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АР08857087 Implementation of innovative mining transport systems and increasing the intensity of ore mining in deep pits in the conditions of the limit state of steep layers

Project GF MES RK for 2020-2022 (27 months)

IRN № АР08857087

Project name: "Implementation of innovative mining transport systems and increasing the intensity of ore mining in deep pits in the conditions of the limit state of steep layers"

Scientific adviser – doctor of technical sciences, professor Moldabaev S.K.

Relevance. The problem of the influence of the technology of mining ledges with transverse panels in steep layers (before and after the transition of the limiting surface contour of an open pit) to the stress state of the rock mass and the intensity of ore mining remains unresolved. The intensity of ore mining in deep and ultra-deep open pits is significantly reduced due to the rigid relationship between mining and overburden. Ensuring the safety of production in steeply sloping layers of mining from top to bottom and reducing the dependence of ore mining and overburden excavation are topical problems of open geotechnology and geomechanics.

The purpose of the project is to establish the influence of changing the shape of the mating cavities of the open worked-out space during the formation of a stationary transport lift before the approach of mining operations to the limiting surface contour of the open pit and their conduct in steeply sloping layers on the stability of its sides and ensuring highly rhythmic mining operations during the modernization of the mining transport system in open pit fields round shape.   

Expected and achieved results. 2 articles will be published in foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals that have a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 50 (fifty) in the Earth and Planetary Sciences category - 2 published, 1 submitted to the publisher. It is planned in the budget to file 2 applications with the Kazakhstan Patent Bureau, followed by the filing of 2 applications for international patenting - 2 patents received, 2 applications sent to the Kazakhstan Patent Bureau and received a PCT number for an international patent and an application for a Eurasian patent has been filed.

The end result of the project will be a product, since there are competitive advantages of the studied technology of open-cast mining of steeply dipping deposits, the tool for establishing the design parameters of the sides of steeply sloping layers in conditions of the ultimate stress state of the rock mass is quite complicated, and there is no method for optimizing the high-rhythm schedule of mining operations in steeply sloping layers.

The influence of the technology of working out ledges with transverse panels in steeply inclined layers (before and after the transition of the limiting surface contour of an open pit) on the stress state of the rock mass in the conditions of the ultra-deep Kachar quarry has been established. The distribution of deformations and displacements changes in the area of ​​its refinement with steep slope angles. The potential sliding surface, determined by the maximum shear deformations, moves from the western to the eastern side of the model in the direction of the main direction of mining development. Such a distribution pattern of displacements and shear deformations is maintained until the mining operations reach the final depth (760 m). The stability factor decreases at the last 25th stage to a value of 1.42, which emphasizes the importance of the chosen main direction for the development of mining operations. On the flanks of the working zone, the probability of a decrease in the stability factor of less than 1.3 increases to 52%, in connection with which it is planned to optimize the final contours of the open pit based on the existing block model of the deposit with stress relief in zones weakened by mining.

Study group members

  1. Moldabaev Serik Kurashovich, scentific adviser
  2. Sdvizhkova Elena Aleksandrovna, Chief Researcher
  3. Babets Dmitry Vladimirovich, Leading Researcher
  4. Kovrov Alexander Stanislavovich, Senior Researcher
  5. Kuttybaev Aidar Ermekkalievich, Researcher
  6. Sarybaev Nurzhigit Omarovich, Junior Research Fellow
  7. Aben Yeldos, Production Specialist
  8. Sultanbekova Zhanat Zhensikbaevna, Lead Engineer
  9. Toktarov Ayan Askarovich, Laboratory assistant
  10. Akpanbaev Rinat Serikovich, Specialist of scientific financial legal support

List of published works


  1. Shcherbakov P., Tymchenko S., Bitimbayev M., Sarybayev N.,& Moldabayev S. Mathematical model to optimize drilling-and-blasting operations in the process of open-pit hard rock mining // Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2021. - № 15(2), рр. 25-34., IF 2,5, процентиль 61-й, квартиль 2 в Scopus
  2. Moldabayev S.K., Sdvyzhkova O.O., Babets D. V., Kovrov O. S., Аdil T.K. Numerical modeling a stress-strain state of ore pit walls considering the rock mass stochastic heterogeneity // Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, № , 2021, г. Днепр: НТУ «Днепровская политехника, стр. 13, ISSN 2071-2227, IF 1.9, процентиль 57-й, квартиль 2 в Scopus (в печати, дата публикации 06.12.2021г.)
  3. Sarybayev N.O., Moldabayev S.K., Sodaba Hurmat, Bagdatov T.E. Development perspectives of cyclic and continuous method // Горный журнал Казахстана, 2021. - № 5. - C. 26-29.
  4. Sarybayev N.O., Moldabayev S.K., Sadat Hosay. Cyclic and continuous method in  coal mining // Горный журнал Казахстана, 2021. - № 6. - C. 20-23.


  • Moldabaev S.K., Kuz`menko S.V., Kalyuzhny`j E.V., Adamchuk A.A., Shustov A.A. Transportnaya ustanovka dlya dorabotki prikonturny`kh zapasov pod czelikami zheleznodorozhny`kh putej. Patent RK na izobretenie # 34721 po zayavke # 2019/0144.1 ot 21.02.2019. Byulleten` # 46 ot 20.11.2020.
  • Moldabaev S.K., Kuz`menko S.V., Kalyuzhny`j E.V., Shustov A.A., Әben E. Ustrojstvo dlya peregruzki skal`ny`kh porod iz konvejera v zheleznodorozhny`j transport. Patent RK na izobretenie # 35001 po zayavke # 2019/0245.1 ot 08.04.2019. Byulleten` # 15 ot 16.04.2021.
  • Moldabaev S.K., Adamchuk A.A., Әben E., Kuz`menko S.V., Kalyuzhny`j E.S., Bogash M.I. Transportnaya ustanovka dlya glubokikh kar`erov. Zayavka # 2021/0275.1 o vy`dache patenta RK ot 30.04.2021.
  • Moldabaev S.K., Adamchuk A.A., Әben E., Kuz`menko S.V., Kalyuzhny`j E.S., Bogash M.I. Transportnaya ustanovka dlya glubokikh kar`erov. Zayavka # 2021/0275.1 o vy`dache patenta Evrazijskogo patenta ot 10.06.2021.
  • Moldabaev S.K., Adamchuk A.A., Askarov E.S., Kuz`menko S.V., Kalyuzhny`j E.S., Bogash M.I. Ustrojstvo dlya skvoznogo proezda avtosamosvalov pri razgruzke. Zayavka # 2021/0600.1 o vy`dache patenta RK ot 06.10.2021.
  • Mezhdunarodnaya zayavka RST/KZ2019/00012 ot 02.07.21g. «Ustrojstvo dlya peregruzki skal`ny`kh porod s avtotransporta na konvejerny`j pod`emnik» poluchila # 24659-RST-ER ot 27.08.21g. i peredana v Evropejskoe patentnoe vedomstvo (EPV) / Moldabaev S.K., Kuz`menko S.V., Kalyuzhny`j E.V., Drizhenko A.Yu., Adamchuk A.A.

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