.

Scientific supervisor: PhD doctor, associate professor, Taissariyeva Kyrmyzy Nurlanovna

Quantitative and qualitative composition of the project performers: 7 performers, including 1 doctor of technical sciences, 1 candidate of technical sciences, 1 master of technical sciences, 3 doctoral students, 1 student.



Results obtained: 1. A mathematical model of a multi-level IPI has been developed.

2. A diagram has been developed showing the principle of operation of a multi-level IPN for its subsequent modeling.

3. A program has been developed to determine the voltage level and switching angles of transistors in multi-level power supply voltage.

4. Schematic electrical diagrams of the power plant (electric drive) of the BPMS have been developed.

5. A technical specification for the development of an unmanned tethered multicopter system has been developed.

6. Methods for controlling tethered and combined multicopters have been developed.

7. Technical specifications for the development of a multi-level


2 articles in a domestic publication recommended by KOKSNVO and 8

utility model patents.

1. Utility model patent, No. 8139, dated 06/02/2023. AC electric drive of an unmanned aerial vehicle. Isembergenov N.T. Isembergenov A.N.

2. Utility model patent, No. 8327, dated 08/04/2023. Method of controlling a multi-motor electric drive of an unmanned aerial vehicle. Isembergenov N.T., Isembergenov A.N.

3. Patent for utility model, No. 8328, December 29, 2023.

A method for controlling three-phase motors of an unmanned aerial vehicle.

Isembergenov N.T., Isembergenov A.N.

4. Utility model patent, No. 8744, dated 08/04/2023. Method of controlling a combined unmanned aerial vehicle. Isembergenov N.T., Smailov N.K., Kuttybaeva A.E.

5. Patent for utility model, No. 8326. From 04.08. 2023, Electric drive of an unmanned aerial vehicle with a three-phase motor. Isembergenov N.T. Isembergenov A.N.

6. Patent for utility model, No. 8766 dated 01/05/2024

Control system for a tethered unmanned aerial vehicle. Isembergenov N.T. Taisarieva K.N.

7. Patent for utility model, No. 8387 dated May 24, 2023. Tethered unmanned aerial vehicle. Isembergenov N.T. Taisarieva K.N.

8. Patent for utility model, No. 8138, dated 06/02/2023. Electric drive of an unmanned aerial vehicle based on two inverters and a motor. Isembergenov N.T Taisarieva K.N

Implementation timeframe: Project start 2023 – December 2025


Scientific projects of the university

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