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AP08955550 "Principles of training highly qualified personnel for Kazakhstan in the field of architecture and urban planning, competitive in the context of globalization and the search for national identity"

Project GF MES RK for 2020-2021 (12 months)

ИРН №AP08955550

Scientific adviser - Abilov Alexey Zhailkhanovich


Architectural education, like architecture itself, stands at the intersection of art and technology, which was formulated by the Roman theorist and practitioner of architecture Vitruvius in the 1st century AD. e., who argued that "Architecture is strength, utility and beauty." This formula has not lost its relevance today. Moreover, the art of architecture has acquired a new life in the era of the development of high technologies, allowing the implementation of the most fantastic projects. Architecture still remains, first of all, the art of the spatial organization of the material human environment, which is most in demand in society, to which new requirements are imposed, for example, due to the criteria of sustainable development, energy efficiency, ecologization of design solutions and others. At the same time, it is the property of architecture to be, first of all, art, to evoke an emotional response from people, which determines its special significance in the modern world.

It should be noted that world-class buildings and structures were created thanks to the talent, knowledge and skills of outstanding architects, the need for which is not decreasing, but increasing in modern society. For their preparation, a special system of higher architectural education is necessary, capable of combining several of the most important principles in the fields of art and construction technologies, knowledge in the field of art history and architecture, building materials and structures, ecology and sociology, geography and climatology, mastering the techniques of architectural composition, visualization of design solutions. Such a system should provide comprehensive comprehensive training of architects and urban planners in the Republic of Kazakhstan to create a national elite of architects who are competitive in the modern world.

Objective of the project

The purpose of the project is the scientific substantiation of a new methodology for training highly qualified personnel for Kazakhstan in the field of architecture and urban planning, competitive at the global level, in the context of globalization and the search for national identity

Expected results:

- model of a specialist-architect of the XXI century,

- recommendations for adjusting educational programs for the training of architects and urban planners in Kazakhstan,

- modern methods of teaching architects at the undergraduate level.

Results achieved:

The results of the work and their novelty: for the first time in the history of the Kazakhstan School of Architecture, a model of a specialist architect of the 21st century was formulated and substantiated, recommendations for adjusting educational programs for the training of architects in Kazakhstan, modern methods of teaching architects at the undergraduate level.

Study group members

List of published works

  1. Abilov A., Metlenkov N., Khodzhikov A., Yaskevich V., Sarzhanov, N. (2021). Arkhitekturnoe obrazovanie v Kazakhstane. Proekt Bajkal. 18(67), 163-165.
  2. A.Zh. Abilov, M.A. Anzorova, V.R. Bityukova, A.G. Makhrova, A.V. Khojikov, V.V. Yaskevich. Planning structure as a motor transport pollution differentiation factor (on the example of Nur-Sultan), Geography. Environment. Sustainability (GES)
  3. Abilov, A., Yaskevich, V., Sarzhanov, N., & Khojikov, A. (2021). URBAN-PLANNING PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF RECREATION AND TOURISM IN THE EAST KAZAKHSTAN. Revista TURISMO: Estudos e Práticas, (1).. Revista Brasileira de Educação. n. 1 (2021). 1-15. (Web of Science)
  4. A.Zh. Abilov, V.V. Yaskevich, Arkhitekturnoe obrazovanie v sovremennom Kazakhstane: vliyanie global`ny`kh tendenczij i regional`ny`e osobennosti, Vestnik ENU
  5. Abilov A.Zh., Mametov A.A. Problemy` territorial`nogo planirovaniya v sovremennom Kazakhstane, Mnogoobrazie gorodskikh mirov: istoriya, teoriya, praktika. Sbornik statej Vserossijskoj nauchnoj konferenczii s mezhdunarodny`m uchastiem, posvyashhennoj 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya professora E.N. Perczika Moskva, MGU, 23–24 marta 2021 g.) s. 183 – 191, ISBN 978–5–89575–254–8
  6. Abilov A.Zh. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferencziya «Arkhitekturnoe obrazovanie v XXI veke: global`ny`e tendenczii i regional`ny`e osobennosti», posvyashhennaya 60-letiyu arkhitekturnogo obrazovaniya v Kazakhstane. Almaty`, KazNITU im. K.I. Satpaeva, 12.04.2021
  7. Abilov A.Zh. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferencziya «E`kologicheskie problemy` i ustojchivoe razvitie regionov i gorodov Respubliki Kazakhstan», filial MGU im. Lomonosova, Biblioteka Pervogo Prezidenta RK – Elbasy`, g. Nur-Sultan, 12.05.2021
  8. Socziologicheskie issledovaniya v arkhitekture i gradostroitel`stve: Uchebnik / Abilov A.Zh., - Almaty`: TOO «Lantar Trejd», 2020. -124 s.
  9. Abilov A.Zh. Vvedenie v speczial`nost` arkhitektora: Uchebnik / Abilov A.Zh., -Almaty`: TOO «Lantar Trejd», 2021. - 104 s. ISBN 978-601-7607-93-7
  10. Akt o vnedrenii rezul`tatov issledovanij po teme GF MON RK «Princzipy` podgotovki vy`sokokvalificzirovanny`kh kadrov dlya Kazakhstana v oblasti arkhitektury` i gradostroitel`stva, konkurentosposobny`kh v usloviyakh globalizaczii i poiska naczional`noj identichnosti» (# gosreg. 0120RK00498) v uchebny`j proczess po kafedre «Arkhitektura» IAiS im. T.K.Basenova

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