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AP08956439 "Development of innovative water-saving technologies using new biopolymer moisture sorbents for arid climatic zones"


The authors of the Project propose to develop methods for obtaining polymer composites based on natural gels and fillers, which will allow accumulating and retaining moisture for a long time, gradually giving it to plants. Polyethyleneimine, agar-agar, chitosan and others will be used as synthetic and natural polymers, and bentonite clay as a natural silicate filler. Improving the water and physical properties of the soil will increase the germination of seeds, increase the intensity of plant development, their resistance to moisture deficiency and drought, lead to an increase in yield and prevent the fertile part of the soil from being washed away and moisture seeping into deeper layers of the soil. Thus, superabsorbents will reduce the costs associated with caring for plants, increase the survival of growing crops, and also provide plants with various types of additives that stimulate their best growth and development..

Objective of the project

Development of new highly swelling network polymer-silicate composites based on biocompatible synthetic and natural polymers with water-retaining properties for structuring soils in arid climatic zones.

The expected results of the project are

1) The main building blocks for creating new polymer composites with desired properties will be identified;

2) Optimal conditions for the synthesis of new moisture sorbents will be identified;

3) EPS and polymer-silicate composites with improved physical and mechanical properties will be created;

4) The composition and structure of new polymeric materials will be established;

5) Swelling limits of new polymeric materials will be determined;

6) The stability of the moisture-retaining action of new polymeric materials for a long time with repeated use will be revealed.;

7) The effect of polymer systems on the accumulation of moisture in soil under laboratory conditions will be established. 

Results achieved

New polymer composites based on natural and synthetic gels and fillers have been obtained. Polycarboxylic acids, agar-agar, chitosan were used as synthetic and natural polymers, and bentonite clay was used as a natural silicate filler. It is expected that the resulting superabsorbents will reduce plant care costs, increase the survival of growing crops, and provide plants with various types of additives..

Names and surnames of the study group members with their identifiers:

  1. Iskakova Tynyshtyk Kadyrovna - Researcher
  2. Zhunusbekova Nazim Maratovna - Chief Researcher
  3. Chinibaeva Nurzhan Sarsenbaevna - Leading Researcher
  4. Kusainova Gulsara Kasymkhanovna - Junior Research Fellow
  5. Khudaibergenov Nurlan Sakenuly - Engineer

List of publications

  1. Patent na poleznuyu model` # 6319. Kompoziczionny`j gel` s ionoobmenny`mi svojstvami / Zhunusbekova N.M., Iskakova T.K., Chinibaeva N.S., Kusainova G.K., Khudajbergenov N.S.; opubl. 13.08.2021, Byul. #32.
  2. Iskakova T.K., Chinibaeva N.S., Kusainova G.K., Khudajbergenov N.S. Poluchenie sorbczionnogo materiala dlya izvlecheniya ionov metallov iz vodny`kh rastvorov // Mat. nauchn. konf. «Tonkij organicheskij sintez-2021», 3 sentyabrya 2021 goda, Almaty`. -S. 30-31.
  3. Zhunusbekova Nazym, Iskakova Tynyshtyk, Chinibayeva Nurzhan, Kussainova Gulsara. Promising biopolymermetal complexes in biomimetic applications//6th Int. Conf. on Advances in Functional Materials.  Jeju, South Korea.- 15-17 Feb 2021. Р. 536.
  4. Zhunusbekova Nazym, Iskakova Tynyshtyk, Chinibayeva Nurzhan, Kussainova Gulsara, Kudaibergenov Nurlan. Creation and properties of polimer-silicate composite materials  //6th Int. Conf. on Advances in Functional Materials.  Jeju, South Korea.- 15-17 Feb 2021. - Р. 540.
  5. Khudajbergenov N.S., Sartbaeva K.M., Iskakova T.K. Nauchny`j rukovoditel` –, doczent N.M. Zhunusbekova. Sintez i issledovanie fiziko-khimicheskikh svojstv polimer-silikatny`kh kompozitov // Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya v XXI veke. Mat. XXII Mezhdun. nauchn.-prakt. konf. studentov i molody`kh ucheny`kh imeni L.P. Kulyova i N.M. Kizhnera, posvyashh. posvyashhennoj 125-letiyu so dnya osnovaniya Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta- Tomsk, 2021. – T. 2 - S. 277-278.
  6. Iskakova T.K., Zhunusbekova N.M., Chinibaeva N.S. Izuchenie sorbczionnoj sposobnosti polimersilikatny`kh materialov // Khimicheskij zhurnal Kazakhstana. – 2021 g. (publikacziya v #3).
  7. Kusainova G.K., Iskakova T.K., Chinibaeva N.S., Khudajbergenov N.S. Poluchenie i modifikacziya vzaimopronikayushhikh setok na osnove prirodny`kh polimerov i proizvodny`kh akrilovoj kisloty` // Izvestiya VUZov. Seriya khimiya i khimicheskaya  tekhnologiya. – 2021.
  8. Zhunusbekova N.M., Iskakova T.K., Chinibaeva N.S., Kusainova G.K., Khudajbergenov N.S. Issledovanie osobennostej vzaimodejstviya polimer-metallicheskikh kompleksov trekhmernoj struktury` v zavisimosti ot razlichny`kh faktorov vneshnej sredy` dlya vy`yavleniya aktivny`kh czentrov// Vestnik KazNITU. – 2021 g.

Scientific projects of the university

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