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AP08857522 "Development of parallel manipulators of the RoboMech class"


The project develops PMs of the RoboMech class, which have the property of manipulative robots, as the movement of output objects according to the given laws of motion, and mechanisms, as the setting of the laws of motion of drives. As noted above, setting the laws of motion of the drives (monotonically and uniformly) improves the dynamic characteristics and significantly simplifies the control system (in some cases excludes the control system), therefore, the cost of the designed PM also decreases.

Objective of the project

The aim of the project is to develop parallel manipulators of the RoboMech class and their application for automation of stamping and handling operations in small machine-building enterprises.

The expected results of the project are

  1. Development of methods for structural-parametric synthesis, kinematic, dynamic and strength analysis of PM of the RoboMech class and production of prototypes of three PM of the RoboMech class.
  2. Publication of two articles in peer-reviewed scientific publications in the scientific direction of the project, included in the Q1-Q3 quartiles in the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 50, as well as one article in a peer-reviewed foreign and (or ) domestic edition with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by KKSON).
  3. Obtaining one patent for an invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan and an act of implementation indicating the achieved economic effect.

Results achieved

The SPS of a positioning PM with two working bodies, a PM operating in a cylindrical coordinate system was carried out, direct and inverse problems of the kinematics of a PM with two sliders, a positioning PM with two working bodies and a PM operating in a cylindrical coordinate system were solved.

Names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers

  1. Baigunchekov Zhumadil Zhanabaevich - scientific adviser
  2. Mustafa Azamat Koshykululy - Researcher
  3. Naurushev Batyr Kabirovich - Researcher
  4. Zhumasheva Zhadyra Tokanovna - Leading Researcher
  5. Utenov Muratulla Umaralievich -  Leading Researcher
  6. Izmambetov Myrzabay -  Researcher
  7. Sagyntai Muhagali Karatayuly -  Researcher

List of publications

  • Baigunchekov, Z., Laribi, M. A., Kaiyrov, R., & Zholdassov, E. Inverse Kinematics and Workspace of a 3-PRRS Type Parallel Manipulator. Mechanisms and Machine Science, 2021, 103, рр. 71–78, (Scopus: Percentile 23).
  • Zhumadil Baigunchekov, Med Amine Laribi, Azamat Mustafa  and Abzal Kassinov Kinematic Synthesis and Analysis of the RoboMech Class Parallel Manipulator with Two Grippers. Robotics, 2021, 10(3), 99, 16p (Q 2,Percentile 67, Cite score 3,5).
  • Zhumadil Baigunchekov, Med Amine Laribi , Giuseppe Carbone, Azamat Mustafa , Bekzat Amanov, Yernar Zholdassov. Structural-Parametric Synthesis of the RoboMech Class Parallel Mechanism with Two Sliders. Applied Sciences, 2021, 11(21), 9831; 18 р. (Q 2, Percentile 71, Cite score 3.0, WoS IF 2.679).

Scientific projects of the university

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