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IRN AR08857319 “Research on ways to increase the heat transfer characteristics of a vertical type borehole soil heat exchanger to ensure high productivity of heat pumps”

Expected results:

1) Mathematical modeling and design

1.1) A prototype diagram of a ground source heat pump with a vertical ground heat exchanger will be developed

1.2) Mathematical modeling of hydrodynamic and heat transfer processes will be carried out using CFD methods using licensed software and computer algorithms of our own design to identify effective operating modes of the soil heat exchanger, taking into account the thermophysical properties of the soil.

1.3) Mathematical calculations of hydrodynamic and heat transfer processes in a vertical ground heat exchanger of various geometric configurations will be carried out to identify the most effective modes of heat removal and heat transfer.

2) Assembly and testing

2.1) One most efficient ground heat exchanger configuration will be created.

2.2) Energy efficient operating modes of the ground heat exchanger will be determined.

2.3) A water-to-water heat pump will be created and connected to a ground heat exchanger.

2.4) The effective operating characteristics of a ground source heat pump will be determined: the conversion factor (COP) of the heat pump in heating/cooling mode, the efficiency of the ground heat exchanger with heat storage capability, the heat load of the room being tested.

3) Monitoring and analysis

3.1) The energy efficiency and thermal productivity of the ground source heat pump will be monitored;

3.2) The energy and exergy efficiency of a ground source heat pump will be determined based on thermodynamic analysis of the first and second types;

3.3) Recommendations will be developed for the installation and operation of a ground source heat pump with the ability to store heat;

3.4) An analysis of the heat pump market in Kazakhstan will be prepared and a search for ways to commercialize the technology will be carried out.

Scientific projects of the university

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