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AP19676107 Development of technology for complex processing of industrial waste from vanadium production

Project goal: development of a rational technology for processing industrial products of vanadium production with the extraction of vanadium, molybdenum, nickel and production of technical sodium hydroaluminate and scientific and theoretical substantiation of the processes of thermal decomposition, leaching, sorption and concentration of vanadium, molybdenum, nickel and precipitation of technical sodium hydroaluminate .


Currently, there is a growing interest in rare refractory metals (molybdenum and vanadium), as well as in nickel, due to increasing demand from enterprises in various industries. This demand, in turn, requires the search for new sources of raw materials. One of them may be industrial products from metallurgical industries.

Based on the obtained physicochemical results of studying the initial samples of technogenic waste, a method for leaching vanadium and molybdenum without thermal decomposition will be developed. During the research, a method for the thermal decomposition of industrial waste by the method of sulfatization and conversion of valuable components into an easily soluble form will be scientifically substantiated, optimal conditions for alkaline sintering will be developed to convert aluminum oxide from α- to sodium aluminate, and a technology will be developed to obtain concentrates of rare and non-ferrous metals.

Scientific adviser: PhD , Assoc . _ Professor, Yulusov Sultan Baltabaevich

Quantitative and qualitative composition of the project's performers: 9 performers, consisting of: 3 PhD , 3 master's, 2 doctoral students , 1 student.

Results obtained: project start – 2023.

Implementation period: 2023-2025.

Scientific projects of the university

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