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DP21681546 "Modernization of sprinkler drive for crop irrigation using innovative resource-saving composite materials"

The aim of the work is to create the production of circular type sprinkler machines with the use of innovative composite materials in the drive design. Within the framework of the project it is planned to organize complex production with the subsequent installation of structures, technical and service support, to equip the structure with automation systems.

Relevance: the use of sprinkling machines made with innovative materials helps to reduce material costs, increase agricultural production and increase yields. Providing plants with the necessary amount of moisture is important for their normal growth and development. Sprinklers allow for constant access to water during dry periods or when rainfall is insufficient. This increases plant productivity, increases crop size and improves crop quality. As a result, agricultural production in Kazakhstan can be efficient and predictable, contributing to the country's food security.

Expansion of the agricultural sector contributes to reducing dependence on food imports and strengthens the country's food independence.

Expected results:

- Application of composite materials in the manufacture of sprinkler machine parts;

- Reduction of material costs in the production of sprinkler machines;

- launch of industrial production of circular type sprinklers;

- increase of irrigated land yields;

- development of the agrarian sector of the country and solution of the country's food security problems;

- development of the domestic machine building sector and related industries.

Composition of the project team: Project leader - Bortebaev Sayyn Abilkhanovich, commercialization specialist - Itabaev A.A., leading researcher - Baskanbaeva D.D., researcher - Yelemesov K.K., project coordinator from production - Sarsenov I.S.

Terms of realization: 2023-2025.

Scientific projects of the university

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