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AP08856173 "Synthesis and study of the properties of low-dimensional semiconductor materials for the creation of highly sensitive biosensors"


The development of biosensors capable of rapid detection of target analytes reaching nano/picomolar concentrations of biomolecules based on semiconductor nanomaterials is an important direction for public health in assessing physiological and metabolic parameters, as well as environmental protection. The luminescent, photocatalytic, piezoelectric, chemical, and semiconductor properties of ZnO and composites based on it make it possible to create biosensors using various types of signal detection. The scientific novelty of the project lies in the development of low-cost methods for the synthesis of composites of semiconductor and carbon nanomaterials, the study of their physical and chemical properties, the substantiation of the dependence of properties on the geometric parameters and structure of the synthesized composite compounds, the combination of the unique properties of which will make it possible to obtain new materials that are promising for use in the creation of analytical devices with high sensitivity and selectivity.

Objective of the project

To develop low-cost methods for the controlled synthesis of low-dimensional semiconductor materials, to study their physical and chemical properties in order to create highly sensitive bioanalytical devices for use in medicine, sensor electronics, for monitoring the state of the environment, and quality control of food industry products.

Expected results:

  • Technological modes of hydrothermal and sol-gel methods for the synthesis of low-dimensional samples of zinc oxide and composites based on it (ZnO-CuO, ZnO-GO) of various morphology will be optimized, graphene oxide will be obtained by the Hummers method.
  • The physicochemical properties of the synthesized semiconductor nanomaterials will be investigated, their dependence on the parameters of the selected synthesis methods and surface morphology, as well as the correlation between the geometric parameters of the obtained nanostructures and their properties based on quantum mechanical concepts will be established.
  • Prototypes of highly sensitive biosensors based on synthesized materials will be created, their operational parameters will be measured.

Results achieved: the technological modes of hydrothermal and sol-gel methods for the synthesis of low-dimensional samples of zinc oxide and composites based on it (ZnO-CuO, ZnO-GO) of various morphology are optimized; graphene oxide will be obtained by the Hummers method. The surface morphology and optical properties of the synthesized samples have been studied. The structural properties of the synthesized nanomaterials have been studied..

Names and surnames of the study group members with their identifiers:

  1. Gritsenko Lesya Vladimirovna - scientific adviser
  2. Abdullin Khabibulla Abdullaevich - Leading Researcher
  3. Kalkozova Zhanar Kanievna - Senior Researcher
  4. Kedruk Evgenia Yurievna - Senior Researcher
  5. Aitzhanov Madi Bauyrzhanovich - Researcher
  6. Baygarinova Gulzhan Amantaevna - Researcher
  7. Uzakova Zhanat Kasymzhanovna - Engineer

List of publications:

Scientific projects of the university

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