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AP09058419 Prediction of the characteristics of a porous medium, taking into account the modes of rock dissolution on a pore scale based on machine learning

Scientific adviser – Asilbekov Bakytzhan Kalzhanovich


The relevance of the project is that within the framework of the research work, for the first time, machine learning will be used to determine the characteristics of the porous medium of carbonate core samples (absolute and relative phase permeability, capillary pressure) under various dissolution modes (injection rate and acid concentration).

Objective of the project

The aim of the project is to characterize the porous media (absolute and relative phase permeability, capillary pressure) under different dissolution regimes (injection rate and acid concentration) at the pore scale using machine learning.

Expected results

  1. The main characteristics of carbonate core samples (absolute permeability, porosity, pore connectivity, pore size distribution and residual fluid saturations) will be determined under various dissolution modes using machine learning.
  2. The main characteristics of the flow of a two-phase fluid (relative phase permeabilities and capillary pressure) through carbonate core samples under various dissolution modes will be determined using machine learning.
  3. 3. Analysis and comparison of the results obtained using machine learning methods with the results of experiments and numerical simulation.
  4. 4. Scientific articles based on research results (more than 12 articles, 2 of which have a non-zero impact factor, 1 monograph).

Results achieved

The results of analytical work are discussed, data are given on the mineral composition of rocks, the features of their interaction with acid solutions of HCl of various concentrations, an assessment is made of the criteria for the final oil permeability after injection of the acid composition, the number of pore volumes of the pumped acid before breakthrough PVbt, as well as the features of changing the structure of the reservoir in the result of acid treatment. Digital three-dimensional microtomographic models of 5 considered carbonate reservoir samples were obtained before and after acid injection using microcomputed tomography. The novelty of the study is that within the framework of this work, for the first time, the influence of a wide range of changes in the injection rate on the change in the void-pore space of the tested samples at various mass concentrations of hydrochloric acid in solution is studied..

Names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers

  1. Asilbekov Bakytzhan Kalzhanovich, scientific director
  2. Kudaykulov Aziz Anarbekovich, Performer
  3. Kuljabekov Alibek Bakhidzhanovich, Leading Researcher
  4. Akasheva Zhibek Kairatovna, Researcher
  5. Bolysbek Darezhat Abіlseituly, Researcher

List of publications

  1. Avtorskoe svidetel`stvo # 9505 «Obzor e`ksperimental`ny`kh metodov analiza struktury` poristy`kh sred i proczessov, proiskhodyashhikh v nikh» ot «29» aprelya 2020 goda. Avtor: Bolysbek D.
  2. M. Kurmanseiit, N. Shayakhmetov, A.B. Kuljabekov, T. Imankulov, Three Dimensional Modeling Of Enhanced Oil Recovery With Surfactants And Displacement By Polymers Based On Streamline Si, ECMOR XVI - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery - 2018.
  3. Bolysbek D., Turalina D.E. «Research with purpose of finding optimal variant of the guide blades of the vortex wind power installation», Proceedings of the conference "Alternative Energy Sources, Materials and Technologies (AESMT’18)" 2018, Plovdiv.
  4. Bolysbek D., Turalina D.E. «Құjy`ndy` zhel қondy`rғy`sy`ndaғy` baғy`ttaushy` қalaқshalary`ny`ң tii`mdi` nұsқasy`n any`қtau maқsaty`ndaғy` zertteu zhұmy`stary`», Sbornik materialov V Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferenczii «Aktual`ny`e problemy` transporta i e`nergetiki: puti ikh innovaczionnogo resheniya», 2017..
  5. Bolysbek D., Turalina D.E. «Құjy`ndy` zhele`nergetikaly`қ қondy`rғy`sy`ny`ң e`nergotii`mdi`li`gi`n artty`ruғa arnalғan zertteuler», Sbornik materialov po  Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferenczii studentov i molody`kh ucheny`kh «FARABI ӘLEMI`» Almaty`, Қazakhstan, 2018.
  6. Kudaikulov A., Kaltayev A., Josserand C. Molecular Dynamics - Continuum Hybrid simulation of water transport through carbon nanotube membranes // Abstracts of the International «Nanotech France 2016». – Paris, France, 2016. 241 p.
  7. Kudaikulov A., Josserand C., Kaltayev A. Numerical Investigation of Fingering Pattern Formation During the Flow of Two Immiscible Fluids in a Channel // Izvestiya NAN RK. Seriya fiziko-matematicheskaya. – Almaty`, 2016. - №4(308). С. 86-90.
  8. Kudaikulov A., Josserand C., Kaltayev A. Numerical investigation of the Saffman-Taylor instability // Vestnik KazNITU im. K.I. Satpaeva. – Almaty`, 2016. - №5(117). С. 225-229.
  9. Bolysbek D., Turalina D.E. «Tabaldy`ry`қ təri`zdes bөgetten aғaty`n sұjy`қty`ң aғy`s ereksheli`gi`n zertteu», Sbornik materialov po Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferenczii studentov i molody`kh ucheny`kh «FARABI ӘLEMI`» Almaty`, Қazakhstan, 2016.
  10. Kudaikulov A., Josserand, C., Kaltayev A. Theoretical and Numerical Prediction of the permeability of fibrous porous media // Abstracts of the International Conference CITech. – Almaty, 2015. – P. 149.
  11. Kudaikulov A., Josserand C., Kaltayev A. Theoretical and Numerical Prediction of the Permeability of Fibrous Porous Media // Mathematical Modeling of Technological Processes. Series of Communications in Computer and Information Science. – Springer, 2015. – Vol. 549. P. 85-93.
  12. Avtorskoe svidetel`stvo na «Programmnoe obespechenie StrataStream dlya trekhmernogo modelirovaniya doby`chi urana podzemny`m vy`shhelachivaniem s primeneniem metoda linij toka» #0957 ot 23 maya 2016 g., IS 004556. Avtory`: Kaltaev A., Tungatarova M.S., Kul`dzhabekov A.B., Құrmanseji`t M.B., Қoldas Ә.B, Ajzhulov D.E.
  13. Avtorskoe svidetel`stvo na «Programmnoe obespechenie StrataGeo dlya postroeniya trekhmernoj geologicheskoj modeli uranovy`kh mestorozhdenij po skvazhinny`m danny`m» #0942 ot 20 maya 2016 g., IS 004542. Avtory`: Kaltaev A., Tungatarova M.S., Kul`dzhabekov A.B., Құrmanseji`t M.B., Қoldas Ә.B, Ajzhulov D.E.

Scientific projects of the university

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