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AP09261282 "Increasing the service life of pumps of sucker rod pumping units for oil production"


The relevance of the project lies in the idea of ​​ensuring constant grinding of the shut-off valve element during its operation, which has found a technical solution and is proposed for implementation in this project. The implementation of the project will significantly affect the level of research work, ensure a qualitative increase in the scientific and technical potential by defending one or two dissertations for the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD (doctor in the field) and increase the competitiveness of the university and the project team, provide significant impact on the results of operations in the oil industry both in Kazakhstan and in other oil-producing countries.

Objective of the project

The purpose of the project is to increase the service life of sucker-rod well pumping units for oil production by constructively improving pump valve assemblies.

Expected results

  1. Development of sketch drawings of the valve assembly of a sucker rod pump of a new design.
  2. Production of a pilot batch of valves of a new design (at least 10 pcs) for pumps of serial sizes.
  3. Carrying out tests of SHSN equipped with valves of a new design.
  4. Development of proposals for the commercialization of the results of the project.

Results achieved

Based on the conducted patent and analytical studies, it has been established that the developed design of the valve assembly of a borehole rod pump has a technical novelty, ease of implementation that does not require significant changes in the pump valve. It has been calculated by calculation that the modified design of the valve seat, due to the deviation of the axial line of the channel by an angle  and the installation of a screw plate, makes it possible to ensure the rotation of the shutoff element of the valve and landing on the seat when the valve is closed by a new place of the ball (shutoff element).

Names and surnames of the study group members with their identifiers

  1. Ismailova Dzhamilyam Abdulahatovna - scientific adviser
  2. Zaurbekov Seitzhan Aryspekovich - chief researcher
  3. Balgaev Doszhan Ergenovich - senior researcher
  4. Sarybaev Erzhan Ergalyevich - researcher
  5. Myrzakulov Maksat Kendebaevich - researcher
  6. Nursultanov Merey Eltayuly - researcher
  7. Zaurbekov Kadyrzhan Seitzhanovich - researcher
  8. Bazarov Maksutdin ErkinovichЕркинович - junior research fellow

List of publications:

  1. Zaurbekov S.A., Zaurbekov K.S., Balgaev D.E., Kady`rov Zh.N. Sharikovy`j klapan glubinnogo nasosa. Patent RK 34582 byul.  # 37, 18.09.2020.
  2. Zaurbekov S.A,Bazarov M.E., Makhambetaliev D. Obustrojstvo neftyany`kh mestorozhdenij oborudovaniem dlya nasosnoj doby`chi s primeneniem shtangovy`kh skvazhinny`kh nasosny`kh ustanovok. Trudy` «Satpaevskie chteniya - 2021» t.1.
  3. Zaurbekov S.A, Zheleuov B.D., Kazambaeva A. Sredstv dlya ochistki zaboev neftyany`kh skvazhin. Trudy` «Satpaevskie chteniya – 2021» t.1.
  4. Zaurbekov S.A,Akanova G.K. , Balgaev D.E., Zaurbekov K.S. Uvelichenie resursa raboty` sharikovy`kh klapanov porshnevy`kh i plunzherny`kh nasosov. MIAB. Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin, 2021;(7):165-175 (Scopus Q3).
  5. Zaurbekov S.A., Zhankimanova G.N., Zaurbekov K.S. Tekhnicheskoe ustrojstvo dlya ochistki zaboev skvazhin. Vestnik KBTU, #3 2021g.

Scientific projects of the university

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